bops favoritos: Solo de Mí - Flashcards
estoy para ti
I’m for you, I’m here for you
no fui yo quien decidió
it wasn’t me who decided, I’m not the one who decided
alzar algo
to lift something, to lift something up, to raise something (general or voice), to elevate something (religious), to hoist something, to erect something, to put something up, to build something, to construct something, to clear something away (used in Mexico), to hide something, to conceal something
to rise (stand), to get up, to stand up, to rise to one’s feet, to rise up (rebel), to revolt, to be in heat, to be full of oneself (used in Mexico/Venezuela), to escape and become feral (of an animal), to protest angrily, to stand, to tower, to go fraudulently bankrupt
alzarse con algo
to take something, to take off with something (money/goods), to achieve something (by force)
alzar la voz
to raise one’s voice, to speak loudly
el velorio
the wake (over a dead person’s body), the vigil (over a dead person’s body), the veiling ceremony (for nuns), the profession ceremony (for nuns), the party, the evening entertainment
to stay awake all night, to stay up all night
to dawn, to get light, to wake up, to begin to get light, to awake
el amanecer
the dawn, the daybreak, the sunrise, the break of day
al amanecer
at daybreak, at dawn
amanecer muerto/amanecer muerta
to wake up feeling dead, to die in one’s sleep, to die during the night, to wake up dead
te lo agradezco
I appreciate it, I thank you, I thank you for it
pescar algo
to fish something, to catch something (fish or sickness), to net something (catch a fish), to get something (understand or obtain), to grasp something (understand), to get oneself something, to bag something
to fish, to go fishing
pescar (a) alguien
to catch someone, to pick up someone (get a significant other), to get someone (a significant other)
pescar novio
to pick up a boyfriend, to get a boyfriend
la nasa de pescar
the fishing basket, the fishing creel (fishing basket)
no me vuelvas a decir “bebé”
don’t ever call me baby, don’t ever call me baby again
el atraso
the delay, the slowness (of a clock), the backlog (of work), the backwardness (lack of development - eg of a country)
los atrasos, los pagos atrasados, la mora (Colombia/Costa Rica/México)
the arrears (delays in debt payment)
pendiente de pago, impagado/impagada, atrasado/atrasada
in arrears (of rent - overdue)
la deuda fiscal
the tax arrears (tax money still owed)
hacerle caso a alguien, hacer caso a alguien
to take notice of someone, to pay attention to someone, to listen to someone, to heed someone
hacer caso
to pay attention, to take notice, to listen
hacer caso de algo
to pay attention to something, to listen to something (take something seriously)
hacer caso omiso
to ignore something, to close one’s ears to something, to ride roughshod (to completely ignore the rights, opinions, or feelings of others)
hacer caso omiso de algo
to ignore something, to disregard something, to brush something aside (ignore something)
echa para allá
get back, go away, I don’t want to see you
no me eches el brazo
don’t hold me, don’t put your arm around me
arrancarle algo a alguien
to pull out (someone’s tooth), to gouge out (someone’s eye)
arrancar algo (de algo)
to pull something up (from something) (eg weeds), to uproot something (from something) (a tree), to pull something off (of something) (a button), to tear something out (of something) (a page), to rip something out (of something) (a page), to tear something down (from something) (a poster), to strip something off (of something) (eg wallpaper), to strip something (from something) (eg wallpaper), to tear something (off something) (eg wallpaper)
arrancar a alguien de un lugar, arrastrar a alguien de un lugar
to drag someone out from a place
arrancar algo
to start something (an engine), to start something up (a computer), to boot something up (a computer), to boot something (a computer), to extract something (information/confessions), to get something out (provoke something - eg laughter), to rip something off (a price tag)
