Book Notes Regulating Gene Expression Flashcards
What is the major control point for gene expression?
Sequence of DNA adjacent to the coding region of a gene where proteins bind and control the rate of transcription
Study of heritable changes in gene expression that do not involve changes in DNA sequence
Prokaryotic cell can (blank) supply of unneeded protein
Shut off
5 steps for gene expression regulation in prokaryotes in relation to shutting off the supply of an unneeded protein
1) downregulate the transcription of mRNA doe that protein
2) hydrolyze the mRNA after it is made, thereby preventing translation
3) prevent translation of mRNA at ribosome
4) hydrolyze protein after it is made
5) inhibit function of protein
What is the most important step in the process of regulation of gene expression in prokaryotes?
Downregulate the transcription of mRNA for the unneeded protein
Bind to promoter region and determine which genes are activated
Repressor proteins and activator proteins
Binding of a repressor protein prevents transcription
Negative regulation
Activator protein binds DNA to stimulate transcription
Positive regulation
Regulating gene transcription (blank)
Conserves energy
What are the 3 proteins that are involved in the initial uptake and metabolism of lactose by E. coli?
- B-Galactoside permease
- B-Galactosidase
- B-Galactoside-transacetylase
Carrier protein in the bacterial plasma membrane that moves sugar into cell
B-Galactoside permease
Enzyme that hydrolyses lactose to glucose and galactose
Transfers acetyl groups from acetyl CoA to certain B-galactosides
B-galactoside transacetylase
Addition of lactose increase or decreases?
MRNA levels dramatically (blank) during lag period after lactose added to medium
Stimulate synthesis of a protein
Proteins produced
Inducible proteins
Proteins made all the time at constant rate
Constitutive proteins
Encode 3 enzymes for processing lactose in E. coli and specify the amino acid sequences of protein molecules
Structural genes
Cluster of genes with single promoter
Encodes 3 lactose- metabolizing enzymes in E. coli
Lac operon
Short stretch of DNA that lies between promoter and structural genes
What binds with regulatory proteins?
Operator-repressor interactions control transcription in the (blank)
Lac and trp operons
When repressor is bound, transcription of (blank) blocked
Repressor protein has 2 binding sites -
Prevents binding of RNA poly to promoter and operon not transcribed
Absense of inducer
Change in 3D structure prevents repressor from binding to operator and RNA polymerase binds
Presence of inducer
Binds to the repressor, the repressor changes shape and binds to the operator, inhibiting transcription
Inducible systems control (blank)
Catabolic pathways
Repressible systems control (blank)
Anabolic pathways
Catabolic pathways
Turned on only when substrate available
Anabolic pathways
Turned on until excessive
Protein synthesis can be controlled by (blank)
Increasing promoter efficiency
Positive control to increase transcription through presence of (blank)
Activator protein
Efficient transcription of the lac operon requires (blank)
Binding of an activator protein to its promoter
Cyclic cAMP binds to activator protein called cAMP receptor protein producing what
A conformational change in CRP that allows it to bind to lac promoter
Efficiency reduced with abundant glucose because cAMP levels (blank) and (blank occurs)
CRP does not bind
System of gene regulation in which the presence of the preferred energy source represses other catabolic pathways
Catabolite repression
Promoters share blank that allow them to be recognized by the RNA polymerase and other proteins
Consensus sequences
Short stretch of DNA that appears, with little variation, in many different genes
Consensus sequences
All the genes that are normally expressed in actively growing cells
Housekeeping genes
Proteins in prokaryotic cells that bind to RNA poly and direct it to specific classes of promoters
Sigma factors
(Blank) is active most of the time and binds to consensus sequences of housekeeping genes
Sigma-70 factor
Both prokaryotes and eukaryotes are similar in regulation of gene transcription in that:
Both use DNA protein interactions and negative/positive control
Promoter contains
TATA box and regulatory sequences
Regulatory proteins that help control transcription
Transcription factors
Help with initiating transcription by assembling on chromosome
General transcription factors
What are the general transcription factors?
