Bone & Joint Health Flashcards
Fat. Omega-3 better than Flaxseed oil
Bones need fat for lubrication.Omega 3 offsets Omega 6 inflamatory effect. We’re getting too much Omega 6 from oils and nuts.
Vitamin D One of the best for analgesics & join pain. D3 2000. Daily.
من الشمس او البدائل Supplements
يسهل امتصاص الكالسيوم فى مناطق حاجته بالجسم
يعمل على غلق الخلايا السرطانية بالاشتراك مع اليود.
يمنع ترسب الكالسيوم باماكن عشوائية بالجسم مما يسبب التكلس. ٧٠% من ضحايا جلطات القلب عندهم نقص ماجنيسيوم.
Important mineral that your body needs in order to function. It produces energy and regulates blood sugar and chemical reactions in the body.
Magnesiumhelps maintain the proper levels of other minerals such ascalcium,potassium, and zinc. Your heart, muscles, and kidneys all need magnesium to work properly. The mineral also helps build teeth and bones.
Some health conditions can lead to magnesium deficiencies, including:
gastrointestinal diseases likeirritable bowel syndrome,Crohn’s disease, andceliac disease
kidney disease
stomach viruses that cause vomiting anddiarrhea
Drinking too much alcohol or caffeine on a regular basis can affect your magnesium levels as well.
TheNational Institutes of Healthrecommends the following daily intake of magnesium:
Children 1-3 years: 80 mg
Children 4-8 years: 130 mg
Children 9-13 years: 240 mg
Teens 14-18 years: boys 410 mg and girls 360 mg
Adults 19-30 years: men 400 mg and women 310 mg
Adults 31+ years: men 420 mg and women 320 mg
Cultured Yogurt, tofu, dark chocolate, whole wheat, spinach, quinoa, almonds cashews peanuts, black beans, edamame, avocado.
Be wary of Phytic acid, the storage form of phosphorus in seeds, nuts, beans, legumes, and grains can bind to magnesium in the GI tract, making it less available to our bodies. To reduce the anti-nutrient effects of phytic acids in foods, try the following:
Soak, sprout, ferment, and cook plant foods
Eat vitamin C rich foods with meals containing phytic acid
Use vinegar in salad dressing and cooking to enhance mineral absorption and offset phytic acid
Boron 5Bo Boron 10.811
Balances the effects of Calcium and Magnesium in blood. Enhances Vitamin D absorption, fights cancer cells. Enhances the production of hormones like testosterone and estrogen.
Available in Nuts
Also, available in supplements:
Dr. Karim’s pgoto: Trace Mineral Tablets:
The most powerful all natural ph balancing trace mineral tablets in the world. Low sodium consen Trace trace mineral. Synergized with alfaf and Kelp.
Vitamin K2
يوصل الكالسيوم من الدم الى العظام والاسنان فيمنع وجود التكلس باماكن اخرى مما يتسبب فى ظهور امراض تكلس الاوعية الدموية والتجلط.
موجود بالدهون الحيوانية وزيت كبد الحوت.
Dr Karim : We need 40 milligram daily.
Find it in Oats, Rice, Spinach. Or from a Supplement
On the outside, silica helps promote healthy skin, hair, and nails. That’s because silica is a key ingredient in collagen creation — a building block of your skin, hair, and nails.
On the inside, silica’s one of the trace minerals your bones must have to improve their strength and density
silica deficiency can cause deformities in peripheral bones and the skull; reduce cartilage (which you need for healthy joints); interrupt collagen production, and disrupt the mineral balance in yourfemur and vertebrae.
In other words, you can think of silica as the structural glue holding our bodies together.
And when it comes to our bones, silica has several uses. Most importantly, it reducesbone breakdown and stimulates new bone formation. (That’s a rare combination most nutrients don’t offer.)
Research shows that silica can:
Stimulate osteoblasts (your bone-building cells) by increasing protein collagen synthesis
Collagenis a protein that provides the framework of your bones, while calcium and other minerals fill in and strengthen that framework. This combination makes your bones both flexible and strong enough to withstand stress like falls.
Inhibit osteoclasts (your bone-resorbing cells) by directly discouraging bone resorption
Bone resorption is when osteoclasts break down the tissue in bone and release the minerals. This results in the transfer of calcium from your bone tissue into your blood. But we want those minerals to stay inside, not out!
“Charge” your bone formation
You know how the technology hotbed in California is called Silicon Valley? Well, that’s because silicon is a key ingredient inside all that technology. Silicon provides electric charges so your phones, computers, and tablets run properly. And it does the same for your bones. In fact, your bone mineralization takes place in negatively charged areas in the bone. And yes, the negative charges come from silica crystals that react to physical stress on the bone.
Over the past 30 years, there has beenextensive researchon the role of dietary silicon.
In theFramingham
However,natural levels of silicatend to be much higher in plant-based foods than dairy or meat products. In fact, silica becomes part of a plant’s structural makeup which increases itsstrength and rigidity.
Now, here are some good plant and other sources of silica:
Unrefined whole grains:
Rice Bran
Wheat Bran
Fruits and Veggies:
Root vegetables
So look to unrefined whole grains, root vegetables, mussels, and even herbs like horsetail and nettle to help supplement your daily intake
نقصه يسبب كرمشة الجلد و تقتقة الركب و الام الحوض و ضعف الاربطة و والفقرات بالعمود الفقرى.
يمكن عمله بالمنزل بغلى عظام البقر.
اشترى Collagen broth or powder.
الكبريت. MSM البصل، الثوم، القهوة، البيض MSN Powder ١/٤ ملعقة يوميا من البديل يصلح العظام والشعر والجلد يعالج الام العظام
يحفز الجلوتاثيون الذى يحارب السموم والشوارد فيزيد المناعة واسباب الالتهاب. يزيد الأكسجين بالمفاصل.