Book 4 - Festivals, fasts, pilgrimages, Historical places Flashcards
Importance of Shabbat
Oldest and Most important festival
- God’s Creation of the universe, resting on the 7th day
- Israelites redemption from slavery and covenant with Moses
- Taste of the messianic Age
- Practically, brings the family together
When is Shabbat every week
-18min before sundown on friday
-ends 42min after Sundown Saturday or 3 stars in the sky
Description of Friday Evening, welcoming Shabbat
- Woman lights 2 candles (creation, exodus and Shabbat - rest no work)
- Man pronounces Kiddush, blessing, over the wine and Challah/bread
- Sings 2 songs, welcoming 2 Shabbat Angels, praising the woman of the house
- Festive meal
Description of Saturday, Synagogue, lunch and Dinner
- Attend synagogue, women and men maybe separate (Orthodox)
- 7 people called up to read the Sefer Torah
- Prayers of thanksiving
-8th person, reads from Nevi’im - Rabbi gives a sermon
Lunch - Second celebratory meal
Dinner - Havdalah= “Separation”, Ushers new week
- Special candle with many wicks
- Spice box, sweetness of Shabbat into next week
- Bless and pass Wine
- Put out a candle and wish “Shavuah Tov”, Good Week
Shabbat Rules (Work)
- No working, to maintain oneself
Refrain from activities like - Baking bread (getting wheat and making bread)
- Make a Garment (Getting wool, tying)
- Make Leather (Killing, getting hide)
- Building (Building, making or getting rid of fire, transportation of an object)
Shabbat Meal Preparation and Exception to Rule
- All food cooked before Shabbat
- Or hire non-Jews to cook
Exception to the rule - In time of need, must break the rule to save a life
Importance of Rosh Hashanah
- Day of Judgements
2 day celebration (NEW YEAR) - Day God created Adam and Eve
- Feast of Shofar (Trumpets)
Yom Kippur historic meaning
30 days of Awe and 10 days of repentence make 40 years spent in the desert
- 40 days of Awe in Preparation for the most holy day
-Day that Moses came down with the 10 Commandments
- Bull’s blood on the mercy seat on the Ark of the Covenant for the sins
- Scapegoat, all of Israel’s sins on to the goat and release it
- The fast represents the state of Adam and Eve before sin
Yom Kippur today
- Kapparah (Atonement)
- Scape Roster or money (given to charity)
- Mikveh bath (to be purified)
- Yom Kippur Fast, no eating, no leather, washing, smells nor sex
- 25 hours
Simchat Torah
- After sukkot, celebrate the Torah
- In the synagogue, taken out and danced around (joyous)
- Reading Last of Deuteronomy and First of Genesis by 2 men
- 2 men pay for the meal for everyone
- Bless children
In Jerusalem - Dancing with the Torah all the way to the Western Wall
Pesach Origin
- The night before leaving Egypt
- Pilgrim festival, go to the temple in Jerusalem
- Feast of Unleavened bread
Pesach Search for Leaven
- Family search for leaven and get rid of it
- Children use a feathe rand wooden spoon get rid of 10 pieces of bread
Seder Meal
- Bitter Herbs (slavery)
- Unleavened bread (left quickly
- horseradish (slavery)
- Salt water (tears)
- Charoset, nuts, wine and apple (Building Egyptian cities)
- Parsely (New life)
- Shank bone (Sacrifice) -
- Roast Egg (Sacrifice) - Not eaten as Temple destroyed
- 4 Cups of wine (take Israel out of Egypt, rescut them, redeem, Promised Land)
- 5th cup for Elijah, coming of Messiah
Shavuot (feast of Weeks)
- Giving of Torah to Moses
- Grain Harvest
- 50 days from Pesach, watit for the Torah
- Pilgrimage to Jerusalem, sacrifice 1 omer of barley
- Stay up all night reading the Torah
- Drinking Coffee & sweet food
- Baskets of produce, Decoration with nature in synagogue, special challah (bread)
Sukkot (Feast of Booths/Tabernacles)
- 40 Years in the Desert
- Pilgrimage to the temple
- Construction a booth (sukkah)
As a temporary structure for grain harvest to not go home - Walls made of Anything, Natural roof, see thru
- Some Stay in the booth all week
Western Wall (wailing wall)
- Old City of Jerusalem on Temple Mount
- Remains of the wall surronding the Temple destroyed by Romans
- Keeping alive the memory of the Temple, reminder of history
- Closet Jews can get to God
- Symbol of Hope for Jews, lasting forever
- Prayers into the cracks of the wall
- Jewish people pray facing it, and boys may have their Bar Mitzvah facing it
Yad Vashem
- Memorial for the Holocaust
- National Depository for names of Jewish victims
- Hall of Remembrance, 22 concentration camps, eternal flame
- Hall of Names, Photos and Pages of Testimony, reflected in water of a 2nd cone, victims unknown
- Children’s memorial, Pages of Testimony
- Garden of the Righetous, for non Jews