Blood Vessels and Circulation Conditions Flashcards
heart weighs
greater than 140/90
aortic dissection / dissecting aneurysm
blood surges through a tear into the middle layer of the aorta
a weak point in a blood vessel wall
Bp pushes weakend section of an arterial wall outward
severe blood lost
CV system adjusts to blood lost
maintain blood pressure
restore blood volume
(kidneys will retain H2O to maintain pressure)
when the body is not getting enough blood flow
can damage multiple organs
hypovolemic shock
inadequate blood volume
3 short term responses to hemorrhage
carotid and aortic reflexes
sympathetic nervous system
hormonal effects
carotid and aortic reflexes
(short term hemorrhage response)
increase cardiac output
everything goes to the heart
sympathetic nervous system
(short term hemorrhage response)
constricts arterioles
venoconstriction improves venous return
hormonal effects
(short term hemorrhage response)
increase cardiac output
increase peripheral vasoconstriction
4 long term responses to hemorrhage
remove fluids from interstitial space
fluid retention and reabsorption
thirst increases
increase RBC production
hardening of the arteries
thickens the wall of arteries and has loss of elasticity
plaque build up in vessel
type of arteriosclerosis