Booklet 3 : History Of Health Flashcards
What is smallpox?
A contagious disease caused by the variola virus
When did the World Health Organisibation declare smallpox eradicated?
What percentage of people died who caught smallpox?
Between 30-60 percent
Why was smallpox so feared by the public?
Because it left people blind and scarred
Which queen died of smallpox in 1694?
Queen Mary
What did people think caused smallpox?
Miasma or bad air
Who invented vaccination?
Edward Jenner
What practice/idea did Lady Mary Montagu bring back from a holiday in Istanbul in 1792?
What process does this describe: the introduction of a weakened version of a pathogen, so that the immune response is triggered and the body is prepared to fight the actual pathogen if necessary
In what year was a cure for smallpox found?
When did the government make the eradication of smallpox a priority?
What was the population of Britain in 1801?
16 million
What was the population of Britain in 1901?
41 million
What revolution changed the way people lived between the years 1750-1900?
The Industrial Revolution
What two word French term best sums up government attitudes in 19th Century?
laissez faire’
What did Louis Pasteur prove?
The Germ Theory
When did Louis Pasteur published his theory?
What was important about Pasteurs work?
the idea that disease is spread by tiny organisms he called germs
What disease occurred in Lincoln in 1905?
Why was there an epidemic in Lincoln in 1905?
bad water supply, governing body did things on the cheap, raw sewage in the water, increasing population
What diseases did Robert Koch work on? Name two
Diptheria, Anthrax, TB, Cholera
Who developed the idea of ‘magic bullets’?
Paul Ehrlich
Give 2 reasons why rapid urbanisation caused disease?
poor housing, cellar living, overcrowding, no access to clean water, no sewage systems
What did the ‘magic bullet Salvarsan’treat?
When was the first cholera epidemic in Britain?
Where did the first Cholera epidemic take place in Britain?
Who published a Report on the Sanitary Conditions of the Labouring Population in 1842?
Edwin Chadwick
Why was the first Public Health Act not good enough?
Because it was not enforced/compulsory
In what year was the first Public Health Act passed?
In what year was the second Public Health Act passed?
What percentage of volunteers (in some towns) for the Boer War were found to be unfit for service in 1899?
In what decade did the the Crimean War occur?
How did Florence Nightingale help the medical profession?
By improving the hygiene in hospitals and making nursing professional
What is laudanum?
A common cure in 19th Century made from 90% alcohol and 10% opium
What great painkiller went on sale in 1899?
What is the Lancet?
A medical journal
What body was set up in 1858 to oversee the medical profession as a result of scandals?
The General Medical Council
What was the mortality rate as a percentag from surgery in 1800?
What twas the mortality rate as a percentage from surgery in 1900?