to start (of a machine OR to originate - eg of a path), to boot up (of a computer), to run away (used in Chile), to get out (run away - used in Chile), to rush off (leave quickly), to hare off (leave quickly)
arrancar de algo
to stem from something (originate from something), to spring from something (in architecture)
arrancar a cantar, arrancarse a cantar
to burst into song, to burst out singing
arrancar para un lugar, zarpar a un lugar
to set sail for a place
arrancarse algo
to pull something out (hair/teeth), to pull something off (a button)
arrancarse por tangos
to break into a tango, to burst into a tango (suddenly start dancing tango)
arrancarse (Chile)
to shoot up (to increase), to get away (to escape), to run away
ella me arrancó el libro de las manos
she tore the book out of my hands, she ripped the book out of my hands, she dragged the book out of my hands
arrancar con esfuerzo algo
to pull something out with difficulty, to rip something out with difficulty
arrancar de abajo, empezar de cero
to pull out from below (start from 0)
arrancar algo de cuajo
to pull something out by the roots, to uproot something (both literal)
arrancar de un bocado algo, arrancar algo de un mordisco, morder algo
to bite something off
arrancar delaciones de alguien
to force someone to turn others in, to force someone to snitch
arrancar el auto, arrancar el carro
to start the car
arrancarle el corazón a alguien, romperle el corazón a alguien, rasgar el corazón de alguien
to rip someone’s heart out (figurative - destroy morally and/or economically)
arrancar el mal de raíz
to root out evil, to eradicate evil
arrancarle el pellejo a algo
to skin something (an animal before cooking), to flay something (skin an animal before cooking)
arrancarle el pellejo a alguien
to tear into someone, to skin someone, to pan someone, to give someone a hiding (all figurative - harshly criticize someone)
arrancarse el pelo, halarse el pelo, arrancarse el cabello
to pull one’s hair out
arrancar la piel de algo a tiras
to pull the skin off something (food), to strip the skin off something (food)
arrancarle la piel a tiras a alguien
to tear someone’s skin off (literal), to skin someone (figurative - harshly criticize), to scalp someone (figurative - harshly criticize)
arrancar los ojos a alguien, arrancarle los ojos a alguien
to rip someone’s eyes out
arrancarle sonrisas a alguien
to make someone smile, to make someone laugh
arrancar suspiros a alguien
to make someone sigh, to provoke sighs in someone, to take someone’s breath away
arrancarse un cabello, arrancarse un pelo
to pull out a hair (from oneself)
arrancarle una hoja a algo
to rip out a sheet from something, to tear out a page from something
arrancarle una lágrima a alguien, conmover hasta las lágrimas a alguien, hacer llorar a alguien
to move someone to tears
to set sail, to weigh anchor (lift the anchor when about to sail), to be bold (used in Argentina/Uruguay), to be daring (used in Argentina/Uruguay)
el que mucho abarca poco aprieta
to bite off more than one can chew; jack of all trades, master of none
la travesura
the prank, the mischief, the prank lark, the wit, the vivacity, the sparkle (wit/vivacity)
patas abajo, pata’ abajo
going hard
to hesitate, to dither, to waver, to be indecisive, to vacilate, to stammer, to stagger, to sway, to totter, to wobble (of furniture), to flicker (of light), to joke (used in Mexico/Spain), to kid (used in Mexico/Spain), to fool around (joke - used in Mexico/Spain), to have fun, to show off (used in Spain), to swank (used in Spain), to make out (used in Mexico), to go out on the town (used in Central America), to go out (used in Central America)
vacilar a alguien
to make fun of someone (used in Mexico/Spain), to tease someone (used in Mexico/Spain), to pull somebody’s leg (used in Mexico/Spain), to trick someone (used in Central America)
vacilar entre algo y algo
to be in two minds about something, to be undecided about something, to be unable to decide between something and something
el atajo
