bops favoritos: Pa' Que Retozen - Bandoleros Flashcards
to enjoy oneself, to have a good time, to have a blast
gozar de alguien
to take someone (have sex with someone)
gozar de algo
to enjoy something, to have a blast with something, to be in something (a situation), to have something (have something good)
gozar algo
to have something (have something good), to enjoy something
gozarse en algo
to rejoice in something, to revel in something, to delight in something
gozar a alguien
to have sex with someone, to take someone (have sex with someone)
gozar de buena salud
to be in good health, to enjoy good health
gozar de gran prestigio
to enjoy great prestige, to have great prestige, to be highly regarded
gozar de la vida
to live life to the full, to enjoy life
to frolic, to gambol, to romp, to skip, to caper (frolic), to smooch, to make out
retozar con alguien
to make out with someone, to smooch with someone
huelo a nuevo
I smell new
scented, perfumed, wearing perfume, wearing cologne
la paca
the wad of money, the paca (type of rodent), the lowland paca (type of rodent), the bale (of hay), the cops (used in Costa Rica), the cop (used in Costa Rica), the pack, the package, the bundle
fiar algo
to buy something on credit, to sell something on credit
to give credit (financial)
fiarse de alguien
to trust someone, to believe someone
fiarse de las apariencias
to go by appearances (judge by appearances)
fiar por alguien
to vouch for someone, to guarantee for someone, to put one’s hands in the fire for someone
de fiar
reliable, dependable, trustworthy
el bambú, la bambúa
the bamboo
el guille
the arrogant attitude, the presumption, the arrogance
darse el guille
to think oneself better than others
tener un guille de playboy
to have luck with women
Willy, Billy
rozar algo
to brush against something, to brush something (brush against), to graze something, to rub something, to chafe something, to shave something (brush against), to skim something (brush against), to be getting on for something (approach something - eg an age), to border on something (used with definite article), to scrape against something, to irritate something (skin), to reach something (a note when singing), to touch something (a note when singing), to manage to reach something (a note when singing)
mi mamá está rozando los sesenta
my mom is getting on for 60 (years old)
rozar con algo
to border on something, to verge on something (both used with definite article)
rozarse algo/con algo
to touch something (used with con algo), to graze something (scrape something - e.g. a body part), to trip on something (used with con algo)
rozarse con alguien
to hobnob with someone (have a close relationship with someone), to have contact with someone, to hang around someone, to pal around with someone, to hang with someone
to wear out, to fray, to trip, to get a diaper rash (used in Mexico)
esos zapatos me rozan la piel
those shoes chafe my skin, those shoes rub my skin, those shoes irritate my skin
rozar el límite/rozar los límites
to push the limit/to push the limits
rozar la perfección
to be nearly perfect, to be almost perfect, to be near perfection, to border on perfection
culipandear algo
to astutely evade something (an expected difficulty) in order to not have to deal with it
to stall, to hedge, to move one’s butt from side to side
to bat (in sports), to overeat (used in Dominican Republic/Cuba), to stuff oneself (overeat), to pig out, to endure
batear algo
to hit something (in sports), to bat something (in sports), to get something right (answer something correctly), to hit the bull’s-eye, to hit the nail on the head, to bear something (endure something), to get through something (endure something)
batear a alguien (México)
to turn someone down (reject someone)
golfear (España)
to hang around doing nothing, to laze around, to hang out (laze around), to bum around, to loaf around
cachear a alguien
to frisk someone (do a body search), to search someone (do a body search), to gore someone (in bullfighting - a bull goring a person - used in Dominican Republic), to pat someone down
cachear algo
to grab something, to catch something
fantasmear (España)
to show off
la azucena
the Madonna lily, the white lily
el jiggiri
the disorder, the racket (disorder), the hullabaloo, the player (man with lots of women)
causing disorder, causing a racket, causing a hullabaloo
