BLS Flashcards


You are a junior doctor working in GP
A patient has started choking in the waiting room
Please assess the patient and give appropriate first aid


Checks the patient’s surroundings are safe before approaching
Asks “can you cough?” (loudly and clearly)
If effective cough (partial obstruction): encourages the patient to cough to clear obstruction. If ineffective cough: calls for help and proceeds with first aid for choking

Leans the patient forward
With the heel of their hand, applies a firm blow to the back, between the patient’s shoulder blades
Repeats this up to five times, unless the obstruction clears
If obstruction clears, re-assesses the patient. If obstruction does not clear, moves on to abdominal thrusts

Leans the patient forward
Clenches the fist of one hand, and places it between the umbilicus and the ribcage
Places the other hand over their fist
Pulls sharply inwards and upwards
Repeats this up to five times, unless the obstruction clears
If the obstruction clears, re-assesses the patient
If the obstruction does not clear, continues alternating between five back blows and five abdominal thrusts

If the patient becomes unresponsive, starts basic life support

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You are a junior doctor working in GP
A patient has collapsed in the waiting room
Please assess the patient and give BLS if required


Check the patient’s surroundings are safe before approaching
Check the patient for a response
Call for help if there is no response from the patient

Position the patient on their back and perform the head-tilt chin-lift to open the airway
Assess for a carotid pulse at the same time
Look, listen and feel for signs of breathing for 10 seconds

If there are no signs of life call the resuscitation team and commence CPR
Deliver 30 chest compressions with the hands positioned over the lower half of the sternum. Aim to compress the chest by approximately 5-6cm and perform chest compressions at a rate of 100-120 compressions per minute
Deliver 2 ventilations after performing 30 chest compressions and continue to repeat this cycle. The person performing chest compressions should be rotated every 2 minutes

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