Book: Engage with Honor Flashcards
Ch.1 Critical Failures in Honor.
What examples of Dis-honorable behavior are outlined in Ch.1?
Runs deep in our DNA pg. 15
Failures in Industry Failures in Government Failures in Financial Services Failures in Education Failures in Honor
Ch.1 Critical Failures in Honor.
Pg. 13
Viktor E. Frankl quote:
“In the concentration camps, for example, in this living laboratory and on this testing ground, we watched and witnessed some of our comrades behave like swine while others behaved like saints. Man has both potentialities within himself; which one is actualized depends on….” what?
Decisions but not on conditions
Ch.1 Critical Failures in Honor. Dis-honorable beavior. Runs deep in our DNA. Pg. 16: "When honor fails, we all lose; when honor fails and there is a lack of accountability....? What
The loss undermines the culture and structure of the organization.
Ch. 1 Critical failures in Honor.
pg. 21
“Without clear standards and intentional accountability…” What?
“Without a consistent commitment to character, our sense of duty, responsibility, accountability.? What?
“We can lose our true north and thus, our honor.”
“and honor fades away.”
In Ch.2 Battling for Honor and Accountability,
what quote was in the 2nd paragraph?
pg. 27, A Culture of Honor
“As a follower, hard choices were much easier when you saw your leaders setting the example.”
Ch. 2 Battling for Honor and Accountability
pg. 25,26
“ Their Wisdom in showing both strength and compassion…” did what?
“set an example for the rest of us, one that continues to inform my understanding of honor and accountability.”
Ch. 2 Battling for Honor and Accountability.
pg. 28
“As a follower, hard choices were much easier….” when what?
“when you saw your leaders setting the example.”
Ch. 2 Battling for Honor and Accountability
pg. 28
What follows when “winning at the expense of truth” takes over?
“the ends justify the means” mentality
Ch. 2 Battling for Honor and Accountability
pg. 30
It takes More than Good Intentions
“We have to overcome….” What?
“Our natural inclination for the path of least resistance.”
Ch. 2 Battling for Honor and Accountability
pg. 31-32
How do we stay on course? How do we protect our honor?
Carrot and a stick model.
Carrot: deepest desires, strongest sources of energy–source of purest motives.
Stick: Courageous accountability. The awareness that someone is going to hold us accountable.
Ch. 2 Battling for Honor and Accountability
pg. 32
Accountability is essential for what? (3 things)
Successful living.
Leading with honor.
Excellence in performance and execution.
Ch. 2 Battling for Honor and Accountability
pg. 33
Correcting back must be a way of life
What is the challenge for leaders?
We have to set the example for others while simultaneously fighting to stay on course ourselves.
Ch. 2 Battling for Honor and Accountability
pg. 36
Honor Code
- Tell the truth, even when it is difficult.
- Treat others with respect and dignity.
- Keep your word and your commitments.
- Be ethical
- Act responsibly; do your duty, and be accountable.
- Be courageous.
- Live your values.
Ch. 2 Battling for Honor and Accountability
pg. 36
What is the practical day-to-day companion of honor?
Ch. 2 Battling for Honor and Accountability
pg. 37
Honor can be ________, but it is more likely ________.
Ch. 3 Building a Culture of Accountability
pg. 44
Love Hate Attitude
Paradoxes of a leader
Leaders need to be: bold and cautions strong and humble objective and empathetic tough and compassionate
Ch. 3 Building a Culture of Accountability
pg. 45-47
Reasons for why we resist accountability (7)
Pride Fear Laziness Lack of experience, knowledge Lack of planning Busyness Negativity
Ch. 3 Building a Culture of Accountability
pg. 45-47
Reasons for why we resist accountability
Which reason is represented in: "hubris" inflated ego above others rules dont apply to you
Ch. 3 Building a Culture of Accountability
pg. 45-47
Reasons for why we resist accountability
Which reason is represented in:
I may not be able to come through
Some foundation of truth, but usually blown out of proportion
A blinding force for one that has knowingly violated ethics or the law
Ch. 3 Building a Culture of Accountability
pg. 45-47
Reasons for why we resist accountability
Which reason is represented in:
A more subtle challenge that is inherent in all of us
Scientist say its built in our brains to take the easy way out
Can be habits and mindsets
Ch. 3 Building a Culture of Accountability
pg. 45-47
Reasons for why we resist accountability
Which reason is represented in:
Just dont know how to step out and follow through
Perhaps no good role models
Lack of experience, knowledge, planning
Ch. 3 Building a Culture of Accountability
pg. 45-47
Reasons for why we resist accountability
Which reason is represented in:
Not living by priorities
Easy to procrastinate due to full schedule
Changing the rider (your logic) and elephant (your emotions) may be too hard.
