Body Habitus Examination-Wight Height Flashcards
How many men and women suffer from eating disorders? Name two principle disorders.
Female: 5-10 million Male: 1 million
-Anorexia Nervosa & Bulimia
What is the name of the skin folding test and what type of fat is it measuring?
Jackson-Pollack skin fold test measures subcutaneous fat.
Females- ticeps, suprailliac, hip/buttox, & thigh
Males- chest, waist, thigh, & tricep
Give reason for possible increased height.
Gigantism- exaggerated growth due to increased growth hormone before epiphyseal closure
Give one reason for increased skeletal proportion.
Acromegaly- increased bone structure of face, jaw, and extremeties
What is the criteria for “short stature” determination? In addition, what percentage of people are taller the termed “short stature?”
2 standard deviations below the average height of individuals of same age group
95% are taller than the determined short stature
Name 5 possible causes of short individuals.
Constitutional delay 1 or both parents are short- child will reach height of 1 or both eventually degenerative disc disease vertebra wedging in osteoporosis flexure of knees with arthritis
Name and describe 2 “clinical” bone/skeletal disease/condition?
Rickets- softening/weakening of bones caused by vit. D, calcium, and phosphate deficiency
Achondroplasia- heredity condition by which ossification of bone from cartilage is retarded causing short limbs and occasionally smaller face relative to skull size
What are 5 possible general inspection questions?
Is the patient:
- unusually short or tall
- body slender, muscular, or stocky?
- symmetrical/propionate?
- emaciate, slender, overweight, obese?
- body fat concentration (large torso narrow limbs, or large hip and waist)?
What are 4 possible things to report regarding weight change?
- Amount of weight change in period of time?
- Desired/undesired?
- Size as child?
- Other symptoms?
Name 2 possible “reports” regarding height.
- Amount and parts?
- Other symptoms?
What are 2 possible categorical history questions?
Patient History:
- Weight gain/loss?
- Illness?
Family History:
- Family Body Frame (height and weight)?
- family genetics and metabolic disorders?
What specifically will methods of body measurement measure?
- Height
- Girth
- Composition: refers to tissue proportions
What is the body size by wrist circumference equation & determination?
Height(cm)/Wrist Circumference(cm)
(Frame) (Male) (Female)
Small 10.4 >10.9
What is the overweight vs. obesity regulation?
Overweight- 10% above Ht and Wt charts Obese- 20% above Ht and Wt charts -Mild 20%-40% above -Medium 41%-99% above -Severe >100% above
What are the 6 BMI classifications?
- Underweight
- Healthy weight
- Overweight
- Obese
- Obese
- Extreme Obese