los guasíbiri
the liars, the lying people
low-quality (of an object), bad-quality (of an object), who does things wrong (of a person)
el ajonjolí
the sesame, the sesame seed, the tapeworm larva in a pig
la china
the pebble, the china (used in Spain), the porcelain (used in Spain), the orange (fruit), guess the hand (game), the woman (female companion of charro/gaucho/peasant - used in Argentina/Chile/Mexico), the lump (of hashish - used in Spain), the piece (of hashish - used in Spain), the serving girl (used in Chile), the slingshot (used in Venezuela), the sweet orange
la escuelita china (Costa Rica)
(the) Chinese jump rope
naranjas de la China
no way, not on your nelly
la tinta china
the India ink
me tocó la china (España)
I drew the short straw (I got the worst part)
la tortura china
the Chinese torture, the agony
el barrio chino
China town
el cuento chino
the tall tale, the lie, the bullshit
en chino
in Chinese
engañarle como a un chino a alguien
to deceive someone with ease, to take someone for a ride (easily deceive)
fumar como chino en quiebra (Perú)
to chain smoke, to smoke like a chimney
hablar en chino
to speak in gibberish
ponerlo chino a alguien/ponerla china a alguien (El Salvador/Costa Rica/Guatemala/Honduras/Nicaragua)
to drive someone up the wall, to grate on someone
el taco chino, el tacón chino
the wedge heel (shoe)
a lo loco
quickly, without thinking, in a hurry
cohibir a alguien
to inhibit someone, to embarrass someone, to make someone ill at ease, to make someone feel awkward, to make someone shy, to unsettle someone
to become inhibited, to feel ill at ease, to become shy, to hold oneself back, to get shy, to feel shy, to feel inhibited
no me huelen ni las azucenas
I can’t even smell the white/Madonna lilies (used to mean “I’m sick”)
ponértela en la china
to do it to you doggy-style
la valija
the suitcase, the case (suitcase), the mailbag (bag used for mail), the luggage, the satchel, the bag
hacer sus valijas
to pack one’s suitcases, to pack one’s luggage
la valija diplomática
the diplomatic bag, the diplomatic pouch
hasta luego, hasta pronto, nos vemos
see you later
nos vemos, hasta mañana, chao pescao (Chile)
see you later, alligator
bailar a güiro pelao
to dance to the rhythm of the güiro
a güiro pelao
to the rhythm of the güiro, can also be meaningless interjection
irse a güiro pelao
to have sex without a condom, to have unprotected sex
winning, prizewinning, award-winning
el premiado, el premio, el ganador de un premio/la ganadora de un premio, el galardonado/la galardonada
the prizewinner
encapuchar algo
to hood something, to put a hood on something, figurative - to put a condom on something
to put a hood on
la yesca
the coconut husk, the coconut shell, the provocation to drink, the temptation, the tinder, the flint, the tinderbox (figurative - inflammable situation), the pot (drug - used in Mexico/Central America), the weed (drug - used in Mexico/Central America), the dry grass, the straw (grass), the kindling (figurative)
estar yesca (Bolivia)
to be broke (without money)
la melaza
the treacle, the molasses (in Pa’ Que Retozen = cum)
el zulú
(the) Zulu (language)
el zulú/la zulú
the Zulu (person)
la señal de shaka
the Shaka sign (hand with thumb up and pinky finger out)
el bandolero/la bandolera
the bandit (literal street thief or someone who cheats/lies/etc), the brigand, the highwayman, the crook, the thief, the person who deceives their partner (used in Nicaragua/Cuba)
lying down, recumbent, defeated upon falling knocked out (in boxing), bedridden
el tumbado
the ceiling (Ecuador), the gang, the “flow,” the gangster walk
tumbar un gobierno
to overthrow a government
red, dirty (inappropriate), off-color (inappropriate), red-colored, red-faced, shamed (embarrassed), obscene, nasty (obscene), smutty, redheaded
el colorado
the bermuda silk snapper, the silk snapper, the silk, the red snapper, the day snapper, the West Indian snapper, the yellow-eyed snapper, the yelloweye snapper (all fish)
colorín colorado, este cuento se ha acabado; y colorín colorado, este cuento se ha acabado
that was the end of that, that’s all folks, and they all lived happily ever after, and that’s the end of the story
ponerle colorado/colorada a alguien
to make someone blush
ponerse colorado/colorada
to blush, to become red
el socio/la socia
