Booklet 3 - Electricity (Equations) Flashcards
(Define symbols and units)

Vpeak - Peak Voltage (V)
Vrms - rms Voltage (V)
(Define symbols and units)

Ipeak - Peak Current (V)
Irms - rms Current (V)
(Define symbols and units)

Q - charge (C)
I - current (A)
t - time (s)
(Define symbols and units)

V - voltage (V)
I - current (A)
R - resistance (Ω)
(Define symbols and units)

P - power (W)
V - voltage (V)
I - current (A)
R - resistance (Ω)
RT = R1 + R2 + ….
(What type of circuit does this apply to?
Define symbols and units)
This is the formula for resistance in series.
RT - Total Resistance (Ω)
R1 - Resistance 1 (Ω)
R2 - Resistance 2 (Ω)
1/RT = 1/R1 + 1/R2 + ….
(What type of circuit does this apply to?
Define symbols and units)
This is the formula for resistance in parallel.
RT - Total Resistance (Ω)
R1 - Resistance 1 (Ω)
R2 - Resistance 2 (Ω)
(Define symbols and units)

E - emf (V)
V - terminal potential difference (V)
I - current (A)
r - internal resistance (Ω)
(Define symbols and units)

V1 - Voltage across resistor 1 (V)
R1 - Resistance of resistor 1 (Ω)
R2 - Resistance of resistor 2 (Ω)
Vs - Supply Voltage (V)
(NB it doesn’t matter which resistors you choose to call 1 and 2 as long as you are consistent in labelling the voltages in the same way i.e. V1 across R1, V2 across R2)
(Define symbols and units)

V1 - Voltage across resistor 1 (V)
V2 - Voltage across resistor 2 (V)
R1 - Resistance of resistor 1 (Ω)
R2 - Resistance of resistor 2 (Ω)
(NB it doesn’t matter which resistors you choose to call 1 and 2 as long as you are consistent in labelling the voltages in the same way i.e. V1 across R1, V2 across R2)
(Define symbols and units)

C - capacitance (F)
Q - charge (C)
V - voltage (V)
(Define symbols and units)

E - energy (J)
Q - charge (C)
V - voltage (V)
C - capacitance (F)