the shortcut (shorter path or in computing), the bunch (group of people or things - both used pejoratively), the load (group of something - used pejoratively), the lot (group of something - used pejoratively), the collection (group of something - used pejoratively), the flock (of livestock), the herd (of livestock)
te tengo un atajo, tengo un atajo para ti
I have a shortcut for you
el recetario
the cookbook, the recipe book, the prescription pad (for medicine), the Physician’s Desk Reference (book of medicine), the vade mecum (handbook of medicine), the manual (of medicine), the handbook (of medicine), the patient record, the patient chart, the pharmacopoeia (book with list of medicines), the formulary (book with list of medicines)
enrolar (algo)
to roll a joint, to roll a marijuana cigarette
enrolar a alguien
to enlist someone (in the military), to recruit someone (for the military), to enroll someone, to sign someone on
enrolarse en algo
to enlist in something, to join something
go ahead, go on, come on, go for it, okay
prender algo
to spice something up, to liven something up, to light something, to turn something on, to switch something on, to power something on (a computer), to set fire to something, to ignite something
to spice things up, to liven things up, to take root (of plants), to catch on (become popular), to take (of a vaccine - to work)
prender a alguien
to catch someone (a criminal), to apprehend someone, to capture someone, to take someone into custody, to seize someone
prender algo a algo
to attach something to something, to pin something to something, to fasten something to something
to catch fire
prender el horno
to turn the oven on, to turn on the oven, to light the oven (if a gas oven)
prender fuego a algo
to set something on fire, to light something on fire, to catch something on fire
prender fuego
to set a fire, to start a fire, to catch fire
prender la chispa
to produce a spark, to spark
¿(Algo) de qué cojones?
fucking (something), whose/what’s fucking (something)?
eso fue ayer
that was yesterday, that was just yesterday
te tocó perder
you lost, it was your turn to lose
morderse (Guatemala)
to get angry, to become angry, to get mad, to become infuriated
¿Qué te dio?
What happened to you?, What’s your problem?
me cago en la madre que te parió
fuck the mother that birthed you
el perreo
the dance performed by a man and a woman who dance closely and move their hips, the twerking
comer mierda
to eat shit, to speak without thinking (used in Cuba)
el bellaqueo
the cheating (general - not in relationships), the fooling around (sexually)
en bajita, en baja
without energy, exhausted, tired, with little engine RPM, with a decreased reputation and esteem from people, on sale (discounted), diminishing (of worth), bearish (of the stock market - with falling stock prices), downward (adverb), falling, in a bad place (figurative)
de baja, en baja
on sale (discounted), diminishing (of worth), bearish (of the stock market - with falling stock prices), downward (adverb), falling
los apartamentos de baja altura
the low-rise apartments
la baja de activos fijos, el retiro de activos fijos
the retirement of fixed assets (to scrap a long-term plant asset and receive no proceeds from its disposal)
la baja de la bolsa
the stock market drop (sudden dramatic decline of stock prices)
la baja de personal
the personnel cuts, the downsizing
la carta de baja voluntaria, la carta de renuncia, la renuncia
the resignation letter
dar de baja a alguien
to dismiss someone (fire someone), to discharge someone (fire someone), to make someone redundant (fire someone), to deregister someone (remove someone from a register)
darse de baja de algo
to close something (an account), to cancel something (an account), to unsubscribe from something (a membership), to unregister from something (a membership), to deregister from something (a membership), to leave something (a job), to resign from something (a job), to quit something (a job)
la gente de baja calaña, la gente de mala calaña
the riff-raff, the lowlifes
de baja escolaridad
poorly educated, uneducated
la madre del que me joda el jangueo
whoever fucks up my hangout can fuck off, whoever fucks with my chill can fuck off
el jangueo
the hanging out, the telling jokes or talking with colleagues and friends