the partner (in business), the associate (in business), the member (of an organization), the fellow (of an organization), the buddy (friend)
el socio accionista/la socia accionista
the stockholder, the shareholder
el socio capitalista/la socia capitalista
the equity partner, the capital investor
el socio fundador/la socia fundadora
the founding partner (of a business), the founding member
el socio honorario/la socia honoraria
the honorary member
el socio mayoritario/la socia mayoritaria
the majority shareholder, the majority stockholder, the main shareholder, the main stockholder
el socio propietario/la socia propietaria
the joint owner, the part owner
la avenida
the avenue, the flood (literal flood of water)
la avenida pluvial
the flooding rain, the downpour
la avenida torrencial
the flash flood
bien avenido/bien avenida
harmonious, in agreement
mal avenido/mal avenida
incompatible, conflicting
el míster
the (sports) coach, the (sports) trainer, the mister (contest title - eg Mister Universe), the foreigner (from an English-speaking country)
Mr. Universo/Míster Universo
Mr. Universe/Mister Universe
loving intrigue, troublemaking
postular algo
to postulate something (hypothesize), to put something forward (hypothesize), to propose something, to call for something (request something)
postular a alguien
to nominate someone (for something = para algo), to propose someone (for something = como algo)
postular para algo
to apply for something (eg a job), to collect for something (eg church collection money - used in Spain)
postularse a/para algo
to run for something (be a candidate for something)
la conspiración
the conspiracy, the plot (conspiracy)
mi respeto a ti/usted
my respect to you
ser una guasimilla
to be dumb, to be an idiot
la guasimilla
the Jamaican nettletree (type of plant), the lie
la Administración de Control de Drogas (la DEA)
the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA)
tener a alguien en la mira
to follow someone too closely, to supervise someone too closely, to breathe down someone’s neck, to have someone in one’s sights
clear (obvious or transparent), bright (of light), light (of a color), pale (of a color), thin (weak - eg of batter), simple, obvious, see-through
el claro
the liquid from the nanche fruit that is consumed like soda, the clearing
clearly (eg talk clearly), sure, of course
Of course!, Clearly!, Yeah, right! (sarcastic), Sure! (sarcastic)
el azul claro
the light blue
azul claro
light blue, light-blue
es claro como el agua
it’s clear as water (it’s obvious)
claro que (+indicativo)
of course (+indicative)
claro que quiero ir
of course I want to go
claro que no
of course not
claro que sí, claro
of course
claro y conciso/clara y concisa
clear and concise
dejar algo en claro
to clear something up (make understandable), to make something clear (make understandable)
dejar en claro que (+indicativo)
to make it clear that (+indicative)
está claro que (+indicativo)
it is clear that (+indicative), it is obvious that (+indicative)
fuerte y claro
loud an clear (easy to hear OR with authoritative attitude OR without lying/being a trickster)
hablar claro
to speak clearly, to speak frankly
llevarlo claro, tenerlo claro (España)
to have another thing coming, to be certain (ironic), to be deluded, to be mistaken
Lo llevas claro si crees que vas a aprobar el examen, Lo tienes claro si crees que vas a aprobar el examen (España)
You have another thing coming if you think you’re going to pass the test, You’re deluded if you think you’re going to pass the test, You’re mistaken if you think you’re going to pass the test
más claro ni el agua
it’s crystal clear (it’s obvious)
ya te lo dije tres veces; más claro ni el agua
I already told you three times; it’s crystal clear
no tener claro en algo
to not be clear on something, to be unsure about something
quedar claro (que+indicativo)
to be clear (that+indicative)
sacar en limpio algo, sacar en claro algo
to clear something up (eg doubts)
tener claro algo
to be clear about something, to be sure about something, to understand something
verlo claro a alguien/verla clara a alguien, verlo todo claro a alguien/verla toda clara a alguien
to see someone clearly (understand someone)
viajar en primera, viajar en primera clase
to travel first-class
viajar en segunda, viajar en segunda clase
to travel second-class
¡Le zumba la manigueta!
