Boolean Algebra Flashcards
What are the 7 types of logic Gates?
And, Not, Or, NAND, NOR, XOR, XNOR
How do you get a Positive output from and AND gate?
Both must be on (1 and 1)
What happens in an OR gate?
If either input are 1 it will output a positive (1)
What happens in a not gate
It is always the opposite to the input (if input is 1 it outputs 0)
What outputs when you use a NAND gate?
always a 1 unless its two 1’s as the input
What happens in a NOR gate?
The output is always 0 unless the input is two 0’s. if there is any 1 it will be 0.
What happens in an XNOR gate?
Opposite to an XOR gate, if any of the inputs are different it will output 0, if both inputs are the same it will output 1.
What happens in an XOR gate?
the output is 1 if only 1 of the inputs is 1, if both inputs are 0 or 1, it will output 0
What is the order of precedence?
What does BNAO stand for?
Brackets, Not, And, OR
What is the notation for AND?
A^B | A.B | AB | A AND B
What is the notation for a NOT gate?
¬A | ~A | !A
What is the notation for OR?
A V B | A+B | A OR B
What is the notation for NAND?
¬(A^B) | A|B | A NAND B
What is the NOR notation?
¬(AvB) | A NOR B
What is the notation for the XOR gate?
AⓋB | A (V with line under) B
What is the notation for XNOR?
What separates terms in a Karnaugh Map
OR simple | V
What are the rules for boxes?
1’s have to be in rectangles or squares, No diagonal groups, Boxes are as large as possible, you can overlap boxes, boxes can go around, boxes should be in number of 2’s powers e.g 1,2,4,8,16
What two gates are Half adders made up of?
XOR and an AND gate.
how many bits can a Half adder add together?
Two single bits.
What is a logic circuit?
A combination of logic gates which are used to process data.
What is a full adder a combination of?
Two half adders and an Or gate. (2 Xor gates, 2 And gates, and an Or)
How many numbers can a Full adder add?
Two binary numbers of any length. (this is like binary addition)
What is a flip-flop?
A basic circuit that stores 1 bit and flips it between 1 and 0.
What are static ram cells made up of?
specialized circuits (D-type Flip Flops)
How many inputs do D-type flip flops have?
Two inputs (Data and clock)
What is a D-type flip-flop?
A positive edge-triggered flip-flop circuit
Why is a clock input different?
The input constantly alternates from high(1) to low(0) voltage and back again