Bone disease Flashcards
features of bone
- load bearing
- dynamic
- self repairing
what is bone?
mineralised connective tissue
Components of bone
- calcium
- phosphate
- vitamin D
parathyroid hormone actions
- maintains serum calcium level
- increases calcium release from bone
- reduces renal calcium excretion
What is hypoparathyroidism?
low serum calcium
primary hyperparathyroidism causes
- gland dysfunction e.g. tumour
- high serum calcium results
What do both hyper- and hypoparathyroidism lead to?
increased bone resorption
Vitamin D problems are usually caused by…
Low sunlight exposure
- housebound
- dark skinned in northern country
Poor GI absorption
-poor nutrition
- small intestinal disease leading to malabsorption
drug interactions
- some anti epileptic drugs such as carbamazepine and phenytoin
often combination of factors
Osteromalacia - features
- poorly mineralised osteoid matrix
- poorly mineralised cartilage growth plate
osteoporosis features
- loss of mineral and matrix
- leads to reduced bone mass
Osteomalacia during bone formation is known as…
What is osteolomalacia related to?
- calcium deficiency
- serum calcium preserved at expense of bone
osteomalacia bone effects
Bones bend under pressure
- ‘bow legs’
- vertebral compression in adults
bones ache to touch
osteomalacia hypocalcaemia effects
- muscle weakness
- facial twitching from CNVII tapping
- carpal muscle spasm
Osteomalacia management
correct cause
- malnutrition
- control GI disease
sunlight exposure
- 30 mins x 5 weekly
dietary vitamin D