Board- Navigation Flashcards
The time you start to turn until you are on your new course
The distance traveled from the course to the end of the turn lateral (sideways)
Magnetic Bearing
Directions based on the direction of the magnetic north
Set and Drift
Set is the direction that the current is pushing the ship.
Your drift is the speed that you are being pushed at
Time Zones
25 time zones
A-Z with exceptions of J
Determines the depth of the water beneath the keel of the ship DAGR
Digital Nautical Chart
Voyage Management System
Primary source of navigation through use of real time DNC
Distress Signals
Red star shells Fog horn continuously sounding Flames on vessel Wave arms Gun fired at 1 minute intervals Morse code (SOS) Mayday on radio Flags- November, Charlie Dye Marker( any color) Position Indicating Beacon Digital selective calling Smoke In inland water white light flashing 50-70 times a minute
Vessel at anchor
Shapes- Ball
Vessel not under command
Day Shapes- Ball,Ball
Lights- All round white light
Restricted in ability to maneuver
Shapes- Ball diamond Ball
Lights- 3 all round lights (red, white, red)
Vessel aground
Shape- Ball, ball, ball
Lights- 2 all round red lights
Constrained by draft
Shape- cylinder
Lights- 3 all round red lights
Refueling/ Ammunition handling
Bravo (red swallowed-tailed)
Senior Officer Present Affloat
SOPA (white and green pennant)
Personnel recall
Papa (white and blue)
Boat recall
Quebec (yellow)
Code alpha (code is red and white pennant)
International signals
Alpha (blue and white swallow- tailed)
Personnel working aloft/over the side
Kilo (yellow and blue)
Lima (black and yellow)
Man overboard
Oscar (yellow and red)
Uniform (white and red)
First substitute
Absence of flag officer or unit commander (phibron 6)
(Yellow and blue)
Flies on yardarm starboard side outboard
Second substitute
Absence of Chief of Staff
(Blue and white)
Flies port side out board
Third Substitute
Absence of CO
(Black and White)
Flies port side outboard
Fourth Substitute
Absence of a civilian officer
(Red and yellow)
Flies starboard side inboard
7 standard bridge watch stations
OOD CO Boatswains mate of watch Helmsman Lee helmsman Lookouts Quartermaster of the watch
What publication governs the rules for inland/international waters
Rules of the road
Published by US Coast Guard
Man Overboard lights
Red over red pulsating
All round white lights located at jack and flag staff lights and illuminate the deck
Two red lights, white lights on the bow and stern illuminate deck
Power driven vessel light configuration
Master head light(white light 225 degrees)
Port running light (red light 112.5 degrees)
Starboard running light (green light 112.5 degrees)
Stern light (white light 135 degrees)
Line of Demarcation
Separates inland rules from international rules
IALA Buoyage system
Entering the seaward buoys are green to port and red to starboard
Red right returning USA is IALA B
Different ways of finding ships position
VMS Nodes
1-CONN -conning station at bridge
2- NAV-1 -Quartermaster of the Watch Table
3- NAV-2 -Combat Information Center
4- NAV-3 -Chart Room
5- NAV-4 -Navigators Stateroom
Restricted Maneuvering
When due to the nature of Kearsarge’s work her ability to normally maneuver is greatly reduced
(Flight ops, lcac ops, UNREP)
Right hand man to CO and I charge if CO is not present
Gives courses and speed to helm and lee helm. Responsible for driving the ship
Boatswains Mate of the Watch
Passes all words, piping’s, casualties over the 1MC and supervises helm and lee helm and the lookouts on watch
Steers the course given to them by the conning officer
Lee Helmsman
Stands watch at the EOT and rings up the conning officers orders to the throttle man
To watch and report what they see night and day to include
MOB, other ships, aircraft, hazmat, marine life
Quarter Master of the Watch
OOD’s assistant for safe navigation and direct representative for the navigator when not on bridge