Blood Flashcards
a) are derived from B lymphocytes that migrated into the connective tissue
b) originate in the kidney
c) originate in the bone marrow and leave the bone marrow as B cells
d) produce large volumes of antibodies
Plasma cells (plasmocytes, effector B cells):
a) are white blood cells which produce large volumes of antibodies
b) are transported by the blood plasma and the lymphatic system
c) originate in the bone marrow
d) their terminal differentiation takes place normally in lymph nodes
Lymphoid stem cells (lymphoid lineages) take part in the development of:
a) thrombocytes
b) neutrophils
c) lymphocytes
d) monocytes
The myeloid lineage of hematopoiesis gives rise to:
a) monocytes and macrophages
b) neutrophils, basophils and eosinophils
c) erythrocytes
d) megakaryocytes and blood platelets
Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs):
a) are multipotent stem cells
b) give rise to all the blood cell types from the myeloid lineage
c) give rise only to red blood cells and no other blood cells
d) form a heterogenous cell population
Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs):
a) are present only during embryonic development and disappear before birth
b) give rise to all the blood cell types from the myeloid lineage
c) give rise to all the blood cell types from the lymphoid lineage
d) can not be found in the peripheral blood during adult life
Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs):
a) are found only in the liver and no other organs
b) can be found in the bone marrow of femurs, hip, ribs and sternum
c) can be obtained directly by removal from the hip using a needle and syringe
d) can be obtained from the blood following pre-treatment with certain cytokines
(e. g. granulocyte colony-stimulating factors)
a) in children occurs in the marrow of the long bones such as the femur and tibia
b) in adults occurs mainly in the pelvis, cranium, vertebrae, and sternum
c) can be influenced by various types of pathological conditions
d) occurs frequently in nervous tissue
The percentage:
a) of the neutrophils in white blood count is about 60–70%
b) of the eosinophils in white blood count is about 10%
c) of basophils in white blood count is about 5%
d) of the monocytes in the white blood count is about 1%
a) are immature erythrocytes
b) can posses remnants of organelles and some ribosomal RNA in the cytoplasm
c) posses big basofilic nuclei
d) are present in the blood stream
a) compose about 1% of the red blood cells in the blood stream
b) develop and mature in the red bone marrow
c) circulate for about a day in the blood stream before developing into mature red
blood cells
d) posses a cell nucleus
Promyelocyte (progranulocyte):
a) is a granulocyte precursor
b) is developed from the myeloblast
c) is developing into the myelocyte
d) takes part in the development of erythrocytes
Red blood cells:
a) contain the cytoplasm which is rich in hemoglobin, an iron-containing biomo-
lecule that can bind oxygen and is responsible for the blood’s red color
b) in mature form they are flexible biconcave discs that lack a cell nucleus
c) do not develop in the bone marrow
d) circulate for about 100–120 days in the body before their components are recycled
by macrophages
a) in a mature form have a typical human erythrocytes disc shape, a diameter of
6–8 µm and a thickness of 2 µm
b) women have about 4 to 5 million erythrocytes per microliter (cubic millimeter)
of blood
c) men have about 5 to 6 million erythrocytes per microliter (cubic millimeter) of
d) people living at higher altitudes with lower oxygen tension will have less ery-
White blood cells:
a) are flexible biconcave discs
b) women have always less white blood cells then men
c) there are under normal physiological conditions 4,000-11,000 white blood cells per microliter (cubic millimeter) of blood
d) people living at higher altitudes with lower oxygen tension will have less white
blood cells
Blood platelets:
a) are cells with nuclei with two nucleoli
b) women have always less platelets then men
c) there are under normal physiological conditions 150,000-400,000 platelets per
microliter (cubic millimeter) of blood
d) people living at higher altitudes with lower oxygen tension will have less white
blood cells
Mature red blood cells:
a) contain no nucleus
b) carry hemoglobin, a protein which is responsible for the transport of more than 98% of the oxygen (the remaining oxygen is carried dissolved in the blood plasma)
c) are produced through a process called erythropoiesis, developing from commit-
ted stem cells to mature erythrocytes in about 7 days
d) develop by erythropoiesis solely situated in the liver during an entire human life
a) is the development process in which new erythrocytes are produced
b) takes place in the red bone marrow of large bones
c) can be stimulated by the hormone erythropoietin (EPO), synthesised by the
d) can be stimulated by stress and infection
Functional lifetime of erythrocytes:
a) lasts about 1–2 days
b) ends with the process called eryptosis (erythrocyte programmed cell death)
c) is influenced by certain pathologies like sepsis
d) is not influenced by the characteristics of erythrocytes, e.g. by their shape
The membrane of the red blood cell:
a) plays role in regulating its surface deformability and flexibility
b) is composed of glycocalyx rich in carbohydrates and the lipid bilayer which
contains transmembrane proteins
c) contains the membrane skeleton, a structural network of proteins located on the
inner surface of the lipid bilayer
d) does not contain any phospholipids