Specific transcription factors play and important role in (blank)
Cell differentiation
Binds to TATA box and changes both its own shape and DNA creating a new surface that attracts the binding of other GtF to form an initiation complex
Binds both DNA polymerase and TFIID and helps identify the transcription initiation site
Prevents nonspecific binding of the complex to DNA and helps recruit RNA polymerase to the complex
Similar to sigma factor
Binds to the promoter and stabilizes the denaturation of DNA
Opens up DNA for transcription
Steps of initiation of transcription in eukaryotes
1) TFIID binds to promoter at TATA
2) another transcription factor joins
3) RNA polymerase II binds after several tfs
4) more tfs
5) RNA polymerase ready to transcribe
Bind transcription factors that either activate transcription or increase the rate
Bind factors that repress transcription
When transcription factors bind to enhancers or silencers, they interact with RNA polymerase complex, causing the DNA to
Consist of different combinations of structural elements (protein conformations)
Structural motifs
An intact DNA double helix can be recognized by a protein motif whose structure:
- fits into major/minor groove
- has amino acid that can project into the interior of double helix
- has amino acids that can form hydrogen bonds with the interior bases
Repressors can inhibit transcription by
- prevention of binding of transcriptional activators to DNA
- interaction with other DNA-binding proteins to decrease rate of transcription
The expression of transcription factors underlies (blank)
Cell differentiation
All differentiation cells contain (blank) and their specific characteristics arise from (blank)
Entire genome
Differential gene expression
Providing new, functional cells to patients who have disease that involve the degeneration of certain cell types
Cellular therapy
Manipulated expression of transcription factors in cells to change them into neurons
Expressin of genes can be coordinated if they share (blank) that bind the same (blank)
Regulatory sequences
Transcription factors
To coordinate expression, each gene has a specific regulatory sequence near its promoter called the (blank)
Stress response element
Transcription factor binds to stress response element and stimulates
MRNA synthesis
Actively dividing, unspecialized cells that have the potential to produce different cell types depending on the signals they receive from the body
Stem cells
Inject stem cells into damaged tissues, where they will (blank)
differentiate and form new, healthy tissues
process by which a multicellular organism, beginning with a single cell, goes through a series of changes, taking on the successive forms that characterize its life cycle
development involves distinct but (blank) processes
sets the developmental fate of the cell
different types of cells arise, leading to cells with specific structures and functions
organization and spatial distribution of differentiated cells into the multicellular body and its organs
increase in size of the body and its organs by cell division and cell enlargement
involves differential gene expression and the interplay of signals between cells
4 things involved in morphogenesis
- cell division
- cell expansion
- cell movements
- apoptosis
cell enlargement
cell fates become progressively more (blank) during development
each undifferentiated cell will become part of a particular type of tissue
cell fate
amphibians- donor tissue = early embryo
adopts fate from surroundings/extracellular environ
amphibians- donor tissue = older embryo
continues on original path
determination is a (blank), the final realization of that is (blank)
commitment/ differentiation
cell’s potential to differentiate into other cell types
any cell type including embryonic
most cell types not embryonic
several different, related cell types
produce only own cell type
What 2 things determine cell fate?
- cytoplasmic segregation
- induction
cytoplasmic segregation
unequal cytokinesis
cell to cell communication
a factor within an egg, zygote, or precurser cell may be unequally distributed in the cytoplasm. After cell division, the factor ends up in some daughter cells or regions of cells, but not others
cytoplasmic segregation
a factor is actively produced and secreted by certain cells to induce other cells to become determined
Cytoplasmic segregation can determine (blank) and (blank)
polarity and cell fate
distinct “top” and “bottom” ends of an organism/structure
sea urchin polarity example- horizontal cut
bottom small sea urchin and top none
sea urchin polarity example- vertical cut
2 small sea urchins from both halves
Distributed unequally in the egg cytoplasm and include specific proteins, small regulatory RNAs, and mRNAs, and they play roles in directing the embryonic development of many organisms
cytoplasmic determinants
microtubules and microfilaments have (blank) and cytoskeleton can bind (blank)
polarity/ motor proteins
inducers passing from one cell to another can determine (blank)
cell fates
signaling events by which cells in a developing organism communicate and influence one another’s developmental fate
example of inducer
development of lens in the vertebrate eye
How does an inducer work in the vertebrate eye?
surface tissue begins to develop into a lens when it receives a signal from the optic vesicle
inducers trigger sequences of (blank) in the responding cells
gene expression
induction leads to
the activation or inactivation of specific sets of genes through signal transduction cascades
simplify- differential gene expression
induction leads to the activation or inactivation of specific sets of genes through signal transduction cascades
What is the role of gene expression in development?
each cell expresses only selected genes
Cell fate determination involves signal transduction pathways that lead to (blank)
differentiatial gene expression
How do signal transduction pathways lead to differential gene expression?
inducer molecule binds to its specific receptor on the surface of a cell, stp leads to activation
lower concentraton of inducer =
no gene expression activated
Differential gene transcription is a (blank) of cell differentiation
Example of differential gene transcription involving blood cells
B-globin expressed in red blood cells and present, not expressed in neurons shown through nucleic acid hybridization- probe for B-globin gene can be applied to DNA from brain cells and immature red blood cells, mRNA only finds in red blood cells
Example of differential gene transcription involving muscle precursor cells
- cells stop dividing and cell signaling activates the gene for a transcription factor called MyoD
- gene for p21 activated (inhibits CDKs) and cell cycle stops
MyoD role as transcription factor in relation to muscle tissue
MyoD activated in stem cells that repair muscle tissue as it gets damaged
MyoD stands for
myoblast determining gene
the process that results in the spatial organization of a tissue or organism
pattern formation
What is pattern formation linked to?
