Book 29: Truck Manual Flashcards
According to Book #29 Truck Operations Manual CH. 3 Smoke Removal, while using positive pressure, if any fire does begin to accelerate or spread, it can easily be controlled by all of the following except:
Turning the blower 45 degrees
correct answers
- reduce rpm
- increase the distance between the overhaul area and the blower
- extinguishing the fire
According to Book #29 Truck Operations Manual CH. 1 Ventilation Technique, a 45-degree “inspection” cut will ensure the saw will intersect a structural member. When the saw makes contact with a rafter, roll over the rafter and continue the cut for approximately how many inches?
6 to 10
According to BK #29 Truck Operations Manual, “Size-up (estimate of the situation) is a mental evaluation that assists in determining a course of action and the methods necessary to accomplish a desired goal.” A size-up consists of three operations as follows: Find the operation that is not included.
Answer: Perform a 360 (initial)
Methods to take into consideration:
Analyze the situation
Decide on a plan (strategy)
Put the plan into operation (tactics)
According to BK #29 Truck Operations Manual, open web bar joists are spaced _____ feet apart to accept corrugated metal decking covered by alternating layers of tar and tar paper. How many feet apart are they placed?
According to Bk #29 Truck Operations Manual, a single lightweight truss structural member can span ___________and may be comprised of 2 x 4’s in compression and tension to form an integral unit.
70 feet
According to BK #29 Truck Operations Manual, what year was additional retroactive corrections made to existing buildings of unreinforced masonry construction to prevent exterior walls from collapsing outward?
According to Book #29 Truck Operations Manual, what size rafters does a Sawtooth Roof typically have?
2x8 inches or larger
According to Book #29 Truck Operations Manual, when personnel are confronted with a structure fire that utilizes lightweight construction. To ensure effective and safe fireground operations, personnel must address four areas: Identify the area that is not part of the four.
Answer: Spotting
Four areas personnel must address:
According to Book #29 Truck Operations Manual, in open web construction, the steel tube web members are prefabricated from _____ inch cold rolled steel tubing with the ends pressed flat into a semicircular shape with a hole punched through the end.
One to two
According to Book #29 Truck Operations Manual, in open web roof construction, a single 2 x 4 up to ______ feet is made possible by joining different lengths in glued, mitered “finger joints.
According to Bk #29 Truck Operations Manual, these buildings were constructed during the 1920’s, 1930’s and 1940’s, and are primarily utilized in single family dwellings and multi-story habitational occupancies up to ___ stories.
Bungalow and Balloon; 4
According to Book #29 Truck Operations Manual, metal gusset plate connectors may vary in size, thickness, and depth of penetration. The most common are ____ gauge steel plates with prongs that produce ____ inch penetration
18 gauge; 3/8”
According to Book #29 Truck Operations Manual, in open web roof construction, top and bottom chords are usually made from ____inch steel and web supports are solid ____ inch steel bar.
1/8 inch; 5/8”
According to Book #29 Truck Operations Manual, after the Tehachapi Earthquake of 1959, building codes were modified to require the following retroactive correction on existing buildings masonry construction:
Parapet walls should not be higher than 16 inches including the bond-beam cap
According to Book #29 Truck Operations Manual, with regards to a panelized roof, what is the common size for a purlin?
4x12 inches
According to Book #29 Truck Operations Manual, what is the common size for laminated beams on a panelized roof?
According to Book #29 Truck Operations Manual, Lightweight Concrete Roof is a steel or wood sub-structure that is covered by corrugated metal, which is also known as?
Robertson Decking
According to Book #29 Truck Operations Manual, nailing blocks are usually made from a 2”x 4” laid flat between rafters to provide a nailing surface for the edge of the plywood sheathing. A nailing block is usually found every how many feet?
4 feet
According to Book #29 Truck Operations Manual , a plug cut is a small triangular piece of roof covering that is removed from the roof to expose and determine what?
Sheathing type and Roof Composition Thickness
According to Book #29 Truck Operations Manual, this type of cut is a light cut made with the chainsaw that is cutting through the roof covering and plywood sheathing.
Skim Cut
According to Book #29 Truck Operations Manual, this type of cut is a light cut made with the chainsaw that is cutting through the roof covering and plywood sheathing.
45-degree “inspection” Cut; Smoke Indicator
According to Book #29 Truck Operations Manual, when using the dicing technique, after the chainsaw operator makes the _______, the puller can start pulling boards. Fill in the blank.
Third Cut
According to Book #29 Truck Operations Manual, in order to make this cut, you must first know rafter type and rafter direction. Next, you must determine the location of the rafters. What is the name of this cut and how many rafters must you locate?
Center Rafter Louver; three
According to Book #29 Truck Operations Manual, when performing the Drop Method operation, the Truck Operations Manual says to cut how many inches inside the purlins to avoid hitting metal hangers?
4-6 inches
According to Book #29 Truck Operations Manual, when making a parallel cut for a Center Rafter Louver how many inches should you be “inside” the rafter?
2 to 3 inches
According to Book #29 Truck Operations Manual, in a panelized roof what is the usual span between lam beams?
12’ to 40’
According to Book #29 Truck Operations Manual, in a panelized roof what is the span between the purlins?
According to Book #29 Truck Operations Manual, a strip ventilation hole, when used in conjunction with _______, can help stop the horizontal spread of fire.
An offensive ventilation (heat hole)
According to Book #29 Truck Operations Manual, when making a 45-degree “inspection” cut, after the saw makes contact with a rafter, roll over the rafter and continue the cut for approximately how many inches?
6 to 10 inches
According to Book #29 Truck Operations Manual, what type of cut is an alternative to using a smoke indicator hole?
Kerf Cut
According to Book #29 Truck Operations Manual, when standing on a Lam-Beam and making a Louver Off a Lam-Beam cut, approximately how far should you reach out to make your first cut?
3 1/2 feet
According to Book #8 Driver Training Manual, who is ultimately responsible for the condition of the apparatus under his command?
Station Commander
According to Book #29 Truck Operations Manual, when making Dicing cuts, what is not required for the cutter to know?
Exact Location of the rafters
According to Book #29 Truck Operations Manual, When making dicing cuts what would be the first cut performed in this operation, if needed?
Score Cut or Head Cut
According to Book #29 Truck Operations Manual, the length of the dice cut is determined by what?
The reach of the tool being used to pull
According to Book #29 Truck Operations Manual, When making a center rafter louver cut against construction, the head cut is first made which direction?
Away from the ladder