Bones of the Skull Flashcards
cranium is divided into
neurocranium and viscerocranium
neurocranium divided into ___ and _____. function
base=floor of skull
serves as roof of head and protects brain
facial part of head
synarthroses (strong & immobile) connects all of the bones of the skull
coronal suture
ear to ear across the top of the skull
sagittal suture
runs along the midline of the skull separating parietal bones (front to back)
lambdoid suture
connects parietal bone to occipital bone (located at back of skull)
squamous suture
joins parietal bone to squamous part of temporal bone (located on side of skull)
when do the sutures become immobile?
after 2 y/o
soft gaps between cranial bones present until 2 y/o
how many fotanels and order of closing?
6 fotanels
posterior closes 1st
sphenoid closes 2nd
mastoid closes 3rd
anterior closes 4th
purpose of fotanels
allow baby to pass through birth canal and allow brain to continue growing
birth defect where baby’s skull bones fuse together prematurely limiting brain growth and abnormal skull growth (premature ossification of fotanels)
top part of neurocranium
what are the bones that make up the calvaria?
frontal, 2 temporal, 2 parietal, and occipital