Board Situational Questions (Avery) Flashcards
Response to a Soldier needing a ride
I would ensure the Soldier’s safety is the priority. I would either arrange a safe ride home myself or coordinate with another NCO to pick him up. I would then address the situation with the Soldier at the appropriate time, ensuring they understand the importance of the Army’s standards of conduct and personal responsibility.
Steps after a Soldier fails the ACFT
I would first counsel the Soldier on their performance, identify any contributing factors, and develop a retraining plan focused on their weak areas. I’d also schedule regular PT sessions to track their progress and motivate them, ensuring they are prepared for the next test.
Handling a Soldier expressing self-harm thoughts
I would immediately ensure the Soldier is not left alone and notify my chain of command. I’d then escort the Soldier to behavioral health or an emergency room, following up with command to ensure they receive the necessary support
What covers Army Leadership?
Army Leadership is covered in ADP 6-22
What is Army Leadership?
Army Leadership is the process of influencing people by providing purpose, direction, and motivation to accomplish the mission and improve the organization
What is Mission Command?
Mission command, also referred to as mission-type tactics, is a style of military command, which is derived from the Prussian-pioneered mission-type tactics doctrine, combines centralized intent with decentralized execution subsidiarity, and promotes freedom and speed of action, and initiative within defined constraints.
What is AR 600-20?
AR 600-20 outlines the Army Command Policy, covering essential policies, procedures, and responsibilities of command
What are the three levels of leadership?
Direct, Organizational, and Strategic
What are the three leader attributes?
Character, Presence, and Intellect
What are the three leader competencies?
Leads, Develops, and Achieves
What are the three principal ways that leaders can develop others?
Counseling, Coaching, and Mentoring.
What regulation governs the investigations of EO Complaints?
AR 600-20
What is the form used to file a Formal Complaint?
DA Form 7279
What is a Formal Complaint?
A Formal Complaint is an EO complaint filed in writing and requiring a full investigation.
What is an Informal Complaint?
An Informal Complaint is an EO complaint that is resolved at the lowest possible level without the need for formal documentation.
What is the purpose of the EO?
The purpose of the EO program is to ensure fair treatment of all persons based solely on merit, fitness, and capability in support of readiness.
What form is used to submit a Sexual Harassment Complaint?
DA Form 7279
What is a DD Form 2910?
It documents the choice of a victim in filing a restricted or unrestricted report of sexual assault.
What does AR 600-25 Cover?
It covers Salutes, Honors, and Visits of Courtesy.
What does AR 623-3 cover?
It covers the evaluation reporting system for NCOs and Officers
What is a DA Form 2166-8?
NCO Evaluation Report (NCOER)(form)
NCOER Counseling and Support Form
DA Form 2166-8-1
What is the DA Form 1059
the Academic Evaluation Report, used to record a Soldier’s performance in military schools.
What will the NCOER rating chain consist of?
The NCOER rating chain consists of the rated NCO, the rater, the senior rater, and the reviewer.
What are the different types of NCOERs?
The types include Annual, Change of Rater, Relief for Cause, Complete the Record, and 60-day Rater and Senior Rater Option Reports.
What is counseling?
Counseling is the process used by leaders to review with a subordinate their demonstrated performance and potential
What are the three categories of developmental counseling?
Performance, Professional Growth, and Event-Oriented Counseling
What are the five characteristics of an effective counselor?
Purpose, Flexibility, Respect, Communication, and Support
What are the four stages of the counseling process?
Identify the need for counseling, Prepare for counseling, Conduct counseling, and Follow up
What are the three approaches to counseling?
Directive, Nondirective, and Combined
What Army publication covers counseling?
ATP 6-22.1 covers counseling
What is leader development?
Leader development is a continuous process that shapes leaders through training, education, and experience
What are the three crucial leader development components or the three leader development lines of effort?
Institutional, Operational, and Self-Development
What is the ACT?
The Army Career Tracker (ACT) is a web-based tool that integrates training, education, and experiential learning into one personalized and easy-to-use interface.
Who are the primary trainers of enlisted Soldiers, crews, and small teams?
NCOs are the primary trainers of enlisted Soldiers, crews, and small teams.
What is the definition of a METL
A Mission Essential Task List (METL) is a compilation of tasks critical to the unit’s success in combat
What are the TLPs (Troop Leading Procedures)?
The TLPs are: Receive the Mission, Issue a Warning Order, Make a Tentative Plan, Start Necessary Movement, Reconnoiter, Complete the Plan, Issue the Order, and Supervise and Refine
What do subordinates provide to enable the Commander to assess the readiness of a mission-essential task?
Subordinates provide feedback and reports that allow the Commander to assess readiness
What are the four steps to an AAR?
The steps are: 1) What was supposed to happen? 2) What did happen? 3) Improvements/Sustains 4) What will be done differently next time?
What Army publication is known as “training the force”?
FM 7-0 is known as ‘Training the Force
What does UCMJ stand for?
Uniform Code of Military Justice.
What article in the UCMJ covers nonjudicial punishment?
Article 15 covers nonjudicial punishment.
What are the three types of nonjudicial punishment (Article 15)?
Summarized, Company Grade, and Field Grade.
How long after an incident can a company commander impose nonjudicial punishment?
Nonjudicial punishment must be imposed within two years of the incident.
How many articles are in the UCMJ?
There are 146 articles in the UCMJ.
What form is used for Article 15s?
DA Form 2627 is used for Article 15s.
Who may impose an Article 15?
Any commanding officer may impose an Article 15
Who may impose a Field grade Article 15?
A Field Grade Article 15 can be imposed by a Major or above.
What does PMCS stand for?
Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services
When does PMCS need to be performed?
Before, during, and after the operation of equipment, and at weekly and monthly intervals.
What is a TM?
A Technical Manual provides detailed information on the operation, maintenance, and repair of Army equipment.
What is the DA Form 2404/DA Form 5988-E?
Both forms are used for equipment maintenance and inspection, with DA Form 5988-E being the electronic version.
What form does the sponsor fill out?
DA Form 5434 is used in the Total Army Sponsorship Program.
What is the purpose of the Total Army Sponsorship Program?
To assist Soldiers, civilian employees, and their families with transitions such as PCS moves by assigning them a sponsor.
What TC covers rifle marksmanship for the M4/M16 series of rifles?
TC 3-22.9 covers rifle marksmanship.
What does PMI stand for?
Preliminary Marksmanship Instruction.
What covers Land Navigation?
FM 3-25.26 covers Land Navigation.
What does UTM Stand for?
Universal Transverse Mercator, a grid-based method to identify locations on a map
When was the NCO Corps born?
The NCO Corps was born on June 14, 1775, with the establishment of the Continental Army
Who standardized the duties and responsibilities of the NCO Corps?
Baron Friedrich Von Steuben standardized the duties and responsibilities of the NCO Corps in his 1779 Blue Book
What is the cornerstone of operational success
The cornerstone of operational success is effective leadership
What is a Professional Development model (PDM)?
A PDM is a framework that guides NCOs through progressive career and professional growth
What three types of duties do NCOs have?
NCOs have specified duties, directed duties, and implied duties