Wonderful!, Great!
la zumba
the sound beating, the cowbell, the bell, the teasing, the joke, the practical joke, the beating, the thrashing, the hiding (the beating)
to buzz (of insect/ears), to hum (of machinery), to whir (of machinery), to ring (of ears), to whizz (of bullets), to make a whining noise (of engines), to not be far off (to be close to something - eg an event - used with “le” like body parts), to leave (used in Cuba)
me están zumbando los oídos, me zumban los oídos
my ears are ringing
zumbar a alguien
to slap someone, to beat someone (hit someone), to tease someone, to push someone (used in Nicaragua), to punch someone, to whack someone, to thump someone (hit someone)
zumbar algo (Venezuela/República Dominicana)
to chuck something, to toss something
zumbar a alguien, zumbarse de alguien
to tease someone
zumbarse a alguien
to fuck someone
el zumba
the zumba
elderly, prim, and vivacious; crafty (used in Spain); sly (used in Spain); cute; pretty
el cuco
the ugly and unpleasant-looking old man, the cuckoo (bird), the cradle (Moses basket), the bogeyman, the boogeyman, the cuckoo clock
el trabuco
the blunderbuss, the drag queen (pejorative), the catapult
worldwide, all over the world, throughout the world, globally
mundialmente famoso/mundialmente famosa
Malukan, Moluccan (of/from/relating to Malaku Islands), cunning (used in Panama)
el maluco/la maluca
the Malukan, the Moluccan (person from Malaku Islands), the cunning person (used in Panama), the crafty person (used in Panama)
El Maluco
village in Mexican state of Michoacán de Ocampo
con mis gatos activados/con mi’ gato’ activa’o’
with my gats ready (with my Glocks cocked)
el tecato/la tecata
the drug addict, the person who asks for money at a traffic light
el reo/la rea
the criminal, the culprit, the offender, the prisoner, the inmate, the defendant, the accused, the sea trout, the bum (vagrant - used in Southern Cone)
meter preso/presa a alguien por algo
to put someone in prison for something, to imprison someone for something, to put someone in jail for something
ungrateful, thankless, unrewarding, hard (of life), unpleasant, disagreeable
el ingrato/la ingrata
the ungrateful person, the ingrate
pasar el rato
to pass the time, to spend the time, to spend time, to hang out, to chill, to kill time
dejar correr algo, dejar pasar algo
to let something go, to let something ride, to drop something (figurative)
dejar pasar el tiempo
to waste time, to dawdle, to dawdle away time
hacerse pasar por alguien
to impersonate someone, to pass oneself off as someone
mirar la vida pasar
to watch life go by, to watch life pass by
pasar a limpio algo, pasar en limpio algo
to write something out, to make a neat copy of something
distinct, clear (defined), varied (before noun), various (before noun), different, new
distinto a algo/distinta a algo, distinto de algo/distinta de algo
distinct from something, different from something, different than something
(infinitivo) es distinto que (infinitivo)
(infinitive) is not the same as (infinitive), (infinitive) is different than (infinitive)
prometer es distinto que cumplir
promising is not the same as fulfilling, promising is different than fulfilling
distinto (adverbio)
funny (weirdly), differently
hoy en día
nowadays, these days, today (nowadays)
la primera plana
the front page (of a newspaper), the cover story (of a newspaper)
to grow up (person), to be brought up (person), to be reared (person or animal), to be bred (animal)
criar algo/a alguien
to raise something/someone, to bring something/someone up, to breastfeed something/someone, to feed something/someone (with a bottle), to suckle something (of animals), to keep something (livestock), to breed something (livestock), to grow something (eg plants), to age something (wine), to gather something (dust or filth), to get something
