BLS/ACLS Algorithm Review Flashcards
First 3 steps of BLS
- verify scene safety
- check responsiveness
- shout for help, activate emergency response system
The 4th step of BLS is dependent on the age, if they are an adult then…..
If they are a child then….
….Get AED if alone or otherwise send another to get it
….Immediately start 2 min CPR compressions first before going to get an AED
The 5th step of BLS is to do what?
Assess the breathing and pulse at the same time WITHIN 10 seconds, and depending on assessment of these determines the next directional step of the algorithm
If a patient after the 5th step of BLS assessment has pulse and breathing, what should be done?
Wait with patient
If a patient after 5th step of BLS assessment has a pulse but no breathing, what should be done?
Provide rescue breaths every 5-6 seconds in adults or 3-5 seconds in kids, and check the pulse the next 2 minutes to see if it goes away, consider moving to the opioid overdose algorithm if suspected
If a patient after the 5th step of BLS assessment has no pulse and no breathing, what should be done?
CPR 30 compressions 100-120bpm and 2 breaths (head tilt or jaw thrust) 5-6 seconds each in adults or 15 compressions 100-120bpm and 2 breaths 3-5 seconds each in children, move into the primary survey and repeat CPR until AED arrives
Primary survey BLS (ABCDE)
Airway (Maintain airway patency using assisted airway device if needed and secure it, ensure continuous quantitative waveform capnography (CO2 35-45), use adjuncts as necessary (OPA,NPA, suctioning))
Breathing (Give supplemental O2, 100% for arrest, titrate to at least 94% otherwise, agonal gasps don’t cout as breathing)
Circulation (Obtain IV/IO access, check blood glucose/temp/caprefill/BP (90 systolic at least))
Disability (Assess pupils and neuralogic functioning, look for AVPU (alert, voice, pain, unresponsive))
Exposure (Remove clothing look for bleeding/trauma/burns/bracelets)
In BLS, once the AED arrives, what is the next 2 steps to take?
- Turn it on
- Place pads avoiding hairy chest or wet conditions
Secondary survey ACLS (SAMPLE)
Signs/symptoms Allergies Medications PMH Last meal/liquid Events leading up to
5 H’s and T’s of ACLS
Hypovolemia Hypoxia H+ Hypo/erkalemia Hypothermia
Tension pneumothorax Tamponade Toxins Thrombosis (pulmonary) Thrombosis (coronary)
In ACLS AED use, if the rhythm is analyzed to be shockable, then what 2 rhythms could it be?
- Ventricular fibrillation
- Pulseless ventricular tachycardia
After shocking with the AED initially in ACLS, what should be done? What about on the next five consecutive repeats?
- CPR 2 min, then analyze if the rhythm is shockable or not again
- CPR 2 min +1mg epi every 3-5 min IV/IO then analyze if the rhythm is shockable or not again
- CPR 2 min + 300mg bolus amiodarone IV/IO then analyze if the rhythm is shockable or not again
- CPR 2 min +1mg epi every 3-5 min IV/IO then analyze if the rhythm is shockable or not again
- CPR 2 min + 150mg bolus amiodarone IV/IO then analyze if the rhythm is shockable or not again
- CPR 2 min +1mg epi every 3-5 min IV/IO then analyze if the rhythm is shockable or not again
In ACLS AED use, if the rhythm is analyzed to be not shockable, then what 2 rhythms could it be?
- Asystole
- Pulseless Electrical Activity (PEA)
After a rhythm is analyzed not to be shockable in ACLS (either initial AED determination, switch from a previously shockable rhythm, or failure of signs of ROSC), what should be done? What should be done the next 2 times?
- CPR 2 min +1mg epi every 3 min IV/IO
- CPR 2 min
- if no signs of ROSC repeat the first
Upon obtaining ROSC, what is the next steps that should be taken? (3)
- Get o2 to >94%
- Get SBP >90mmHg
- Get 12 lead EKG and analyze
Upon ROSC EKG analysis, if a STEMI is present, what is done? After this, or if no STEMI is present, what is done?
Coronary reperfusion, check if the patient can follow commands
Upon ROSC checking if the patient can follow commands, if they cannot what should be done initally? After this, or if they can, what should be done?
- Temperature therapy
- Advanced critical care admission
In ACLS AED use, if bradycardia (BPM<50) is found, what should be done?
Ask is the patient stable, if yes then monitor O2, IV/IO, BP, and 12 lead EKG, if not administer atropine .5mg bolus every 3-5 min max 3 mg, if still not stable do dopamine infusion 2-10mcg/kg/min, if still not stable consult an expert
In ACLS AED use, if tachycardia (BPM>150) is found, what should be done?
If stable, get a 12 lead EKG and begin performing vagal maneuvers, if no, immediate synchronized cardioversion (if narrow regular complex 50-100J, narrow irregular 120-200 J)
In ACLS AED use, if stable tachycardia does not resolve with vagal maneuvers, after getting an EKG what should be done?
Ask if it is a wide QRS >.12 sec complex, if wide then give amiodarone 150mg/10min, if narrow do adenosine 6mg IV push, and possibly 2nd dose 12mg
What is the 4 steps of the opioid OD ACLS algorithm
- Begin CPR
- administer naloxone 2mg intranasal or .4 IM
- repeat after 4 minutes
- if patient does not respond then begin CPR in the BLS algorithm (if does, stimulate and reasses)
What are the 7 steps of the ACLS acute coronary syndrome algorithm
- when suspected clinically, begin O2 to get to 94%
- Gain IV access 2 ports
- 12 lead EKG
- Aspirin 125mg chewable unless GI bleed or true allergy
- Sublingual nitroglycerin every 3-5 min unless RV infarct, hypotension, or PDE5 use (can use morphine alternatively)
- Notify cath lab (if none then give tPA in 30 min)
- Order CXR and troponin levels
What are the 7 steps of the ACLS stroke algorithm
- Suspect with facial droop, arm drift, or slurred speech (cincenati stroke scale)
- Find out last known normal
- supportive care
- Within 10 min get stroke team mobilized and CT
- Perform NIH assessment
- If patient doesn’t qualify for ischemia give aspirin
- If does qualify for ischemia give tPA fibrolytic therapy within 3 hours of last known normal