la mira
the sight (of a weapon/telescope/etc), the aim (intention), the intention, the motive, the purpose
a caballo regalado no se le mira el diente, a caballo regalado no se le mira el pelo, a caballo regalado no le mires los dientes
don’t look a gift horse in the mouth, never look a gift horse in the mouth (don’t find fault with something given as a gift)
el ángulo de mira
the angle of sight (eg when aiming a weapon)
mira que (+indicativo, presente)
look (because), listen (because), careful (because), look out (because), keep in mind (that), bear in mind (that)
mira que (+infinitivo)
fancy that (+verb - usually past tense), I can’t believe that (+verb - usually past tense)
mira quién habla
look who’s talking, you’re one to talk
pues mira qué bien (coloquial)
oh how nice (genuine or ironic), well isn’t that nice (genuine or ironic), see how nicely (genuine), see how well (genuine), well how about that (ironic), well wouldn’t you know (ironic)
todo es del color del cristal con que se mira, todo es según el color del cristal con que se mira
it all depends on how you look at it, it’s all in the eye of the beholder
y mira que (+indicativo)
and keep in mind that (+indicative), and remember that (+indicative), and don’t forget that (+indicative)
la puñeta
the border (of clothes), the edging (of clothes), the trim (of clothes), the trouble (annoyance - used in Spain), the masturbation (used in Andes/Central America), the hand job (used in Andes/Central America)
puñeta, puñetas
shit, damn it (2nd is less common)
hacer la puñeta a alguien (hacerle la puñeta) (España)
to cause trouble for someone, to jerk someone around (make trouble for someone)
hacerse la puñeta (España)
to masturbate, to pleasure oneself
La Romana
southeastern province of the Dominican Republic, municipality within this province, capital of this province
el narguile, la cachimba
the hookah
el coro
the choir (in singing or architecture or group of angels), the chorus (of a song), the backing vocals, the choral work (in opera)
a coro
in unison (of speaking), simultaneously (of speaking)
cantar a coro algo
to sing along to something
el infante de coro
the choir boy, the choirboy
going, angry, heated up (figurative), on, turned on, switched on, bumping, excited, pumped, captivated (used in Mexico/Central America), buzzed (drunk - used in Colombia/Dominican Republic/Panama/Venezuela), dressed up (well-dressed - used in Mexico), horny
el prendido
the boutonniere, the brooch, the clip, the hair clip
to walk, to work (function), to go (a certain way - eg bien/mal), to run (of a vehicle)
andar en algo
to take something (eg a train), to ride something (eg a bike), to get around by something (eg by train)
andar haciendo algo
to be doing something, to be out doing something
andar con alguien
to hang out with someone, to be with someone (date someone), to go out with someone (used in Colombia/Mexico), to date someone (used in Colombia/Mexico), to see someone (date someone - used in Colombia/Mexico)
El costo medio de un sitio web anda por los $2000.
The average cost of a website is around $2000.
andar algo, caminar algo
to walk something (a distance - eg I walked 20 miles)
el andar, los andares
the gait, the walk
andarse con ojo, andarse con cuidado, tener cuidado
to be careful
andar (+adjetivo), ser/estar (+adjetivo), resultar (+adjetivo)
to be (+adjective)
andar por algo
to be about something (approximately), to be around something (approximately)
andar a la greña, estar a la greña
to be at each other’s throats, to be bickering, to be fighting
andar al hilo de la gente, irse al hilo de la gente
to do what everybody else does, to follow the crowd
andar algo apurado/apurada de dinero, andar algo justo/justa de dinero
to be pressed for cash, to be short on cash, to be strapped for cash
andar caliente
to be horny, to be randy (horny)
andar como en las nubes
to have one’s head in the clouds, to be daydreaming, to be on cloud nine, to walk on air, to walk on clouds
andar con dificultad
to walk with difficulty, to have difficulty walking
andar con filigranas
to fuss over details
