bolshaveik siezure Flashcards
what was the provisional government
temporary government to govern Russia until a constituent assembly was established
made up from members of the old duma
what was the Petrograd soviet
worker and soldier representatives
lead by prince Lvov who was a good democrat and participated in the zemstvo and supplied for the war
made up of Mensheviks and socialists
who ran the Petrograd soviet
prince lvov and milkynov was made minister of foreign affairs
what was the soviet no.1
gave soldiers the right to access all weponds and carried out any orders by the PG provided that the soviet agreed
why did the soviet allow the PG to govern mostly
1)did not want to give an excuse for counter revolution
2)soviets did not know how to run a government, did not know how to handle masses or opposition
3)the ptrograd soviet according to marxist theory did not beleive the workers were ready to govern because of russias ststae
honey moon of the revolution
the first measures of
the Petrograd met with the soviets and public approval
the tsarist ministers were arrested
death penalty was abolished and the secret police was disbanded
religious freedoms
outside the capital
tsarist symbols were being destroyed
peasants set up their own committees and were encouraged to handle their own affairs
grew stronger
big hopes for new gov
Petrograd struggles
the continuation with war had strain on food supply and economy
did not want to touch on the question of land and wanted to wait untiltehy had elected a constituent assembly before making any decisions
because of war could not carry out any reform
the war
the nationalist party,kadets and moderate SRs wanted a continuation of war to prevent national humiliation and losing land or the empire
the Mensheviks wanted to negotiate peace however
july offensives
alexander krensky the minister of war wants to plan an offensive attack against germany
he threw himself behind propaganda with speeches
middle classes sreved in shock battalions to try to encourage poeple to join
may were non comformant and alot died
this made many people join the bolshaviks who wanted an end to the war
the land and peasents
after febuary and the end of the tsarist regime the peasents expected the proper redistrubtion of land they had been waiting for
howevere the provsional government didnt want to touch on the land question till a constituent assembly had been elected
but also the liberals in the government did not want their land to be redisturbuted and didnt want a free for all incase the army would disintegrate so peasenets could claim their share
the leader of the SDs proposed that the peasents could take private property however liberals had blocked this
there were 237 land siezures in 1917 as peasents took them by force
the national minorities
the poles and finns demnaded independence after the tsarist regime had falled or more autonomy like the caucuses
the kadets belived in maintaining the empire through a centralised goverment the social revolutionaries believed that they should be granted independence to handle own affiats
the pg did not want to break off the empire in the midst of war
however some liberal memebers of the giovernment discussed some consesions with ukrainians who wanted indepedmace but led to the reisgnation of 3 kadet leaders on july 2nd
social refrom
many workers wanted social reforms after February,while wages did increase prices began to rise and it still wasnt enough, the workers became highly politicised
range of jobs demnaded stuff but the PG had failed to mideate between workers and employers
30,000 peasents militancy
alexander krenesky
alexander krensky was a great ortor and was encouraged to run for PM and did in 1917
he was the war minister
he was seen as the bridge between tghe liberslad and socialist and workers and solidiers
the return of lenin
lenin was in exile but had to get through german border but they welocmed him across hoping he would stir up trouble and set a speech in finland station
where he stated he wanted an end to the war
he wanted a world wide socalist revoultion
land redistribution
workers to take over
he wanted pG to go
justif. of april theisis
the july days
kerensky and provisional gov.
the kornilov affair
worker radicilisation
the october REV
kreneskys response to global crisis
bolshaviks sieze control