Book 6: The Underworld Flashcards
Where is Aeneas arriving at the start of Book 6?
Cumae, a place in Italy close to Lake Avernus (entrance to the UW) - not final destination
What is Aeneas’ first reaction after landing?
He goes to Apollo’s temple to find the Sibyl - puts his mission above his personal needs (his men attend to fire, food, and water)
Which scenes are depicted on Apollo’s temple?
- Prince Androgeos, son of Minos, killed by the Athenians and as punishment they has to give 7 sons (by lot) to the minotaur in the Cretan labyrinth
- Theseus was chosen and Princess Ariadne helped him out as she was in love with him - she was helped by Daedalus. the creator of the labyrinth
- Daedalus and his son, Icarus, had to flee as Minos was furious - used wings but Icarus flew too close to the sun and died.
- Daedalus survived and decorated this temple
What is the name of the Sibyl?
Describe the Sibyl’s cave
A hollowed cave inside the temple with ‘a hundred broad shafts, a hundred mouths’ in the walls - voices wpuld stream out and talk to the Sibyl
Desribe the Sibyl’s transformation during her prophecy
All transformed - face, colour, hair in disorder, heaving breast, wild heart. ‘She seemed to grow in stature and speak as no mortal had ever spoken’
What does Aeneas ask of the Sibyl?
For pity and mercy from their sufferings, they have been led to Italy and asks that the gods/goddesses that opposed them at Troy stop persuing them. In return, he will build a temple to Apollo (like Augustus in 28BC)
What does the Sibyl predict about the war to come?
It will be a second Trojan war:
- There will be a Xanthus and Simois (Trojan rivers) = Tiber and Numicius
- ‘torrents of blood’
- Will be a Greek camp
- Second Achilles = Turnus (both have divine parents)
- Juno’s involvement
[- Cause will be a foreign bride (Helen, Lavinia)
What simile is used of the Sibvl in her prophetic frenzy?
’ Apollo shook the reins upon her in her frenzy and dug the spurs into her flanks’ - controlling, inciting
Give examples of other heroes that have been to the Underworld
- Orpheus resuced his wife from the UW
- Pollux shared death with his brother, Castor
- Hercules stole Cerebeus (one of 12 labours)
- Theseus went to the UW as part of his 6 labours
What does the Sibyl says Aeneas needs to do to return from the Underworld?
The golden bough, grows on a branch in the woods - only a man with a great Fate may pick it - must take it to Proserpina.
She says he also must bury his dead friend who is polluting the fleet (Misenus)
How did Misenus die?
Son of Aeolus, was a trumpeter in the Trojan war and one of Hector’s comrades.
One day he blew into a sea shell and challenged the gods to play as well as he could. Triton, a sea deity famous for playing the sea shell (and Misenus’ rival), drowned him among the rocks for his hubris
How did Aeneas find the golden bough?
Aeneas prayed the bough would show itself and Venus sent 2 doves - they flew from branhc to branch as Aeneas followed them
How did Aeneas and the Trojans honour Misenus?
They built a pyre and made offerings. Aeneas raised a mound, put Misenus’ oars, armous, and trumpet on it - this is on the mountain that was also named after him (Mount Misenus)
Describe the cave at the entrance of the Underworld
Surrounded by dark woods and the ‘black waters of the lake’ - jagged pebbles, gaping mouth
The breath that streamed out was so deadly that no birds flew overhead (hence Greek name Aornos, place without birds)
Who do the Sibyl and Aeneas call upon/sacrifice to before entering the Underworld?
Hecate, Night (mother of the Furies), Prosperina