andar con juegos
to play games (make jokes), to horse around, to monkey around
andar con medias tintas
to beat around the bush, to be vague, to be wishy-washy
andar con miedo
to be afraid, to be scared
andar con ojo
to watch one’s back, to tread carefully
andar con pies de plomo, ir con pies de plomo
to take one’s time, to proceed with caution, to tread carefully
andar con rencores
to bear a grudge, to hold a grudge
andar con rodeos, andar con medias tintas, andar con tapujos
to beat around the bush
andar con tapujos
to be sneaky, to beat around the bush
andar de bolos
to go on tour (to travel), to go on gigs (of a band/group)
andar de cabeza
to have a lot to do, to have a full plate, to have a lot on one’s plate
andar de charanga (coloquial)
to be in a festive mood
andar de copas
to go out drinking, to go drinking, to get drunk
andar de lado
to walk lopsided, to limp
andar de malas
to be in a bad mood, to be out of luck
andar de manitas (México)
to be best buddies, to best friends
andar de metido/andar de metida, ser presentado/ser presentada, ser entrometido/ser entrometida, ser metiche (m y f), ser indiscreto/ser indiscreta
to be nosy
andar de parranda
to go out on the town, to be out partying
andar de picos pardos, salir de picos pardos, ir de picos pardos
to go out and have fun, to go out and party
andar de puntillas
to walk on tiptoe, to walk on tiptoes
andar de revoltoso/andar de revoltosa
to horse around, to goof around, to mess around, to act rebelliously, to be a troublemaker
andar de rodillas, caminar de rodillas, caminar sobre sus rodillas
to walk on one’s knees
andar de vago/andar de vaga
to laze around, to hang around, to hang out, to idle, to be idle
andar del brazo con alguien
to go arm in arm with someone (literal), to be associated with someone (figurative), to be in bed with someone (figurative - be associated with)
andar derecho/andar derecha
to walk upright, to walk straight
andar detrás de alguien
to pursue someone, to follow someone, to go after someone (all because you want/like them)
andar detrás de algo
to go after something, to be after something
andar echando chispas (coloquial)
to be seeing red (be very mad), to be hopping mad, to be mad as a wet hen
andar en boca de todos
to be talked about, to be the talk of the town, to be the subject of gossip
andar en carreras (Costa Rica)
to be in a rush, to be in a hurry
andar en la calle
to be out and about, to be out, to be in the streets (literal)
andar en malos pasos
to be heading in the wrong direction (figurative), to be headed in the wrong path (figurative), to be up to no good
andar en pelotas
to walk around naked, to go naked, to be buck naked
andar en taxi
to go by taxi, to be in a taxi, to take a taxi
andar enamorado/andar enamorada, estar enamorado/estar enamorada
to be in love
andar gritando
to go around shouting, to go around yelling, to go around screaming
andar haciendo eses
to stagger, to zigzag (when walking)
andar liado/andar liada (España)
to be very busy, to be tied up (very busy)
andar ligero (m y f)
to walk briskly, to move quickly, to travel light
andar mal
to be in bad shape (figurative), to not be doing well
andar mal de la cabeza
to not think straight, to not have one’s head on straight
andar mandando
to tell someone what to do, to boss someone around
andar metido en todo/andar metida en todo
to poke one’s nose into everyone’s business (used in Mexico/Central America), to get into someone’s business (used in Mexico/Central America), to be involved in everything, to be into everything, to be on the go
andar metiendo la pata
to mess things up, to screw things up, to make mistakes, to commit blunders
andar molesto/andar molesta, estar hervío/estar hervía, estar jervío/estar jervía, estar emberrenchinado/estar emberrenchinada (Mexico/Nicaragua/Cuba)
to be very upset
andar muy sobrado/andar muy sobrada (coloquial)
to be well-off, to be wealthy, to have more than enough (be rich)
andar perdido/andar perdida
to be lost, to wander around lost, to be confused
andar pipa (m y f) (México)
to be drunk, to be pissed (drunk)
andar pisando huevos (coloquial)
