Body Energy Stores Flashcards
Metabolism controlled mostly through what mechanism
Maintenance of Body energy depends on what two things
- how much energy we ingest
2. how much energy we consume (energy output - our metabolism)
Much of our food intake is controlled by
Neuotransmitters, some hormones, other factors
Body’s primary controller of complex vegatative function
Lateral hypothalamic nucleus
causes behaviors that are associated with hunger
Ventromedial nucleus
region associated with satiety
dorsomedial nucleus
more directly involved in the control of metabolism
arcuate nucleus
source of major inputs to the lateral and ventromedial hypothalamic nuclei
Orexigenic chemicals
Neuropeptide Y
anorexigneic chemicals
CCK Seratonin Melanocortin CART Leptin GLP-1
produced by arcuate nucleus
acts on lateral hypothalamic nucleus
NPY-1 receptor
increases food ingestion
most potent trigger of short term feeding behavior
release increased by ghrelin and decreased with leptin
antagonist of MSH expressed by arcuate nucleus, work on lateral hypothalamic nuclei also works on dorsomedial and ventromedial synapses, wher it blocks the anorexigenc actions of melanocortin stimulated by ghrelin inhibited by leptin
produced by parietal cells
endogenous ligand for GHS receptor
actions of ghrelin are independent of its ability to increase growth hormone secretion
increases as time after meal increases.
ingestion of food decreases grehlin release
acts on arcuate nucleus to increase NPY and AGRP
increases gastric motility
released with presence of fat in duodenum
by chemoreceptors involved in control of intermeal duration.
activate ventromedial nucleus to induce satiety
ventromedial nucleus
role in satiety
decrease apetite