to breastfeed, to breed (of animals), to be aged (to mature - eg of wine)
criar malvas
to push up daisies (to be dead & buried)
la baba
the nonsense words, the nonsense saying, the wet & slippery coat of dust on a road’s surface, the saliva, the spittle, the slobber (of dogs), the dribble (spit), the drool, the slime (of snails/slugs), the small crocodile (used in Venezuela)
se me cae la baba con él
I drool over him (I’m crazy about him)
la mala baba (España)
the spitefulness, the nasty character (person), the nasty piece of work (person)
to be welcome, to go down well (be welcome)
agradecer algo a alguien/agradecer a alguien algo
to thank someone for something, to express one’s gratitude to someone for something, to show someone gratitude for something, to express thanks to someone for something
agradecer algo/que (+indicativo)
to be grateful for something/that (+indicative), to appreciate something/that (+indicative)
agradecer por algo
to give thanks for something, to be grateful for something
es de agradecer que (+subjuntivo)
it is good that (+subjunctive), thankfully (+subjunctive)
el beneficio de la duda
the benefit of the doubt
darle a alguien el beneficio de la duda, otorgarle a alguien el beneficio de la duda
to give someone the benefit of the doubt
el pellejo
the old prostitute, the ugly prostitute, the skin (people/animals/fruits/vegetables/life - eg save your skin), the hide (animals), the piece of skin, the hangnail, the wineskin, the drunk (drunk man)
salvarse el pellejo
to save one’s own skin (save one’s own life)
arrancarle el pellejo a algo
to skin something, to flay something
arrancarle el pellejo a alguien
to tear into someone, to give someone a hiding, to skin someone, to pan someone (all figurative - harshly criticize)
dejar el pellejo, perder el pellejo
to kick the bucket, to snuff it (die)
dejarse el pellejo
to go to great lengths, to bend over backwards (figurative), to give it one’s all
meterse en el pellejo de otro, ponerse en el pellejo de otro, estar en el pellejo de otro
to be in someone’s shoes, to get in someone’s shoes (both figurative)
estirarse el pellejo
to get a face lift
jugarse el pellejo (+verbo -ndo)
to risk one’s neck (+ -ing verb), to risk life and limb (+ -ing verb)
chicharronero/chicharronera (México)
clumsy, inept (of a person)
el chicharronero/la chicharronera (México)
the burglar, the clumsy person, the inept person
el chicharronero/la chicharronera (México/Guatemala/Honduras/Nicaragua/Perú/Bolivia)
the pork butcher, the pork rind vendor
other people’s, someone else’s, foreign, alien, unconnected (foreign), unaffiliated
estar ajeno a algo/estar ajena a algo
to be unaware of something, to be oblivious of something, to be indifferent to something
ajeno a la realidad/ajena a la realidad
false, untrue, contrary to fact, wide of the mark (false), divorced from reality (of a person), out of touch with reality (of a person)
amigo de lo ajeno/amiga de lo ajeno
light-fingered (pilfering), pilfering
el respeto al derecho ajeno es la paz
respect for the fights of others is peace
sustraer lo ajeno
to take what does not belong to one, to steal
deja de ver la paja en el ojo ajeno
people who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones, the pot calling the kettle black
ver la paja en el ojo ajeno, pero no la viga en el propio
to see the mote in your brother’s eye and not the rafter in your own, to see the sawdust in your brother’s eye and not the plank in your own
en clave
in code
el libro está escrito en clave
the book is written in code
en clave de algo
in the key of something (in music), in something (a key - music), in a (adjective) tone (mood), in a tone of something (mood)
el Papaúpa/la Papaúpa
the boss, the person with supreme authority, the person who gives orders