-creation of body form involving apoptosis
Multiple proteins interact to determine (blank)
developmental programmed cell death
Example of apoptosis used for development
human hands and feet
Namatode worm programmed cell death example
- sequential activation of 2 proteins called CED-4 and CED-3 appear to control programmed cell death
- CED-9 binds CED-4 and prevents II from activating CED-3; if cell receives signal for apoptosis, CED-9 releases CED-4 which activates CED-3 protease
Human development example of proteins interacting to determine developmental programmed cell death
proteaseases called caspases and Bcl2 and Apafl binding
undifferentiated, rapidly dividing cells in plants
Encode proteins that act in combination to produce specific whorl features
organ identity genes
encode transcription factors that are active as dimers
organ identity genes
proteins with 2 polypeptide subunits
replacement of one organ for another
homeotic mutation
transcription of the floral organ identity genes controlled by (blank)
LEAFY protein
Morphogen gradients provide (blank)
positional information
diffuses from one cell or group of cells to surrounding cells, setting up a concentration gradient
2 requirements of morphogen
- signal must directly affect target cells
- different concentrations of signal must cause different effects
Vertebrate limb positioning example
- group of cells at posterior base of limb bud at cell wall = 2PA
- cells of 2PA secrete a protein morphogen called sonic hedgehog (SHH)
- SHH forms a gradient that determines the posterior/anterior axis
High SHH means
little finger
Low SHH means
A cascade of transcription factors establishes (blank) in the fruit fly
body segmentation
When are the fates determined in fruit flies?
by time larva appears
the first 12 cycles of nuclear division are not accompanied by cytokinesis and therefore a
multinucleate embryo forms
events leading to cell fate determination
- developmental mutations identified
- mutant compared with wild time flies
- experiments confirming roles
Cascade of gene expression occurs with what 3 types of genes?
- maternal effect genes
- segmentation genes
- hox genes
Maternal effect genes
set up the major axes of egg
Segmentation genes
determine the boundaries and polarity of each segment
Hox genes
determine which organ will be made at a given location
set up the major axes
maternal effect genes
determine the boundaries and polarity of each segment
segmentation genes
determine which organ will be made at a given location
hox genes
unevenly distirbuted cytoplasmic determinants = products of
specific maternal effect genes
2 genes called (blank) and (blank) determine anterior-posterior axis
Bicoid and Nanos
actions of Bicoid and Nanos establish a gradient of another protein called
The # and polarity of the Drosophilia larval segments are determined by the (blank)
segmentation genes
3 types of segmentation genes
- gap
- pair rule
- segment polarity
organize broad areas along the anterior-posterior axis
gap genes
divide the embryo into units of 2 segments each
pair rule genes
determine the boundaries of anterior-posterior organization of the individual segments
segment polarity genes
mutations in gap genes =
gaps are mutations
mutations in pair rule genes =
embryos miss every other
mutations in segment polarity genes =
segments in which posterior structures are replaced by reversed anterior structures
encode a family of transcription factors that are expressed in different combinations along the length of the embryo, and help determine cell fate within each segment
Hox genes
where are Hox genes located?
2 clusters on chromosome 3
a mutation in a Hox gene can result in one organ being replaced by another
homeotic genes
common 180 base pair sequence
60 amino acid sequence
recognizes and binds to a specific DNA sequence in the promoters of its target genes
Determined cells differentiate into (blank)
specialized cells
Plant cells can be totipotent shown by
carrot cloning
Nuclear transfer allows
cloning of animals
humans totipotency permits (blank) and (blank)
genetic screening and certain assisted reproductive technologies
frog experiment leads to what 2 important conclusions
- genomic equivalence- no info lost from nuclei of cells
- cytoplasmic environ around cell nucleus can modify its fate
Wilmut did what
cloned 1st mammal by somatic cell nuclear transfer
Dolly showed that
fully differentiated cell from a mature organism can revert to a totipotent state, and that this cell can be used to create a new animal
reasons to clone animals
- expansion of the #s of valuable animals
- preservation of endangered species
- preservation of pets
multipotent stem cells differentiate in response to (blank)
environmental signals
rapidly dividing, undifferentiated cells that can differentiate into diverse cell tyeps
stem cells
in plants, stem cells are in (blank)
2 types of multipotent stem cells
Hematopoietic (red and white blood)
Mesenchymal (produce bone and connective tissues)
hematopoietic stem cells proliferate in the bone marrow in response to (blank)
growth factors
hematoipoietic stem cell transplantation
stem cells harvested and injected back into patient after cancer treatment
hollow sphere of cells
differentiate into most cell types but cannot give rise to complete organisms
can be removed from the blastocyst and grown in laboratory culture almost indefinitely
embryonic stem cells (ESC)
What does ESC stand for?
embryonic stem cells
mouse experiments done with ESC show
cells’ developmental potential and the roles of environmental signals
problems with embryos grown in lab and used to tissue damage
- objection to destruction of human embryos
- stem cells/tissues provoke immune response
Where did they make pluripotent stem cells from skin cells?
Explain how to make pluripotent stem cells from skin cells
- isolated genes and inserted into skin cells
- altered skin cells
induced pluripotent stem cells (IPS cells) means
immune response avoided