Bootcamp Flashcards
What is an amnihook?
helps release amniotic fluid and can help stimulate labor without medication
what is a labor ball?
just sitting on it and rocking gently can help relieve pain during pregnancy, can also help with birth pain
should a woman be up and moving before going into labor
what is a peanut ball?
used for mothers that have had epidurals, can shorten 1st stage of labor by 90 minutes and 2nd stage by 23 minutes; also has decreased C-section rate (use different positions)
what’s a good position for birthing when using a peanut ball?
on her side, slightly squatting position, peanut ball between legs to open pelvis, and HoB up to use gravity
what is a Kiwi vacuum extractor?
used at very end when baby’s head coming out and going back in but not making last push (think: maybe mom’s exhausted); goes on back part of baby’s head, when mom pushes, person with extractor pulls down and out (gently)
what are forceps/calibers?
used like clamps and lock in position that don’t squish head, but go around head and help with extraction (once they’re applies, will be there until baby’s out)
can you reply the kiwi vaccum extractor if it pops off?
yes but only twice
toco and ultrasound transducer
toco transduce - higher near fundus, helps with contractions
ultrasound - usually lower and picks up baby’s heart rate
what is supine vena cava syndrome?
when mom with near-term baby sleeps on back, the aorta and vena cava become suppressed and it cuts off blood supply; can be simple as tilting on pelvis
after cutting the umbilical cord, what’s the next step with a newborn?
dry immediately
postpartum assessment upon admission
- vital signs; 1st hour (q15min) during 2nd hour (q30) min; 1st 24 hours (q4h); then q8h
- full head to toe:
when you’re full term pregnant, how big is your uterus??
12x than normal, fundus basically in diaphragm; uterus will shrink to umbilicus after delivery and then slowly goes below umbilicus every day after delivery
should the bladder be empty after delivery?
yes, needs to void frequently after delivery
what is lochia? how do you assess it
the bleeding and discharge after delivery, as each day progresses gets lighter;
- assess color (rubra normal, gets lighter with each day)
- assess flow (heavy bleeding: saturate a pad within and hour)
- assess odor (musky fleshy odor is normal, foul is abnormal)
so. …
- need to change pads, do pericare with peribottle, proper handwashing during pericare
what are the degrees of episiotomy/laceration
1st and 2nd: more superficial
3rd and 4th degree: cut through anal muscle
after delivery what’s an important intervention for GI? what’s a painful complication?
get them up an moving to stimulate motility, gas pains can be very painful!
what is gestational hypertension?
was also known as PIH (pregnancy induced hypertension)
- high BP without protein in the urine
- over 140/90 at least 2 times 6 hours apart from each other
- up to the 20th week postpartum
- sudden weight gain
- edema
- high BP
- headache
- visual changes
- epi RUQ pain (burning in chest)
- N/V
if the baby is sick or in the NICU and not with the mother, what do you need to do within the first hour?
use a breast pump on the mother
what’s the biggest risk postpartum? what are the S/S? how do you assess for it?
hemorrhage (ESPECIALLY within 1st hour, happens very quickly)
- lightheadedness
- tachycardia
- low BP
- perineal swelling and pain
- lowering hematocrit
- can quickly progress to cool clammy skin, anxiety, tachypnea, decreased urinary output
assess: need to feel and massage the fundus to make sure it is contracted (very painful for patient)
what’s the major safety issue for healthcare workers during delivery and postpartum?
bloodborne pathogens (NEVER lean down during birth b/c fluids can shoot out)
what does G5 P4 - 1 - 1 - 3 mean?
gravita: how many times got pregnant
P: para, how many full-term pregnancies/live-births she’s had
G5 P4-1-1-3 means: 5 pregnancies, 4 live births, 1 premature, 1 miscarriage/abortion, 3 children still living
what four main things do we do immediately after delivery?
1) stimulation: to transition baby to start using respiratory muscles and breathe; we suck out liquids from nose and mouth (includes drying baby)
2) apgar score at 1 minut and 5 minutes (sometimes 10 minutes)
3) put ID bands on baby and mother (and usually another person)
4) “Eyes and Thighs”
What are Eyes and Thighs
Eyes: prophylactic antibiotic (erythromycin on eyes) to prevent conjunctivitis
Thighs: giving baby vitamin K injection at birth, sometimes hepi vaccine (given injections in thighs)
What is an APGAR score?
Grimace (reflex irritability) -Appearance (skin color)
- assesses the physical condition of the newly delivered baby
What would a baby with a 2 point score for Grimace display? how do you test this?
active motion: sneeze, couh pull away
score of 0 would be flaccid and 1 point would be flexion of extremities
- usually observed when sucking with ball syringe out of baby’s nose and mouth
What could a code Pink mean?
that a baby has been taken off the unit without permission, due to the leg monitor going off
what are phototherapy lights used for in newborns?
if bilirubin goes up, will reduces bilirubin level (so looking for jaundice)
what are a Mogen/Gomco/Pastibellused for?
male circumcision