Booklet 3 Italy Flashcards
When was the Orsini Bomb Plot?
January 1858
How many dead and Injured from Orsini Bomb Plot?
8 dead
150 injured
When was the Pact of Plombieres?
21 July 1858
What were 5 terms of the Pact of Plombiere?
- Austria had to provoke the war
- Upper Italy was to be ruled by the Savoys
- The pope remained in Rome
- France get Nice and Savoy in return for 20,000 soldiers
- Marie Clotide to marry Jerome Bonaparte
When was the Grido de Delore?
10th Jan 1859
When did Piedmont mobalise their army on the border?
March 1859
When did Austria declare war on Italy?
April 29th 1859
How many soldiers did Austria have when fighting Italy?
How many National Society members by 1857?
When did Cavour meet Manin and Garibaldi?
Who led the National Society?
Pallavicino, Manin, La Farina
When was the National Society demonstration in Florence? Who established the provisional Government?
April 1859
When were National Society revolts in Modena and Parma? Who led provisional government?
May 1859
When was the battle of Magenta?
20th May 1859
How many Austrian casualties from Magenta?
What was achieved by Magenta?
-Part of Lombardy freed
- Como victory due to Cacciatori delle Alpi
What was the outcome of Magenta?
French win
When was the battle of Solferino?
21st June 1859
How many Austrian casualties at Solferino?
When did Prussia Mobilise?
June 1859
How many doctors per Casualties at Solferino?
1 doctor per 500 casualties
When was the Treaty of Villafranca?
11th July 1859
What were the terms of the treaty of Villafranca?
- Lombardy given to France
- Piedmont not allowed to annex Quadrilateral towns of Mantua and Peschiera
- France don’t take Nice and Savoy
When was the Treaty of Zurich?
November 1859
Who declared the concept of self determination?
Lord John Russell
When was the Treaty of Turin negotiated?
Jan 1860
What did the Treaty of Turin determine?
Nice and Savoy would be given to France if Napoleon agreed to plebiscites for the Duchies
What was the plebiscite result for Tuscany?
360,000 - 15,000 to yes
153,000 abstained
What was the Plebiscite result for Nice joining France?
25,000 to 160
What were Garibaldi’s achievements in the 1859 War?
- Commanded 3000 volunteers
- Crossed the Ticino River (23 May)
- Caused Austria to retreat at the battle of San Fermo (27 May)
What did Garibaldi receive after the 1859 war?
Gold Medal for Valour
What did Garibaldi call Cavour after Nice was given to France?
A low intriguer
When did Garibaldi set sail for Sicily?
May 1860
How many volunteers went with Garibaldi to Sicily?
1200 (The ‘Thousand’)
When did Garibaldi reach Marsala? Who protected him?
11th May
British ships
When did Garibaldi reach Palermo? What did ‘The Thousand’ now number?
May 1860
How many troops waiting for Garibaldi in Palermo?
What did Garibaldi promise the peasants once he had appointed himself Dictator?
Abolished the milling tax
Land redistribution (never happened to appease Landlords)
Why was Cavour becoming hesitant regarding Garibaldis capture of the South?
He thought he might try to take Piedmont
Who did Cavour send to organise a revolt in Naples? What was the outcome?
Admiral Persano
How and when did Garibaldi avoid being arrested by Cavour?
He crossed the straits to Calabria on 22 of August 1860
When did Garibaldi arrive in Naples?
September 1860
How long did Garibaldi rule as dictator of Naples for?
2 months
How many did the Garibaldi number by 1860?
60,000 with another 9000 men waiting for him near the Papal States under Bersanti
Where did VE defeat the Papal Army?
When did Garibaldi and VE meet at Teano?
26th October 1860
Garibaldi handed the south to VE
When did VE and Garibaldi arrive in Naples?
November 7th 1860
Where were plebiscites held at the end of 1860?
Sicily, Naples, Umbria, Papal Marches
What did Garibaldi retire with?
A years supply of Macaroni
When were elections held for a new parliament?
January 1861
When was a New Constitution adopted?
March 1861
What 2 locations were still not unified at the beginning of the 1860s?
Rome and Venitia