to dawdle, to lollygag, to drag one’s feet, to tread carefully, to walk on eggshells (figurative)
andar por ahí
to move around, to walk around, to be around
andar por ahí dando vueltas
to wander around, to walk around, to take a walk
andar por andar
to go for a stroll, to walk for the sake of walking, to walk aimlessly
andar por la calle de la amargura
to be in a bitter mood, to feel sad, to feel upset, to feel depressed
andar por la vida (coloquial)
to go about life, to go through life, to live life
andar por las nubes, andar en las nubes, estar en las nubes
to have one’s head in the clouds, to daydream, to be on cloud nine, to be daydreaming, to be in the clouds, to be distracted, to not be paying attention, to be a dreamer
andar quebrado/andar quebrada (coloquial)
to be broke, to be out of money
andar regando veneno (Costa Rica)
to sow discord, to flaunt sex appeal
andar sacando chispas
to be furious, to be very upset, to be angry, to be hopping mad, to be seeing red (very mad), to be seething mad, to be mad as hell
andar un poco flaco/flaca de memoria (coloquial)
to be forgetful, to be scatterbrained, to have a bad memory
andar volando bajo, estar con el ánimo por el suelo, estar con la empalizada en el suelo, estar con el alma en los pies, estar bajoneado/estar bajoneada (Argentina), estar de bajón (España), estar deprimido/estar deprimida
to be down in the dumps
de andar por casa
around the house, at home, (of clothes) for around the house, (of clothes) for at home
estar de malas pulgas, andar de malas pulgas
to be in a bad mood, to be touchy (in a bad mood)
estar de suerte, andar de suerte
to be in luck, to be lucky, to be fortunate, to be on a hot streak (good streak), to be on a winning streak
esto de andar (+ -ndo), esto de estar (+ -ndo)
all this about (+ -ing verb), this stuff about (+ -ing verb)
ir por el buen camino, andar por el buen camino
to be on the right track (make good decisions), to keep on the straight and narrow (live a conservative lifestyle)
irse de picos pardos, salir de picos pardos, andar de picos pardos
to go out on the town, to paint the town (go out and enjoy oneself), to paint the town red (go out and enjoy oneself)
meter las de andar (España), meter la pata, meter el cazo, dejar la crema, decir un disparate, decir una tontería, atracarse (Cuba), comer gofio (Cuba)
to stick one’s foot in one’s mouth (mess up/be wrong)
montar en bicicleta, andar en bicicleta
to go cycling, to ride a bicycle, to cycle (ride a bike)
no andar muy allá, no estar muy allá
to not be working (not function), to be in a poor state, (of a person) to not be very well, to be a bit shabby (of a thing), to not be much cop (be a bit shabby/be inferior - of a thing)
el marido
the husband, the spouse, the domestic partner
hacerse de un marido (Costa Rica)
to find a husband, to marry
marido y mujer
husband and wife, man and wife
el Polo Norte
the North Pole
el polo norte
the north pole, the state penitentiary, the state pen, the jail, the prison, the big house (prison)
el demagogo/la demagoga
the demagogue (leader who makes use of popular prejudices and false claims and promises in order to gain power), the demagog, the rabble rouser
demagogic, demagogical (seeking support through flattery and false promises)
devout, pious, piebald (of a horse), pied (of a horse)
el pío
the cheep, the tweet
no decir ni pío
to not make a peep, to not say a peep, to not say a word, to not say a thing
rulay (República Dominicana)
relaxed, chill, stimulated by drugs or alcohol
Dubái, Dubai
el bandido/la bandida
the naughty and roguish child, the naughty child, the bandit, the outlaw, the hoodlum, the robber, the thief, the criminal, the crook, the con man/con woman, the rascal (used affectionately)
(of a child) naughty and roguish, naughty, wicked, mischievous, impish
se las traen
they can trip you up, they are tricky, they are complicated, (of a person) they are difficult to deal with
si le digo que llegue, le cae
if I tell him/her to come, he/she does
ojalái, ojalá
hopefully, if only, I hope so
ojalá (+subjuntivo), ojalái (+que, subjuntivo)
I wish. . ., I hope. . ., let’s hope. . ., if only. . .
