Booklet 1 Flashcards
A person who believes in or tries to bring about anarchy.
On the very left of both the political and economic spectrums (off the chart). Belief that power divides; without power, people would live in peace and harmony by mutual agreement, therefore, the government needs to be overthrown. Radical.
A ruler who has absolute value.
The money or other assets with which an entrepreneur stats a business; any mechanism used in the creation of wealth. Ex. a hammer for a carpenter opening a business.
A wealthy person who uses money to invest in trade and industry for profit on accordance with the principles of capitalism.
Laissez-faire capitalism. An economic system based on free markets, fair competition, wise consumers, and profit motivated producers; a minimum of government involvement is favoured.
Those who believe the goals of society should be emphasized. Believe that people function best by acting as a larger group.
A current of thinking that values the goals of the group and the common good over the goals of any one individual. Collective interest, collective responsibility, economic equality, public property, cooperation, adherence to collective norms.
Collective good
Something that benefits the public health, safety, and/or well-being of the society as a whole.
A person who supports or believes in communism.
A system of society with property invested in the community and each member working for the common benefit according to his or her capacity and receiving according to his or her needs.
Right-wing. Wants to keep the status quo. Traditional values and attitudes.
Conservative Party
The major right wing party.
Commitment to traditional values and ideas with opposition to change or innovation.
The act or an insurance of competing or contending with others. Competition is seen as an incentive for individuals to work harder.
Belief that some people are more capable of making decisions for society. Right wing.
Used to describe the beliefs and actions of those perceived to be outside of the accepted norms of political or social behavior.
all people should be treated equally
Extreme left
Supports swift, sometimes violent change. Revolutionary, radical. Anarchism.
Extreme right
Resists change, sometimes with violence. Counterrevolutionary, reactionary. Go back to the good old days.
Someone who supports fascism.
extreme, right wing, anti democratic nationalist movement which led to totalitarian forms of government.
dominance of one country or group over another
Thomas Hobbes
Believed that human nature is characterized by fear, violence, and dangerous self-interest (extreme individualism). Lived during civil war. People only look out for themselves. Need security more than freedom so we should all give up our freedom to a dictator. Can’t have freedom AND security.
those who claim that people should be mainly concerned with themselves. Nation should act to accomplish their own goals. Limited role of government.
values the freedom and worth of the individual over the group. Irma races florida. everyone flees calmly, promptly and proficiently. soon irma ruins the land. individual rights and freedoms, economic freedom, competition, private property, self interest, rule of law.
John Locke
believed that people are rational, intelligent, and reasonable. believed the source of people was themselves. governments are only around to protect life, liberty, and property. gov action should be justified by popular consent.
encourages change. supports gov control of economy and collectivism.
the liberal, socialist, or radical section of a political party or system.
left-wing closer to centre. open to new behaviour or opinions and willing to discard traditional values
liberal party
the major left wing party. in canada supports liberalism and sits centre.
a collection of ideologies all committed to the principle of dignity amd freedom of the individual as the foundation of scoiety. has faith in human progress.
believes in marxism
a radical form of socialsim also called communism. all history had been determined by a “class struggle” struggle between exploiters and the exploited.
more contended with society. generally support gradual changes and minor reforms of the existing political and economic order. middle of political spectrum. equality with some inequality etc.
groups usually impose norms or standards on their members in order for membership. can relate to conduct, values or apperance. sororities for example.
new democratic party
a social democratic political party in Canada. middle left.
private property
something that is owned by an individual like real estate, physical things, and intellectual property. principle of liberalism.
private enterprise
business or industry that is managed by independent companies or private individuals rather than by the state.
moving forward to a goal
a person advocating or implementing social reform or new, liberal ideas.
progressive conservative party
a federal political party in Canada with a centre-right stance on economic issues and, after the 1970s, a centrist stance on social issues. more right than Liberal Party > traditionalists > not completely individualists (favouring of public health care, etc.) still practice collective ideals
protestant reformation
1500-1650. a product of the growing influence of the renaissance focusing on the potential of the individual. contributed to the growth if individualism. the bible was printed so everyone could read it and interperet it for themselves. created protestant churches.
public enterprise
a business organization wholly or partly owned by the state and controlled through a public authority.
frusturated and impatient with the status quo and want social change. society prevents individuals from attaining their fullest potential and that it exploits individuals. violent because society wont change voluntairly. human rights, egalitarianism, freedom, and internationalism.
describes left, the act of revolting.
describes extreme right. frusturated with the status quo. wants good old days. suppourt authoritarinism, inequality, private property and nationalism.
1350-1600 characterized by a renewed interest in greek and roman culture. renewed interest in humanism (the power of human reason and creative potential), and the worth of the individual
resists change, supports individualism and private property and competition.
the conservative or reactionary section of a political party or system.
john-jacques rousseau
very interested in common good. believed that people are inherently good but have been corrupted by civilization and society. humans are naturally free and equal. private property lead to corruprion and jealousy. opposed to a represntative democracy (small group represents whole) and that the citizens should make the laws themselves.
rule of law
everyone is subject to the law and no one is above it. every individual is equal before the law.
one’s personal interest or advantage, especially when pursued without regard for others.
a person who advocates socialism
resources should be controlled by the public for the benefit of everyone and not by private intrests
status quo
The existing order of things, conservative
the handing down of information, beliefs, or customs from one generation to another
a government system that seeks complete control over citizens
highest degree of leftism in politics, and seeks perfect or near perfect equality > anarchism/communism
fascism, every man for themselves, nothing is owned publicly
welfare state
the economy is capitalsit but the government uses policies to ensure a basic standard of loving for everyone
wild rose party
a conservative provincial political party in Alberta, Canada
a set of principles that explains the world and everyone’s place in it. interpertation of the past, explanation of the present and vision of the future
beliefs and values
important aspects of identity that influence behaviour and choices and that guide people in their interactions with others and how they view the world.
democratic socialism
you get to vote and criticize government. government controls much of economy and provides welfare services.
democratic capitalism
you can agree or disagree with government. can buy and produce what you want. all tied to how much money you have.
dictatorial socialism
communism. cant disagree or protest. gov uses violence against people against them. controls all bussiness and strictly regulates the flow of goods.
dictatorial capitalism
fascism. cant disagree or protest. dissenters are stopped with violence. private bussinesses and can spend money how you want and the gov often organizes with private bussinesses.
power is in the people