Consider changing environment
Ch. 3 Building a Culture of Accountability
pg. 45-47
Reasons for why we resist accountability
Which reason is represented in:
Emotions are highly contagious
This zaps energy and undermines teamwork
Ch. 3 Building a Culture of Accountability
pg 48
According to Mike Myatt, Chariman of N2Growth
what is “…the lowest cost, most practical, and most productive form of risk management and quality assurance that can me implemented across an enterprise.”
Ch. 3 Building a Culture of Accountability
pg 48-50
Advantages in building a culture of accountability:
Keeps the focus on results
Prepares people to be responsible and successful
Ch. 3 Building a Culture of Accountability
pg. 49,50
Accomplishing goals and developing people means….
Win for individual
Win for leader
Win for team
Win for organization
Ch. 3 Building a Culture of Accountability
pg. 51
The first principle of leadership is…
Leaders are responsible for everything that happens in their domain of influence.
Ch. 3 Building a Culture of Accountability
pg 52
A positive mindset is crucial
Your goal is to do everything you can to help others succeed in their work and develop their potential is under what catagory?
Accountability should be positive not punitive
Ch. 3 Building a Culture of Accountability
pg. 53
Good leaders plan ahead to influence outcomes, rather than react and play catch up.
Example in what category?
The process should be proactive, not postponed.
Ch. 3 Building a Culture of Accountability
pg. 55
Accountability works best in a positive environment that focuses on three areas.
Accomplishing the mission
Believing in and developing people
Follow through to ensure that responsibilities and commitments are carried out
Section 2: Courageous Accountability Model
Left side of the model consists of?
The steps to align and unify any team or organization Mission Vision Values Strategy Decisions
Section 2: Courageous Accountability Model
Right side of the model consists of?
Practical steps used everyday to achieve healthy accountability:
Section 2: Courageous Accountability Model
Pg. 59
What is the “glue” that holds the model together?
Section 2: Courageous Accountability Model
Pg. 59
What is the core of the model?
Without the fundamentals of ________ the day-to-day tactics of accountability are hollow and subject to collapse.
Section 2: Courageous Accountability Model
pg. 60
In the model. What does thinking from the highest perspective down to the intricate details describe?
Section 2: Courageous Accountability Model
Pg. 60
In the model, what does everyone need to know they are valued and respected?
Section 2: Courageous Accountability Model
Pg. 60
In the model, What seems like an unlikely word for the accountability process, but captures the positive, interactive experience needed to successful execution of good leadership and management?
Section 2: Courageous Accountability Model
Pg. 60
In the model, can either be celebration, or confrontation.
Ch. 4 The Core of Leadership: Character, Courage, Commitment
Pg. 69
What two highly attractive characteristics appear to be at odds rather than coexisting in the same person?
Strength and humility
Those that possess authentic inner strength are often set free from worrying about themselves, resulting in humility toward others.
Ch. 4 The Core of Leadership: Character, Courage, Commitment
Pg. 70
Our ________ requires _________ to stay loyal to our values.
Ch. 4 The Core of Leadership: Character, Courage, Commitment
Pg. 71
“… it is the lack of _________ to confront fears that most often undermines leaders.
Ch. 4 The Core of Leadership: Character, Courage, Commitment
Pg. 72
Think of commitment as __________ and __________.
keeping your promises, and fulfilling your obligations
Ch. 5 Clarity Begins with Leaders
pg. 80
Reasons clarity is often difficult. “Built in” challenges for followers.
Many of us are not good listeners
Some of us dont follow instructions well
Its common to make wrong assumptions about what others mean
In a progressively “ME”-centered world, many assume the world is the way I want it to be
Ch. 5 Clarity Begins with Leaders
Pg. 80
People tend to see and hear from their own _________, _________, _________.
