Bone Marrow, Muscle Tissue, Nervous Tissue and Blood Flashcards
A semi-solid tissue found within the spongy or cancellous portions of bones.
Bone Marrow
Primary site of new blood cell production or hematopoiesis
Bone marrow
Process of blood formation
A group of tissues where hematopoiesis occurs
- Lymphoid tissue
- Myeloid tissue (red bone marrow)
Give rise to lymphocytes
Lymphoid tissue
Gives rise to red blood cells and granulocytes and monocytes
Myeloid tissue
Highly cellular hematopoietic tissue specialized to produce blood cells and platelets/ thrombocytes
Red bone marrow
Rich in adipose tissue; found in the entire skeleton of an adult animal
Yellow bone marrow
Stem cell
Where do mature cells predominate over the immature cells?
Peripheral circulation
- Large round cell with basophilic cytoplasm
- Nucleus is large with finely granular chromatin and few nucleoli
- Round cell with round nucleus
- Earliest cell of the erythroid series
- More deeply basophilic cytoplasm than proerythrocyte
- Nuclear chromatin is more coarsely clumped
Basophilic Erythroblast
- smaller cells
- chromatin is more condensed
- Cytoplasm is mottled, with pink and blue areas but become more pink due to haemoglobin synthesis
Polychromatophilic erythroblast
- round, highly condensed and deeply stained nucleus
- Cytoplasm is eosinophilic with slight tinges of blue
Orthichromatophilic Erythroblast
- without nucleus
- larger than red blood cells
- not concave
- biconcave
Erythroid series
- Proerythrocyte
- Basophilic erythroblast
- Polychromatophilic erythroblast
- Orthichromatophilic Erythroblast
- Reticulocyte
- Erythrocytes
- large, granulocytix cells with grainy basophilic cytoplasm
- round to oval nucleus
- nucleoli may be present
- Earliest form readily distinguishable
- Large nucleus with nucleoli
- Non- specific azurophilic granules
- smaller and has an oval, eccentric, nucleus with more condensed chromatin
- Specific granules are apparent
- Nucleus becomes more elongated, indented or bean
- Smaller and has an oval or horse-shoe shaped eccentric nucleus with more condensed chromatin
Band cells
Granulocytes series
- Myeloblast
- Promyelocyte
- Myelocyte
- Metamyelocyte
- Band cells
- Granulocytes
Formation of lymphocytes (from bone marrow to lymphoid tissue)
Lymphocytopoiesis series
- Hemocytoblast
- Lymphoblast
- Promyelocyte
- Lymphocyte
Occurs only when the thymus and bursa Fabricius still exist, when not mitosis of the existing T and B cells occur in the secondary lymphoid organ
Process of platelet formation
Largest cell in the thrombocytopoiesis series that remains in the b.m., fragments of the nucleus pinched off to become the platelets.
Thrombocytopoiesis series
- Hemocytoblast
- Megaryoblast
- Promegaryocyte
- Megakaryocyte
- Metamegakaryocyte
- Platelets
Ave life span in RBC and WBC
Equine - 45
Caprine - 125
What removes red blood cells?
Reticuloendothelial system (RES) in the spleen
Group of muscle cells or fibers composed of organelles and inclusions like any other cell
Muscle tissue
Name for the cell membrane in muscle tissue
Cytoplasm in the muscle tissue
Prefix that means flesh
Three types of muscle
- Smooth muscle
- Skeletal muscle
- Cardiac muscle
- ordinary cardiac muscle
- special cardiac muscle fiber
- Elongated and spindle-shaped cells with tapered ends
- Muscles are tightly packed to form sheet
- Staggered fashion
Smooth muscle
- Found in the lamina propia of the tunica mucosa and tinica mascularis of tubular organs
Smooth muscle
- Fibers are long and cylindrical with blunt ends
- multinucleated located peripherally
- special feature is the x-struations of the sarcoplasm
Skeletal muscle
- stratiations are the altering dark or A band and light or I band
- I band contains the fine/thin actin filaments
- A band contains thr thick myosin filaments and overlapping ends of actin = A band is dark
Skeletal muscle
A band has a narrow light area at the middle called ________because of the absent actin filament.
