Bone Flashcards
Compact bone:
a) forms dense bony tissue with lacunes and narrow canaliculi
b) contains osteocytes with processes
c) is lined by periosteum
d) consists of bony trabeculae – spicules
The cells found in bone are:
a) fibroblasts
b) reticular cells
c) osteoblasts
d) osteoclasts
Woven bone:
a) is described as compact bone
b) is an immature form of bone
c) is the first form of bone to be produced
d) the lamellae are concentrically arranged
Haversian systems are formed:
a) by 4–20 concentric lamellae
b) contain the osteocytes
c) contain the odontoblasts
d) in the centre of each system a Haversian canal contains blood vessels and nerves
What type of cells are involved in bone resorption:
a) osteocytes
b) osteoclasts
c) osteons
d) osteoblasts
What are the spicules on spongy bone called:
a) trabeculae
b) spicule of woven bone
c) Sharpey’s fibers
d) Tomes’ process
What are the mineral crystals in bone called:
a) glycosaminoglycan
b) osteoid collagen
c) calcium hydroxyapatite
d) alkaline phosphatase
What is the primary component of red bone marrow:
a) fat
b) hematopoietic tissue
c) reticular fibres
d) cartilage
What is in the bone matrix:
a) hydroxyapatite
b) reticular fibers
c) collagen fibers
d) dense irregular connective tissue
What is the covering of a bone:
a) periostem
b) perichondrium
c) perimysium
d) endosteum
Bone lamellae in compact bone are arranged in:
a) Haversian systems (osteons)
b) interstitial systems (lamellae)
c) circumferential lamellae
d) form isogenous groups
Spongy (cancellous) bone is composed of:
a) lamellae which are arranged into Haversian systems
b) small quantities of lamellae
c) osteocytes
d) bone marrow
The endosteum is a layer of:
a) osteoblasts that covers bony surfaces in side the bone
b) chondrocytes that contain a large nucleus
c) elastic fibers
d) endosteal osteoblasts that can secrete osteoid tissue
Intercellular substance of bone is:
a) hydroxyapatite crystals
b) glycosaminoglycans
c) fibronectin
d) organic matter contains collagen (type I.)
Growing bones contain kinds of cells:
a) histiocytes
b) osteoprogenitor cells
c) osteoblasts
d) osteocytes
Osteoprogenitor cells:
a) exist near all free surfaces of bone
b) are the lining of Haversian canals
c) synthesize collagen
d) are undifferentiated cells
a) are derived from monocytes
b) secrete bone extracellular matrix
c) are syncytial cells
d) the cytoplasm of osteoblasts is basophilic
a) are near to bone periostem
b) are near to bone endosteum
c) occupy lacunae in the solid matrix
d) osteocyte processes are joined by gap junction
a) are derived from monocytes
b) are syncytial cells
c) are multinucleated cells
d) result in a resorbed cavity which is called Howship’s lacune
a) are found in Howship´s lacunae
b) line all trabeculae and spicules
c) are large multinuclear cells
d) are perichondral cells
a) are found in Howship´s lacunae
b) are perichondral cells
c) are large multinuclear cells
d) are similar to fibroblasts
Bone development is controlled by:
a) thyroid hormone
b) aldosterone hormone
c) sex hormone
d) growth hormone
Intramembranous (desmogenous) ossification:
a) developed from epiphyseal plate
b) developed from the resting cartilage
c) developed from condensed primitive mesenchymal tissue
d) mesenchymal cells differentiate into osteoblasts
The epiphysial growth plate have stages:
a) zone of proliferation
b) zone of hypertrophy and calcificatin
c) zone of fasciculata
d) osteogenic zone
Changes during the endochondral ossification can be:
a) the lamellae are concentrically arranged
b) calcification of the cartilage matrix
c) development of the collar bone around diaphysis
d) formation of the primary ossification center
What are the collagen fibers that extend into bone:
a) Tomes’ process
b) canaliculi
c) Sharpey´s fibre
d) Volkmann canal
What forms the skeleton of the fetus:
a) elastic cartilage
b) hyaline cartilage
c) fibrocartilage
d) primary bone (woven, non-Haversian bone) only
Active bone marrow consists of:
a) hyalinne cartilage
b) hematopoietic tissue
c) a framework of reticulin
d) blood sinusoids
What is woven bone:
a) cancellous bone
b) immature bone
c) it is nonlamellar bone
d) spongy bone
Epiphysial growth plate:
a) shows changes between the epiphysial cartilage and the newly forming bone of
the diaphysis
b) shows desmogenous ossification
c) shows the cells responsible for dentine formation
d) develop from the resting cartilage in the epiphyseal plate