So if the signals are not clear….many people interpret __________.
habits, desires, biases, and mindsets
Ch. 5 Clarity Begins with Leaders
Pg. 82
Desired outcomes/results may not be achieved
Mission and assignment failures or at least less than solid performance
Wasted time and energy
People are doing work that is not necessary to the assignment; time and attention diverted
Disappointment and frustration
People go undeveloped
Trust breaks down
Top performers look for a way out
Examples of what?
Problems when there is a lack of clarity
Ch. 5 Clarity Begins with Leaders
Pg. 82-84
Obstacles to achieving clarity
Low priority Unfocused Lazy Fear Manipulation
Ch. 5 Clarity Begins with Leaders
Pg. 86
What does the 100,000 foot view represent?
Mission, vision, values
Ch. 5 Clarity Begins with Leaders
Pg. 89
Leadership alignment model
Clarify and align graphic.
Illustrates how mission, vision, and values provide parameters within how an issue can be discussed, debated, and decided upon.
Ch. 5 Clarity Begins with Leaders
Pg. 89
What does the 50,000 foot view represent?
Profession and organization
Ch. 5 Clarity Begins with Leaders
Pg. 90
What does the 25,000 foot view represent?
Ch. 5 Clarity Begins with Leaders
Pg. 93
15,10,5000 foot conditions represent what?
Clarity on who, what, when, and under what conditions
Ch. 6 Connect: Know yourself–Know your people
Pg. 103
Results oriented, or Relationship oriented
What is the % breakdown given in the book?
40% are results oriented
40% are relationship oriented
Only 20% have a natural behaviors for both
Ch. 6 Connect: Know yourself–Know your people
Pg 105-106
Results oriented strengths vs. struggles:
Big picture, visionary, strategic Straight forward, give clear expectations Strong work ethic, good problem solvers Decisive, give direction, firm High standards/goals for self and others Hold people accountable
Opinionated, not a good listener, discount input
May be controlling and not know it
Underestimate work needed to achieve goals
May overcommit what others can do
Sometimes too impatient
May appear coldhearted
Ch. 6 Connect: Know yourself–Know your people
Pg 106-107
Relationship oriented strengths vs. struggles:
Listen to others' ideas Care for and are concerned about others Encouraging, give positive feedback Trust others to do the job Supportive, lend a helping hand Respect others
Can be overly optimistic May lack focus and follow through High need to be accepted May compromise too much May be slow to confront Can be naïve and too trusting
Ch. 6 Connect: Know yourself–Know your people
Pg. 108
Typically, the higher you go in the organization, the more likely the leaders will be _________ oriented.
Yet, typically 70% of leaders surveyed will respond with a ___________attribute as to what they like in a leader.
Ch. 6 Connect: Know yourself–Know your people
Pg. 108
Quote that represents results vs. relationship tilt.
Looking down the organization we want results. Looking up, we all want to be valued, listened to and supported by our leaders.
Ch. 6 Connect: Know yourself–Know your people
Pg. 109
Task versus people
You work best alone:
You work best with people:
Identify your preferences and those you work with and adapt accordingly.
Ch. 7 Connect with Heart
Pg. 116
What does connection look like?
A realistic mindset about humanity is essential to being a good leader.
Ch. 7 Connect with Heart
What word does the author use to replace “love” in relation to connection with teammates?
What does it mean?
An acknowledgement that humans seek strong bonds and deep connections.
Ch. 7 Connect with Heart
Pg. 118
What was the most frequent response in asking to recall the attributes of great leaders?
“They listened to me”
Ch. 7 Connect with Heart
Pg. 119
What is the most appreciated of all connecting behaviors?
Ch. 7 Connect with Heart
Pg. 121-123
Why is connection important for leadership and accountability?
It encompasses many of the functions of leadership
Communications Trust Feedback Employee Engagement Retention
Ch. 7 Connect with Heart
Pg. 124-127
Recognize barriers to connecting
A transaction mindset Introversion Extroversion Highly results-focused Needy and insecure Fear Too busy Ignorance
Ch 8. Develop a mindset for collaboration
Pg. 134
Why is growth always a struggle?
Because it requires hard choices to let go of what feels natural, good, and comfortable…
Ch 8. Develop a mindset for collaboration
Pg. 134
What is essential for honorable leadership?
A positive mindset about people
Ch 8. Develop a mindset for collaboration
Pg. 135
Once you have clarified and connected with people, the meat of the day-to-day leadership process begins in earnest.
And the leader must take ownership for this process.
What is it?