Booklet 3 Flashcards
How was nationalism developed in Piedmont following the Crimean war
•the national society: Cavour allowed the national society to grow in Piedmont, it was formed in the 1850s and dominated by Italian exiled living in Piedmont- membership was 8000 by 1857. The main aim of the group was to promote unification of Italy. They accepted leadership may be under a Piedmontese monarch rather than a republic. In 1856 Cavour met with Mazzini to discuss possible war with Austria. However Cavour didn’t want the French to think he was backing a group of dangerous radicals.
How influential could the national society actually be in promoting Italian unification
- formed posters and leaflets
- only influenced academic elite
- encouraged others
Why might Cavour be a little reluctant to openly support the national Society
- doesn’t want to upset France
- he doesn’t support radicals
- he only wanted to unite with the north
What obstacles were being faced by the national society
- Piedmont could use other nationalism for their own benefit and create an empire
- Piedmont would prefer a kingdom on northern Italy with Turin and Milan as the capital instead of centre Rome
Why did Napoleon take up the cause of Italian nationalism
- he was in Italy 1830-1831 because he had been exiled from France as part of the Vienna settlement 1815
- he had very liberal ideas so he was a sympathiser with nationalism
- his attitudes towards Italy changed in 1848 when he was elected president of the French Republic
- he came to the aid of the pope in 1849 so he would gain support of Catholic Church
- Piedmont was big enough to be a useful ally but not to big to threaten independence from France
- his plans for Italy was to enlarge Piedmont as a separate controlled state
What was the Orsini bomb ploy in 1858
- an attempt made on Louis Napoleon life
- 4 Italian naturalists led by count felice orsini
- orsini made 3 large bombs in London
- bomb thrown ah Napoleon on way to opera
- 8 died and 150 were injured
- orsini aimed to kill Napoleon so that he would be replaced by a new republic government in France who would help Italy
- the letter appeared to Napoleon to help Italy get independence. Some believed that Napoleon may have wanted an excuse to invade Italy
What was the pact of plombieres
A highly secret meeting between Cavour and Napoleon at plombieres on July 21st 1858. Plans were drawn up for French military intervention which would result in Austrian expulsion from Lombardy and Venetia, the enlargement of Piedmont and an Italy made up of 4 major power blocs.
What were the term of the plombieres
- Austria would have to be seen as the aggressors who provoked the war
- a kingdom of upper Italy, ruled by the house of savoy would cover Piedmont, Lombardy and Venetia, the duchies of Parma, Moderna and the papal legations
- central Italy would be controlled by Tuscany and included Umbria and the papal marches
- rome and the surrounding area would be controlled by the pope
- Naples would remain as it is
- france would get Nice and Savoy in return for 200,000 soldiers
- the seal of the agreement would be the marriage of a 15 year old daughter of VE to the middle aged prince Jerome Bonaparte
What were Victor Emmanuel’s issues in 1859 with creating a war with Austria
- how to provoke a war with Austria
- how to produce an army of 100,000
- how to encourage enthusiasm for war within Italy
- how to avoid upsetting other European powers
- how to keep Napoleon committed to a military solution
What were the steps to the 1859 war
- March, Piedmont mobilised their army
- April, Austrians mobilised (costly for them as they couldn’t afford to mobilise for long)
- 23rd April, Austria demanded Piedmont to demobilise within 3 days
- 29th April, Austria declared war, general Franz Gyulai invaded Piedmont but were delayed by poor weather conditions giving time for the French forces to arrive by rail to support Piedmont
Was Austria prepared for the 1859 war
- commanded by courtier soldiers
- took 10 days to mobilise
- only partial mobilisation, some troops were left in Hungary
- only 90,000 troops
Were France and Piedmont prepared for the 1859 war
- Piedmont officers were reluctant to engage, wanted to leave fighting to the French
- the army arrived by train but in advance of their supplies and some men died of exposure before getting to the battle field
- Piedmont promised 100,000 troops but only provided 80,000
What happened in Magenta on the 20th may 1857 and what was the outcome
- Napoleon moved his French troops by rail to circle the Austrian army to the north to cut of its lines of communication and supply
- Sardinia moved towards palest to on 30th May which caused the first battle.
- 14,000 Austrians supported by 40 guns attacked the French/Sardinia for of 10,700 men with 18 guns but Austria had heavy casualties
- garibaldi and the cacciatoridelle alpi had a minor victory at como. The Austrians retreated back across the river Ticino
- Napoleon took 30,000 troops across the Tinico heading for the village of magenta. The austrias made the village into a mini fortress
- the brunt of the fighting was borne by 5000 grenadiers of the French imperial guard
- ended 4th June with no Piedmont deaths and was a French victory
How did the battle of magenta cause Italian unity and nationalism and what was the relationship with the French afterwards
- Piedmontese soldiers would gain unification of north or closer to it
- Piedmontese soldiers didn’t really take part and let the French do it so didn’t create nationalism
- French and Sardinia worked together with the same aim and relationship was ok but the French were annoyed that they did all of the work
What happened in solferino from the 21-24th June and what was the outcome of the battle
- the Austrians moved back to the Quadrilateral fortresses In the Austrian territory
- the French/Piedmont army had taken Milan and then slowly marched further east to finish of Austria before Prussia got involved
- the Austrians found the French halted at Brescia and suddenly attacked causing multiple series of attacks and counter attacks
- French took 17,000 casualties out of 137,000 and the Austrians took 21,000 casualties out of 128,000
- on 11th July the Austrian emerge was defeated in battle and were faced with prospect of Revolution in Hungary, they met with Napoleon III to sign an armistice without consulting their Piedmontese allies