Borehole Stratigraphy Flashcards
A well log derived from instruments in a sonde lowered down the borehole on flexible steel cable; e.g., resistivity, sonic gamma ray logs, etc.
Wireline log
A cylindrical downhole logging tool that houses electrical and radioactivity measuring instruments
Line drawn on a SP log through the maximum deflections for thick, clean sands, provided the salinity of the pore space water does not vary.
sand line
Drilling method employing a drill bit at the bottom of a rotating drill pipe where the drill bit is lubricated and cooled, and the drill cuttings are brought to the surface by circulating drilling mud.
Rotary drilling
well log that records the changing values of the resistance in the rock to an electric current sent into the ground by two electrodes.
Resistivity Log
Line drawn through the minimum deflections marking impermeable shales on an SP log
Shale line
Log of drilling mud and drill cuttings from rotary drilling
Mud Log
Layer of drilling mud that becomes plastered to the wall of the borehole as the liquod fraction passes into the formation
Steel pipe, square or hexagonal in cross section and approximately 12 m long. It is attached to the drill string and fits into the rotary table, transmitting the rotary motion of the table to the drill string
Rotating journal box (shaft and bearing) in the center of the rotary table through which the kelly passes.
Kelly bushing
That part of the rock formation adjacent to a borehole that is penetrated by a mud filtrate
Invaded zone
Log that measures the secondary magnetic field induced in the rock formation by alternating currents transmitted from the electric coils in the logging tool.
Induction log
Log of natural gamma radiation from rocks, sources are dominantly minerals containing Thorium, Potassium and Uranium
Gamma Ray Log
That part of the rock formation immediately adjacent to the borehole in which the original pore space fluid is replaced by the liquid infiltrate of the drilling mud.
Flushed zone
in rotary drilling, it is the assemblage of drill bit and drill pipe rotated in the borehole by the drilling rig at the surface
Drill string/Drill stem
Mud circulated in the borehole during rotary drilling to bring drill cuttings to the surface.
Drilling mud
Sample of drill cutting staken from the drilling mud as it circulates to the surface
Ditch sample
well log of formation density as determined by the backscatter of gamma rays from a source such as cobalt-60 or cesium-137 contained in a sonde passed up the borehole
Density Log