Booklet 2 Flashcards
The parents of liberalism are…
Enlightenment and Industrial Revolution
The political parent of liberalism is…
The Enlightenment
The economic parent of liberalism is…
industrial revolution
a member of the aristocracy
the highest class in certain societies, especially those holding hereditary titles or offices
the middle class, typically with reference to its perceived materialistic values or conventional attitudes and in Marxist contexts the capitalist class who own most of society’s wealth and means of production.
the division of society into different classes of people, usually based on income or wealth
classical liberalism
an ideology the embraces the principles of individualism. stresses the importance of human rationality. also holds freedom to be the basic standard in economics and believes the most economic system is the free market.
how did classical liberalism arise?
arose in Europe after the renaissance and reformation. sparked the importance of the individual.
principles of individualism that classical liberalism took on: (mnemonic)
rule of law, individual rights and freedoms, private property, economic freedom, self-interest, competition.
principles of classical liberalism (5)
- primacy of ind. rights and freedoms, to be exercised in the individuals self-interest
- the belief that humans are reasonable and can make rational decisions that will benefit both themselves and society as a whole
- economic freedom, involving the ownership of private property and free markets
- the protection of civil liberties
- constitutional limitations on the government
the money or other assets with which an entrepreneur starts a business; any tool or mechanism used in the creation of wealth
a wealthy person who uses money to invest in trade and industry for profit in accordance with the principles of capitalism.
an economic system based on free markets, fair competition, wise consumers, and profit-motivated producers,; minimum gov involvement is favoured
chartism was a working-class movement in Britain that focused on political and social reform in the 17th century
a person who supports or believes in the principles of communism.
a system of society with property vested in the community and each person working for the common benefit according to his or her capacity and receiving according to his or her needs.
holding to traditional attitudes and values and cautious about change or innovation, typically in relation to politics or religion. status quo.
the act or instance of competing or contending with others. seen as an incentive for individuals and groups to work harder and more efficiently. (rather than co-operation)
dialectical materialism
the Marxist theory that political and historical events result from the conflict of social forces and are interpretable as a series of contradictions and their solutions. The conflict is believed to be caused by material needs.
an intellectual movement in the 17th and 18th centuries when classical liberalism spread through Europe and changed some people’s beliefs; also called the age of reason. rooted in the renaissance.
Friedrich Engels
Engels founded Marxist theory together with Karl Marx and co-authored The Communist Manifesto.
Enclosure Movement
there was an “enclosure movement” that was a cause of the industrial revolution in England. The enclosure movement was this: wealthy farmers bought land from small farmers, then benefited from economies of scale in farming huge tracts of land. common land became private property. these farmers became the people working in factories.
factory system
The factory system is a method of manufacturing using machinery and division of labour. factories are typically owned by capitalists who employ the labour. Use of machinery with the division of labor reduced the required skill level of workers and also increased the output per worker.
free market
a market that operates with limited government intervention.
someone who believes in the supremacy of reason of individuals over faith. sought meaning and purpose of love, beauty, etc.
a person who believes in individualism
a current of thinking that values the freedom and worth of the individual, sometimes over the group
industrial revolution
a period of rapid industrialization and economic development.
what did the industrial revolution began with….
the british textile industry and quickly spread to transportation, factories and communications
what was animal and human labour replaced with during the ind. rev.?
during the industrial revolution, agricultural societies were replaced with
urban industrial structures
new advances in agriculture during the industrial revolution resulted in
more crop yields, more efficiency, and less people needed.
Factory owners became rich during the industrial revolution b/c…
there was a dramatic increase in the volume of production creates wealth which creates a new class based on wealth instead of birth
the dominant social system in medieval Europe, in which the nobility held lands from the Crown in exchange for military service, while the peasants were obliged to live on their lord’s land and give him homage, labor, and a share of the produce, in exchange for military protection
encourages change. supports gov control of economy and collectivism.
the liberal, socialist, or radical section of a political party or system.
left-wing closer to centre. open to new behaviour or opinions and willing to discard traditional values
a collection of ideologies all committed to the principle of dignity an freedom of the individual as the foundation of society. has faith in human progress.
someone who supports marxism
Karl Marx
developed a theory that history is the story of evolving class welfare. According to him, the only way to overthrow capitalism was by means of class struggle between the workers and owners.
mass production
Mass production, also known as flow production or continuous production, is the production of large amounts of standardized products.
the process of changing from working largely or exclusively by hand or with animals to doing that work with machinery.