el batey
the area in front of a country house, the outbuildings, the sugar refinery (used in Cuba)
volver a jugar algo, repetir algo
to replay something (play a game again)
volver a poner algo
to replay something (show something again), to put something back, to put something back in place, to replace something (put back), to throw something back (put something back quickly), to restart something
volver a tocar algo, repetir algo
to replay something (play music again)
la repetición, la repetición de la jugada, la repetición del partido
the replay (showing of something again)
la reproducción, la repetición
the replay (repeat setting/button on device)
recordar algo, rememorar algo
to replay something (remember/mentally go over something)
la repetición instantánea de algo, la recreación inmediata de algo
the instant replay of something (1st is on TV, 2nd is immediate reenactment of something)
el bobo
the pacifier, the lumber used in building, the bobo mullet fish, the heart (used in River Plate)
silly, dumb, stupid, naive, simple (naive)
el bobo/la boba
the fool, the idiot, the simpleton
el pájaro bobo
the tropical bird, the emperor penguin, the penguin
to try to do something, to help with something, to have sex with someone, to mess around (sexually), to struggle (contra = against), to fight (por = for - eg fight for your rights), to quarrel, to work hard, to persevere
bregar con algo/alguien
to work on something, to deal with something/someone
dispararle algo a algo/alguien
to shoot something at something/someone, to fire something at something/someone, to buy something for something/someone (used in Mexico)
disparar algo
to shoot something (eg a bullet OR in sports OR a camera), to fire something (eg a bullet), to take something (in sports - eg a goal/penalty), to trigger something, to pay for something (used in Mexico), to buy something (used in Mexico)
to shoot (of a gun OR to take a picture OR in sports), to fire, to take a photograph, to pay (used in Mexico), to buy (used in Mexico), to spit it out (say what you need to say - used in Spain)
to go off (of a gun OR to trigger - eg of an alarm OR of a person - to lose control), to shoot up (increase), to rocket (increase - in finance), to spiral (go down - in finance), to go through the roof (increase), to rush off, to get carried away, to fly off the handle, to go ape
dar la orden de disparar
to give the order to fire, to give the order to open fire
disparar al aire
to fire into the air, to shoot into the air
el diego
the marvel-of-Peru (flower), the four o’clock flower, the ten-peso note (used in Argentina), the commission of a bribe that goes to the intermediary or facilitator (used in Argentina)
Diego, Jacobo, Jaime, Santiago, Yago, James
el tíguere
the jaguar, the daring person (used in Dominican Republic), the shameless person (used in Dominican Republic), the courageous person (used in Dominican Republic), the whatshisname/whatshername (used in Dominican Republic) (all people ones can be with el or la)
¿Qué lo que con él? (República Dominicana), ¿Qué pasa con él?
What’s up with him?, What’s his problem?
que lo que
that what (eg he says that what he does is good), what
flojar algo, aflojar algo
to loosen something, to relax something (literal or figurative - eg making rules less strict), to slacken something, to part with something (money), to fork something out (money), to cough up something (money), to shell something out (money), to slow something (reduce something’s speed)
to ease off (of a storm/rain/snow), to let up (of heat), to drop (of temperature), to come down (of a fever/temperature), to die down (of wind), to give in (ante = to), to slack off, to slow (of speed), to diminish (of speed), to reveal a secret
aflojarse algo, aflojar algo, soltar algo
to loosen something (make less tight - eg a seatbelt or grip)
aflojarse (de algo)
to come loose (on/from something), to work loose (from something), to slacken, to loosen
se me aflojó el estómago, se me aflojó el vientre, se me aflojó la panza
I got diarrhea, I got the runs
aflojar el bolsillo, rascarse el bolsillo
to cough up money, to fork some money out
aflojar la bolsa, aflojar la billetera, aflojar la mosca
to pay up
aflojar algo
to loosen something, to relax something (literal or figurative - eg making rules less strict), to slacken something, to part with something (money), to fork something out (money), to cough up something (money), to shell something out (money), to slow something (reduce something’s speed), to reveal something (a secret)
desatar algo, desanudar algo
to loosen something (untie something - eg a bow)