Blood Vessels + Lymph Nodes Flashcards
What are the borders of the carotid triangle?
Superiorly- Posterior belly of the digastric muscle
Laterally- Medial border of SCM
Medially- Superior border of omohyoid muscle
Where in the skull does the carotid canal enter?
The petrous part of the temporal bone. ICA then turns medially and horizontally through the cavernous sinus
What are the branches of the internal carotid artery?
Ophthalmic Artery, Anterior cerebral artery, Middle cerebral artery, posterior communicating artery.
What are the bloody branches of the External Carotid Artery.
Clue: Some Anatomists Like Freaking Out Poor Medical Students
Superior Thyroid, Ascending Pharyngeal, Lingual, Facial, Occipital, Posterior Auricular, Maxillary, Superficial Temporal
The Superficial Temporal Artery is at risk of Giant Cell Arteritis/Temporal Arteritis. How would this present?
Frequent severe headaches
Scalp tenderness
Jaw pain
Loss of vision