Body Schema Flashcards
what is visual input?
what is proprioceptive input?
what is unified representation of events
separate sensory inputs are integrated such as visual, sound and proprioceptive feedback
MSI and body representation
Is an automatic process and we are not consciously aware of this
MSI & Body RepresentationCont.
Multiple sensory inputs are most likely to be integrated into a single event (or sequence of events) if they correspond in time and space.
Additionally, information each different sense is not equally reliable/ equally weighted sources of perceptual input.
Greater perceptual ‘weight’ is given to more spatially precise sources of information – e.g., relies less on vision and more on proprioception when lighting is very poor and vice versa when lighting is good.
However, we can exploit such perceptual weightings by disrupting the correspondence between sensory inputs using mirrors and fake hands
MSI in the brain- Parietal Cortex
the temporo-parietal junction (TPJ) is particularly important for limb representation/ updating.
TPJ damage and dysfunction is associated with out of body experiences(Blanke et al, 2004)
mirror-hand illusion- control condition
there should be no systematic pattern of reach
mirror-hand illusion- mirror condition
Reach errors will be systematic – the more the real and mirror locations differ, the greater the reach error (the further away from the target location the reach should fall).
This pattern of errors will be consistent with the brain representing the hand somewhere between the real and mirror-signalled locations.
mirror-hand illusion- results
- Participants’ reaches showed systematic errors towards the seen location of the hand (visual inputs) rather than what they felt (proprioceptive inputs).
The further the hand in the mirror differed from their real hand, the less accurate they were. - This is consistent with their brain representing their hand as somewhere between its real location and the location signalled in the mirror.
Also provides evidence of visual anchoring of proprioceptive inputs
Proprioceptive drift
Proprioceptive drift is a change in the perceived position of the obscured hand.
Without a ‘fake hand (e.g. mirror hand),’ drift tends to occur toward the middle of the body because that’s its ‘default’ position
With a ‘fake hand,’ drift tends to occur toward the fake hand because the brain seems to rely on the visual input more now that the proprioceptive input is degraded.
Mirror Box Therapy- phantom limb syndrome
a limb that has been amputated feels like it is still there, often with painful feelings – e.g., hand clenched so tight it hurts.
The mirror hand illusion can be used to ‘reset’ the missing limb and alleviate the pain.
Rubber Hand Illusion (RHI)Explanation
The stroking is either synchronous or asynchronous
synchronous stroking
corresponding tactile and visual input
multisensory integration
Temporal correspondence – sensations occur at the same time
Spatial correspondence – with reference to the hand’s surface, the stroking goes in the direction and at the same location.
This triggers integration of these inputs into a single event
Brain updates body representation accordingly – trying to reconcile the contrast between the location of the touch and the location of the visual info.
asynchronous stroking
the integration of the rubber hand into the body representation should be absent or weaker because does not result in multisensory integration
Subjective Effects
Ownership effects (rubber hand is mine) Referral of Touch (the stroking sensation is coming from the rubber hand)
Behavioural Effects
Proprioceptive Drift towards rubber hand.
When asked to point with other hand to where the hidden hand is, people deviate toward the rubber hand.
Physiological Effects?
controversial, not easy to replicate
Temperature Drop in Hidden Hand
Immune reactivity increase in hidden hand
RHI Effects
Importantly these effects more reliably found during synchronous stimulation, and usually are weaker or absent in the asynchronous condition.
RHI & the Brain
Disrupting the TPJ using rTMS can weaken the RHI (Kammers et al., 2009).
Remember that RHI effects seem to rely on integrating the tactile and visual input from synchronous stroking.
Disrupting this multisensory integration area prevents sensory binding.