Board Prep Neuro Flashcards
What does the Ventral posterior medial nucleus receive?
Sensory information from the face and sends it to the primary sensory cortex
What visual field defect do you get from occlusion of the PCA?
Contralateral hemianopsia with macular sparing
What hand muscles does the median nerve intervate?
The opponens pollicis, abductor pollicis brevis, flexor pollicis brevis
What cranial nerves course through the cavernous sinuses?
CN III, IV, V1, V2, VI
How will a lesion to the MLF present?
Internuclear opthalmoplegia: MLF is responsible for coordination between nuclei of CN III and CN VI
You will see a lack of ipsilateral adduction, and contralateral nystagmus on abduction
What are some associations with MS and treatment?
Interferon Beta is the treatment
It is association with INO and HLA-DR2
How do you treat latent tb, what are the side effects?
B6 deficiency and hepatotoxicity
What is tetanus?
Tetanus is a result of overstimulated skeletal muscle–>
increased Ca2+ extends cross-bridge cycling, not allowing the muscles to relax
Dorsal scapular artery
divides around the levator at the superior angle
What are the afferent and efferent limbs of the corneal reflex?
The afferent limb is CN V1
The efferent limb is CN VII
ACA Strokes
Cause weakness in the contralateral LE more than UE
NMDA antagonist
used for Alzheimer’s
Uncal herniations
Occur when the medial aspect of the temporal bone herniates across the tentorium
results in compression of CNIII & pyramidal tracts
AR disorder most commonly presenting in 2 y/o
develop progessive cerebellar ataxia, abnormal eye movement, telangiectasias, Sinopulmonary infections
Trochlear nerve
Innervates the superior oblique muscle, which is necessary to move the eye downward and laterally
Friedrich’s ataxia
hereditary ataxia affecting the dorsal columns and spinocerebellar tract
childhood kyphoscoliosis
progresses to neuro symptoms including falling, dysarthria, nystagmus
Olfactory nerve damage
Traumatic injury to the cribriform plate at the crista galli can lead to olfactory dysfunction
suspect this in facial trauma (especially MVCs)
Lewy body demntia
Parkinsonian features
waxing and waning mental state
visual HaLEWYcinations
Worst headache of life with LP positive for xanthochromia (yellow CSF associated with SAH)
SAH until proven otherwise
Ehler-Danlos syndrome can predispose patients to SAH
Abnormal collagen type III protein (Ehler-Danlos)
Huntington’s and paternal anticipation
AD genetic disorder cause by CAG repeats (chromosome 4)
Onset earlier than age 20 suggests inheritance from the father because the repeat sequence is less stable during spermatogenesis than oogenesis
Painless visual loss
Usually due to retinal artery occlusion
The cause is cholesterol emboli and usually occurs in pt. with Risk (Hyperlipidemia, DM, CAD, HTN)
Neurosyphilis Dx
Fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption (FTA-ABs)
followed by subsequent testing if positive
Tuberous Sclerosis
AD condition ash leaf spots brown fibrous plaques renal systs seizures increased incidence of Astrocytomas
What nerve passes through the foramen rotundum
sensory innervation to the ipsilateral cheek
right hypoglossal nerve
found within the carotid traingle
Left sided spatial neglect
right parietal lobe lesion
codeletion of chromosomes 1 p and 19 q
biopsy: centralnuclei with abundant clear cytoplasm (fried eggs)