Book - Chapter 11 and 12 Flashcards
The time period of pregnancy is divided into ______ trimester which are how long?
3 trimesters, each is 13 weeks long
What are the three categories of signs and symptoms of pregnancy?
1) presumptive
2) probable
3) positive
What are the only signs that can with 100% accuracy determine pregnancy? what is the least reliable category of signs?
positive signs = 100%
presumptive/subjective = least reliable
What is the basic definition of presumptive signs?
the signs that the mother can perceive (subjective)
What’s the most obvious presumptive sign?
absence of menstruation
While absence of menstruation on its own is not necessarily a sign of pregnancy, what symptoms would make it more likely a sign of pregnancy?
consistent nausea, fatigue, breast tenderness, and urinary frequency
What’s the basic definition of probable signs?
signs that can be detected on physical examination (objective)
Name all the probable signs, describe what they are, and state their time of occurence
- Braxton Hicks contractions (16-28 weeks): irregular, painless contractions beginning during 1st trimester
- Positive pregnancy test (4-12 weeks)
- Abdominal enlargement (14 weeks)
- Ballottement (16-28 weeks): examiner pushes against woman’s cervix during pelvix exam and feels rebound from floating fetus
- Goodell’s sign (5 weeks): softening of the cervix due to vasocongestion
- Chadwick’s sign (6-8 weeks): bluish-purple coloration of the vaginal mucous and cervix caused by vascularization
- Hegar’s sign (6-12 weeks): softening of the lower uterine segment or isthmus
What are the three types of pregnancy tests? Name specimen sampled by test and examples
- Agglutination inhibition tests: tests urine (Pregnosticon, Gravindex)
- Immunoradiometric assay: tests blood serum (Neocept, Pregnosis)
- enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA): tests blood serum or urine (OTC
What’s the most precise pregnancy test to use? Why?
ELISA, reliable 4 days after implantation and 99% accurate
What are the time frames/accuracy rates for agglutination ihibition and immunoradiometric pregnancy tests?
agglutination: 14-21 days after conception, 95% accurate
immuno: 6-8 days after conception, 99% accurate
Why is the 99% accuracy on pregnancy tests misleading?
- has no bearing on test to detect early pregnancy as only 5% of clients have detectable hCG 8 days after conception
(basically the book’s being confusing)
hCG is a _______protein
When does hCG peak?
60-70 days after fertilization
What is the doubling time of hCG? How do clinicians use this?
doubling time: 48-72 hours
- used as a marker to differentiate between normal and abnormal gestations where low levels of hCG = ectopic pregnancy and high levels of hCG = possible molar pregnancy or multiple gestational pregnancies
what does the elevation of hCG correspond to?
the morning sickness period between 6-12 weeks during early pregnancy
What are the positive signs of pregnancy and what’s their time of occurence?
1) ultrasound verification of embryo or fetus (4-6 weeks)
2) fetal movement felt by experienced clinician (20 weeks)
3) auscultation of fetal heart tones via Doppler (10-12 weeks)
Which hormone stimulates uterine growth in the first few months of pregnancy?
What are the measurements for uterine growth during pregnancy?
weight: 70g to 1100/1200g
capacity: from 10 to 5000 mL
- uterine wall thins to 1.5 cm or less
Uterine growth results from an initial ________ of the myometrium then progresses to __________. Which one causes more growth?
starts of with hyperplasia then hypertrophies, hypertrophy cause for most growth
what’s the function of Braxton Hicks contractions in the last onth of pregnancy?
to thin out or efface the cervix before birth
What’s the name of the lower part of the uterus? What structural changes does it undergo during pregnancy? what sign is this responsible for?
isthmus: doesn’t undergo hypertrophy and becomes increasingly thin; during first 6-8 weeks causes a positive Hegar’s sign
Why does urinary frequency often accompany pregnancy especially after 3 months?
after 3 months, uterus acends into abdoment and its growth presses on urinary bladder
What’s a worry during the last trimester related to the size/placement of the uterus?
supine hypotensive syndrome: uterus can fall back against the vena cava in supine position and compress it and cause orthostatic hypotension
What technique is used to date a pregnancy?
- a monthly measurement of the height of the fundus (top of the uterus) as it corresponds to gestational age
ex: 20cm wide fundus usually by 20 weeks gestation
When can fundal height ost accurately be correlated with gestational weeks?
between 18 and 32 weeks
sidenote: obesity, hydramnios and uterine fibroids
When and where does the fundus reach its highest level?
at about 36 weeks at the xiphoid process
What is lightening?
occurs at about 40 weeks when fetal head begins to descend and engage in the pelvis, breathing becomes easier as it doesn’t push against diaphragm but urinary frequency occurs again (important b/c usually occurs 2 weeks before labor in women who are having their first child; otherwise occurs before onset of labor)
What hormones aid in cervical changes in preparation for labor?
oxytocin, relaxin, nitric oxide, and prostaglandins
what happens to vaginal secretions during pregnancy? if itching and irritation occured with this discharge, what would you suspect?
becomes more acidic, thick, and white (leukorrhea)
- suspect Candida albicans, if transported to child during birth will cause thrush in neonate
what are tubercles of Montgomery?
the sebaceous glands of the breasts that become prominent during pregnancy (keep nipples lubricated for breast-feeding)
what is colostrum?
creamy, yellowish breast fluid that can be expressed by third trimester, provides newborn nourishment for first few days of life