BMSC 210 Module 1 Flashcards
No organelles
Have Plastmids
One circular chromosome that has a single origin of replication
Evolved from a common ancestor to Eukarya
one single circular chromosome with mutiple origins of replication
No organelles
Muti or single cellular
Evolved from common ancestor as archea
Organelles are descendent from a subset of bacteria
Mutiple chormosomes with mutiple regions of replication
Rarely have plastmids
Membrane bound organeeles
Bacteria advanced
Cell wall contain molecular peptidoglycan
Most bacteria do not cause disease
Bacterias form human microbes
Archea Advanced
Different from rRna based on rRNA sequence
Some live in exterme enviroments
Don’t appear to directly cause human disease
Eukarya Advanced
Plants, animals, microorganisms (fungi and protists) Protists are uni-cellular and are bigger than bacteria and archea
Fungi can be uni or muticellular
Protists are in protozoa and algae catagorie
Smallest microbes
cannot replicate on their own needs a host cell
Made of necleic acids and proteins
Encode for their own genetic information
Needs host to replicate like viruses
Limited to plants made of RNA
replicate thir own RNA
Nucleic acids in a protein shell
needs co-infect cells cannot infect on their own
causes animal and plant diseases
Made of Proteins
causes infectious misfolded proteins
Early Cells
Arose from Protein RNA and DNA
Gained diversity through microbial evolution
Single molecule that could preform all of these role
Due to the similarities of RNA and DNA RNA most likely given the rise to DNA strand
Early cells Protein
FullFill the catalytic and structural roles
Catalytic proteins are enzymes that serves transportation attachment
Early cells DNA
Stores information that is replicated and passed on
Early Cell RNA
Converts infromation in DNA and turns into proteins
Early Cells Theroy
Cells arose from this single molecule that could have perform mutiple roles
Thomas Cech supported Cell theory
Thomas Cech - Discovered RNA molecule in a protist that had catalytic activity, since then other catalytic RNA has been discovered.
Discovered that RNA can store, replicate, express genetic information and catalyze
What did the discoveries lead to?
RNA has an ancient origin
RNA was able to preform the catalytic, structural and hereditary to early cells
RNA birth DNA
Koch’s Postulates
Designed for Bacterias (not viruses
Postulate #1
Microorganism must be present in every case of disease but absent from healthy organisms
Postulate #2
Suspected organism must but isolated and grown in pure cultrue
Postulate 3
The same disease must result when the isolated microorganisms is inculated into a healthy host
Endosymbiotic Theory
Complex eukaryotes are made up of seperate single celled organisms as they have different DNA from the eukaryotes and the smaller components
Postulate #4
The same microorganism must be isolated again from the diseased host
Experiemnt 1
Developed a staining technique to examine human tissue
Experiment 2
Examined the disease in pure culture blood serum
Experiment 3
Injected the disease into pigs then the pigs died
Experiment 4
Isolated the disease in pure culture on a blood serum from the dead pigs
The Germ Theory
Disease cause by microorganisms like viruses fungi and bacteria
Germ theory Pasteur
Worked on fermentation which led to pasteruization (provided evidence that microorganisms caused disease and spoilage)
Development of rabie vaccine that controled and elemenated specific microbs which prevented diseases
Germ Theory Lister
Antiseptic surgery techniques which proved that preventing microbial contamination can prevent diseases.
Germ Theory Koch
Linked specific microorganisms to specific diseases