H band
I band is bisected by the dark middle dark line called
Z line
The unit structure of muscle contraction
A group of myofilaments appear clumps of acidophilic dots
Field of cohnheim
- Has X - striations but functions like smooth muscle
- Multinucleated located at the center of elongated branched fiber
- Highly vascular; have intercaleted disc
Ordinary cardiac muscle
- Impulse conducting cells located from A-V node to IV septum
Special cardiac muscle fiber
Outer most covering of muscle
Covers bundle/fascicle of muscle
Covering of muscle fiber
Comprise the nervous system
Nervous tissue
Two types of cells in nervous tissue
- Neuron
- Neuroglia
Functional and anatomical unit structure of the nervous system
Connective tissue cells that provide protection support and nourishment to the nervous system
Parts of nervous tissue
- Cell body
- Cellular processes
Contain the nucleus and other cell organelles; it has cytoplasm with Nissl bodies (clumps of endoplasmic reticulum)
Cell body
Longest cellular process which maybe either myelinated or unmyelinated
Axon/ Nerve fiber
End bifurcates
Short cellular process which carries impulse towards the cell body; receives stimuli
Types of Neurons (as to structures)
- Multipolar neuron
- Bipolar neuron
- Unipolar neuron
- Pseudounipolar neuron
It has many dendrites and one neuron
Multipolar neuron
It has one dendrite and one axon. Found only in the eyes and ears
Bipolar neuron
It has only axon emanating from the cell body and no dendrite. The dendrites are found in the receptors and axon leads to the brain or spinal cord
Unipolar neuron
It has an axon that bifurcate at a distance from the cell body
Pseudounipolar neuron
Types of Neuron (as a function)
- Interneuron
- Motor neuron
- Sensory neuron
Multipolar neurons which connect other neurons together such as sensory with motor neuron
Multipolar and innervates an effector such as muscle, gland, heart, etc.
Motor neuron
Unipolar, its single axon connects to dendrites at the peripheral end which receive stimuli from a receptor and then axons enter the central nervous system to connect to motor or interneuron
Sensory neuron
- Form myelin sheats around axons in the CNS
- One oligodendrocyte can form myelin sheats along more than one internode of more than one axon
- Have smaller cell bodies than astrocytes and relatively fewer processes leaving the cell body
- Star shape glial cell
- Provide physical support to neurons
- Provides nourishment to neurons
- Main phagocytic cell and antigen-presenting cells in the nervous central nervous system
- Have the smallest cell bodies among the neuroglia
- Columnar cells lining the fluid-filled cavities of the brain and spinal cord
- Play a role in production, transport, and circulation of the cerebrospinal fluid
Ependymal cell
- Produce the myelin sheath in the peripheral nervous system, myelin sheat which protects and insulates axons
- maintains their micro-environment
- enables saltstory conduction
Schwann cell
-special type of connective tissue found anywhere even in the smallest tissue of the body
Circulate throughout the body
Peripheral blood
3 components of blood
Intercellular substance
Straw colored and transparent fluid matrix with fibrin
Also colored fluid removed of fibrin thru coagulation
- Not a cell in mammals but just fragment of large cells called metamegakaryocyte
Platelets/ thrombocytes
Bound, round to oval structure with a central basophilic zone called hyalomere
Most numerous in fighting cocks
- most nemerous in the blood
- biconcave disc; not nucleated
-rbc stain pink
In stagnant blood may stack one upon another called
Rouleaux formation
Hemoglobin + oxygen
Granular white blood cells have granules in their cytoplasm nucleus maybe lobed or segmented
- Most frequent encounter in a blood smear
- Nucleus vary from 3-5 lobes connected by a very fine strand of nucleoplasm
- Granules vary from purple, light pink to color less
- Granules are the lysosome
Mature forms should appear in the peripheral circulation
Immature forms in the peripheral circulation is indicative of pathologic condition
Band neutrophils
- next number to neutrophils
- characterized by s bilobed N and pink to red granules
- least encountered granulocyte
- increase in number in certain parasitic infection called Dirofilariasis or heartworm disease
- source of histamine and heparin
Have no granules in their cytoplasm
- next to neutrophil in number
- round cells with round or indented nucleu occupying almostvsll the cytoplasm
Almost absent in blood smears because they are extra vascular
Large lymphocytes
- named after bursa of Fabricious in avian
- found in bone marrow and germinal centers of lymphatic and splenic nodules
B lymphocytes
- produced in the thymus, then populate the paracortical zone
- transform into cytotoxic cell, suppresor cell or memory cells
- long lived lympho are the memory cells
T lymphocytes
Named according to their specific actions
Aggregate macrophages
Macrophage aggregating factor
Stimulates lymphocytes to divide
Mitogenic factor
Prevents replication of viruses
- largest cells in the peripheral circulation
-kidney shaped nucleus
Oval cells with oval nuclei
Avian Erythrocytes
- True cells because they are nucleated
- most numerous in fighting cocks breeds
Avian Platelets
- counterpart of neutrophils in mammals
-rod shaped eosinophilic granules
Avian Heterophils