John Mill
was interested in the protection of individual freedom and the promotion of individual decision making as the core of societal institutions. individuals should act as they want as long as their not harming others. strongly advocated free speech.
patriotic feeling, loving your country.
Robert Owen
believed that capitalism corrupted human nature and that education was the key to a humane society. established an education centre with a daycare, and school with shorter work days. free medical care, concerts and dancing.
private property
something that is owned by an individual like real estate, physical things, and intellectual property. principle of liberalism.
private enterprise
business or industry that is managed by independent companies or private individuals rather than by the state.
the workers; worked for the owners which were the bourgeoisie (which is why they were envied)
frustrated and impatient with the status quo and want social change. society prevents individuals from attaining their fullest potential and that it exploits individuals. violent because society wont change voluntarily. human rights, egalitarianism, freedom, and internationalism.
a forcible overthrow of a government or social order in favor of a new system;(in Marxism) the class struggle that is expected to lead to political change and the triumph of communism.
describes extreme right. frustrated with the status quo. wants good old days. support authoritarianism, inequality, private property and nationalism.
characterized by a renewed interest in classical roman and greek culture including renewed interest in humanism, the power of human reason, creative potential, and human worth. sparked classical liberalism.
resists change, supports individualism and private property and competition.
the conservative or reactionary section of a political party or system.
rule of law
everyone is subject to the law and no one is above it. every individual is equal before the law.
scientific socialism
another name for Marxism
the principle of separation of the state from religious institutions.
Adam Smith
saw individual self-interest as an invisible hand that guides individuals to do more good for everyone. disagreed with the mercantilist system at the time that increased the wealth of the state but not the people. believed that people if worked for themselves, everyone would be better off. father of capitalism.
any ideologies that contain the belief that resources should be controlled by the public for the benefit of everyone in society, and not by private interest
social democracy
a political, social and economic ideology that supports economic and social interventions to promote social justice within the framework of a capitalist economy, as well as a policy regime involving a commitment to representative democracy.
social democrat
supports social democracy
status quo
the way things are. conservatives advocate the maintenance of this.
the handing down of information, beliefs, or customs from one generation to another
relating to a system of government that is centralized and dictatorial and requires complete subservience to the state.
economist (Adam Smith for example). (believed that agriculture was the source of all wealth and that agricultural products should be highly priced and stressed free trade)
skilled textile artisans were being replaced by machines operated by cheap, unskilled workers. formed the army of redressers and they went and destroyed machines. the gov wasn’t having it and made it a capital offence punishable by death. ned ludd is credited with being the first to destroy a machine.
a working-class movement in Britain that focused on political and social reform. got its name from the People’s Charter which outlined six goals: universal suffrage for men over 21, equal-sized electoral districts, voting by secret ballot, an end to the need for property requirements for Parliament, pay for members of parliament, annual elections. ended when the gov kept denying their charter.
utopian socialism
humanitarians who advocated an end to the conditions of the average worker. no intention to overturn the current systems. advocated education and improved working conditions to eradicate capitalism and create happiness. Robert Owen.
a radical form of socialism often called scientific socialism or communism. karl marx. abolition of private property and the centralization of the means of production in the hands of the state. class struggle.
classical conservatism
reactionary. equality, individualism and freedom were flawed. established institutions should be run by the educated. hierarchy. limited electorate choose gov. leaders should be humanitarian. traditional. no tyranny.
Edmund burke
Edmund Burke was a classic liberal Adam Smith. did not accept the beliefs and values of classical liberalism and wanted to go back to the way things were before. change must honour the future AND past. general will of the people was bs, gov should go to the educated and those who knew about it.
Social Darwinism
Charles Darwin. competition between species/races rather than co-operation. an excuse to be racist basically, white superiority.
Magna Carta
direct challenge to the monarch’s authority. limit the king’s power by law.
Great law of peace, very liberal, had rights.
humans are selfish, we need security in the form of a dictator. the dictator can only justify it’s power if the people were secure (individual worth).
opposed the authoritarianism of the church and the state and believed that individuals had reason. social contract where people give up some rights in exchange for others. gov should be accountable. private property.
works were banned by the church. worth of the individual, accountability of gov. three branches of gov separate and dependant from one another. democracy.
what is the economic system associated with classical liberalism?
laissez-faire capitalism