Body Worn Cameras Flashcards
All commission police officers of any rank who are assigned a BWC device will/will not where their camera at all times while in their respective uniform.
The BWC will be worn on the _________ bearing shoulder.
Officers will not/will activate the BWC as soon as the call is initiated via radio or MDT or as early as possible at the beginning of any self initiated police action when it is safe and practical to do so.
Officers will record all contacts with citizens in the following occurrences:_______
(1) All dispatch calls for service involving contact with citizens or potential for contact with suspects.
(2) Vehicle and person stops.
(3) Detentions or investigations pursuant to an arrest, suspect interviews, and post Miranda interrogations.
(4) Search of persons, structures or vehicles if not already activated.
(5) As soon as practical after the occurrence of an officer involved traffic accident.
(6) Any involvement in a pursuit to include bubbling or paralleling tactics.
(7) Driving Code 3
(8) Any contact that becomes adversarial.
(9) Transport a prisoners.
(10) Any other status in contact or official duty circumstance at the officers discretion such as testing field narcotics, counting seized money, documenting high value found property.
(11) View video and audio evidence on citizen or witness cellphones or other devices during investigations.
Officers will document the existence of a BWC recording on all field interviews, investigative reports, and arrest documents. They will write ___________ on the first line of all reports and citation narratives.
They will/ will not write “Refer to Video.”
Body Worn Camera Available
Will not
Supervisors will retrieve an officers BWC and _________by the end of their shift if Officer is unable to do so.
Upload it
In the event a supervisor does not have access to an account, they will _________ another supervisor with access, an investigative specialist within Patrol Detectives/Investigative Service Division or directly contact the BWC detail for access to specific videos.
Supervisors who are investigating following the application a reasonable force will:________
Access in the presence of involved officer.
Record the interview of subject citizen
Do not record the subject office
Review video with officer prior to use of force report
Ensure the review of the BWC video is documented in the narrative in the investigative comments
Supervisors will respond to citizens request to file Statement of Complaint and do the following:_____
Handle receipts of complaints in accordance with the LVMPD.
Interview the complaint, when possible, before reviewing any available BWC
Did not record the subject officer during the investigation
Access the video on scene through a mobile device or any MDT. Not in the presence of the complainant.
If the allegation is not a violation of policy or law, notate in the Blue Team Citizen Contact
that BWC video is available and was reviewed.
If the allegation appears to be valid, notate soul in the narrative of the SOC that BWC is available and was reviewed
During deactivation. Officers will/will not continue to record for a short period after the event to demonstrate clearly to a subsequent viewer that the incident has concluded and the officer has assumed other duties or activities.
When the check other BWC battery or controller status indicates the remaining capacity is less than 20%, activation of the BWC will/will not be required until arrival on the scene unless traveling Code 3.
Will not
Officers will/ will not activate their BWC inside any detention facility.
Will not
If a citizen has ________ the officer stop recording. Officers have no obligation to stop recording in response.
A citizen with _______ has requested the officer to stop recording within the citizens resident or structure and the officer has entered the residence or structure on consent officers will deactivate the BWC.
Officers should be ______ of locations such as places of worship, certain locations in hospitals or clinics, law offices, and daycare facilities, where reporting may be considered insensitive, inappropriate, or prohibited by privacy policy’s.
BWC will be used in conjunction with official law enforcement duties. The BWC shall not be used to record the following:
Any personal conversation between employees
Non-work related personal activity such as (Restrooms and locker rooms)
Major crime investigative briefings
Encounters with undercover officers or confidential informant
Administrative meetings,work
groups,counseling,discipline etc.
Large scale special events
BWC recording‘s which capture valuable information as officers arrive, handle, and conduct preliminary investigation at crime scenes Will/will not replace evidence collection.
Officers will not/will cease recording if they haven’t already done so, once a formal investigation begins.
Will not
Following an OIS or other use of deadly force, involved personnel or supervisor will not view the BWC recording prior to ____or _____viewing the footage except when articulable accident circumstances exist.
Involved officers and witness officers, will not/Will be allowed to view their own BWC recording prior to a scene walk-through and subsequent FIT/CIRT statement.
Supervisor taking the involved officers Public Safety statement will also ensure that the BWC are/ are not used to record any part of the officers public safety statement.
Are not
______ personnel will be responsible for collecting and securing the BWC from all involved and when is Officer’s upon arrival at the scene. FIT or CIRT is responsible for upload into
Officers assigned to transport or guarding prisoners medical facilities Will/will not ensure they are assigned to an event with Dispatch.
Once a signed they will/will not create a short video identifying their role in guarding or transporting the prisoner.
Transporting officers will not/will keep their camera on for the duration of the transport.
Officers may view their own BWC recordings to: _____
(1) Assist in completing an investigation and preparing official reports
(2) Prior to court to refresh recollection
(3) Provide a statement pursuant to an internal investigation
Officers will/ will not allow citizens to review PWC recording in the field. Citizens requesting to view BWC recording will be advised to refer to the procedure on or to call the LVMPD dissemination manager.
Will not
Supervisors will slash will not only access the BWC video of officers in circumstances of an official policy required investigation.
Supervisors will not randomly search or audit and Officer’s video outside of these reasons, and without advanced authorization of their ______or ______.
Bureau commander shall/shall not only be accessed from LVMPD authorized computers. Access to from a home, personal, or non-departmental mobile device is _______.
Automatic Assignments—Disposition Based
Arrest _______
Citation _______
Report only ______
Minimum retention ______
10 years
5 years
1 year
90 days
Around the ____of each month and Officer will be informed of their compliance statistics through a ______ from the preceding two week.
Status Report
Around the _____, the preceding months “Monthly Status Report” will be generated, which will cover the previous 1st-15th status report period up to the end of the preceding month (1st-31st).
Supervisors will complete an investigation into the reported compliance rate and not issue a _________ solely on the basis of a violation of law in compliance rate.
Contact report
Supervisors will/will not formally document on a contact report all be BWC compliance conversations with officers.