a) in males, there are around 4.7 to 6.1 millions of erythrocytes per 1 mm3
b) in females, there are around 4.2 to 5.4 millions of erythrocytes per 1 mm3
c) contain hemoglobin and distribute oxygen
d) posses nucleus and many organelles in the cytoplasm
a) there are around 4,000–11,000 per 1mm3 in the peripheral blood
b) are regulated by the presence of antigenes
c) posses no nucleus
d) develop from megakaryocytes
a) there are around 200,000-500,000 per 1mm3 in the peripheral blood
b) they are responsible for blood clotting
c) they change fibrinogen into fibrin
d) they contain dark nucleus with pale nucleolus
Blood plasma:
a) forms about 30% of whole blood
b) its total volume is around 2.7–3.0 liters (2.8–3.2 quarts) in an average human
c) circulates dissolved nutrients
d) does not contain urea and lactic acid
a) have a plasma life of about 120 days
b) they are degraded by the spleen and the Kupffer cells in the liver
c) have phagocytic properties
d) transport oxygen
In the erythrocytes:
a) about 98.5% of the oxygen in a sample of arterial blood in a healthy human
breathing air at sea-level pressure is chemically combined with the hemoglobin
b) about 1.5% of oxygen is physically dissolved in the other blood liquids and not
connected to hemoglobin
c) the nucleus is large and dark
d) the endoplasmic reticulum is abundant
Hemoglobin F:
a) is a normal form of hemoglobin in adults
b) is a fetal form of hemoglobin with much higher affinity for oxygen then adult
c) is produced because of much lower oxygen pressures in fetal circulation
d) is present in fetal erythrocytes
Blood formation occurs during the ontogeny:
a) in developing embryos in aggregates of blood cells in the yolk sac
b) in the spleen
c) in the liver and lymph nodes
d) in nervous tissue
Secondary lymphoid organs:
a) provide maturation and activation of lymphoid cells
b) comprise spleen and lymph nodes
c) contain reticular fibers in the stroma
d) are not vascularized
a) are large cells with approximately 50–100 µm in diameter
b) their nuclei can become large and lobulated
c) are derived from promyelocytes
d) differentiate in erythrocytes
a) are derived from hematopoietic stem cells
b) their production is regulated by thrombopoietin (TPO)
c) develop from megakaryoblasts and promegakaryocyte
d) do not have the ability to divide
a) differentiate in megakaryoblasts and promegakaryocyte
b) do not have the ability to divide
c) are able to replicate its DNA
d) are able to become polyploid
Mature megakaryocytes:
a) form small proto-platelet processes
b) emit platelets mainly into lung alveoli
c) releases newly-produced platelets in circulation
d) after budding off platelets its cell nucleus crosses the bone marrow barrier to
the blood and is consumed in the lung by alveolar macrophages
Platelets (thrombocytes):
a) have dark nucleus and pale nucleolus
b) are small, irregularly shaped clear cell fragments
c) their size is 2–3 µm in diameter
d) their average lifespan is normally just 5 to 9 days
Mature lymphocytes:
a) live more then 100 days in average
b) are a critical part of the immune system
c) must be continuously generated throughout life by cell division and differenti-
d) are generated from cells such as common lymphoid progenitors (CLPs)
Mature lymphocytes:
a) are located mainly in peripheral blood and do not cross the vascular wall in the
connective tissue
b) are a critical part of the immune system
c) have short lives measured in days or weeks
d) must be continuously generated throughout life by cell division and differenti-
T and B lymphocytes:
a) are indistinguishable histologically, which means under a light microscope (using
general staining methods) they cannot be told apart
b) can be distinguished using immunocytochemistry
c) posses different surface markers
d) have common progenitor cells
A peripheral blood smear:
a) is a thin layer of blood smeared on a microscope slide
b) is usually stained to allow microscopic examination
c) visualizes proteins and saccharides
d) occasionally parasites within the blood such as malaria can be present
Granulocytes (polymorphonuclear leukocytes):
a) are characterized by the presence of differently staining granules in their cyto-
plasm when viewed under light microscopy
b) can be divided in neutrophils, basophils, and eosinophils
c) posses no nuclei
d) posses a lot of hemoglobin in their cytoplasm
Agranulocytes (mononuclear leukocytes):
a) contain non-specific azurophilic granules, which are lysosomes
b) include lymphocytes and monocytes
c) do not posses any nuclei
d) belong to white blood cells
White blood cells:
a) posses no nuclei
b) are cells of the immune system involved in defending the body against infectious
c) are produced and derived from a multipotent cell in the bone marrow known as a hematopoietic stem cell
d) live for about 3 to 4 days in the average human body
Eosinophil granulocytes:
a) live for 120 days on average
b) contain usually two nuclei
c) their levels are elevated in asthma and hay fever
d) their nucleus is bi-lobed
Eosinophil granulocytes:
a) are able to deal with parasitic infections
b) are the predominant inflammatory cells in allergic reactions
c) their levels are regulated mainly by the oxygen pressure
d) their cytoplasma is rich in Nissl’s substance
a) defend against bacterial or fungal infection
b) have a multi-lobed nucleus
c) contain large dark granules
d) can not perform phagocytosis
a) contain fine granules that are pale lilac
b) are active in phagocytosing bacteria
c) are present in large amount in the pus of wounds
d) are not able to renew their lysosomes used in digesting microbes