Blood typing and transfusions Flashcards
How does the blood have blood types
RBCs have structures on their surface called antigens
All of an animals RBCs will have the same type of RBC antigen
These antigens are genetically determined and are called blood group antigens
Alloantibodies are naturally occurring antibodies against another blood type of the small animal species
How do you get alloantibodies
May be present even if the animal has not previously been exposed to the foreign blood group antigen
Most clinically relevant in cats
Alloantibodies are not present in every species
Also seen in cattle, pigs, sheep and horses with previous antigen exposure
What happens if a blood type does not match the doner
Antigen-antibody reactions can occur when blood transfusions between a recipient and donor have different blood group antigens
Creates cell clumping or agglutination
May also result in RBC lysis
If a mismatched transfusion has occurred, the recipient animal will produce antibodies to the RBC antigens of the donor
These are called immune antibodies
The number of blood groups per species varies significantly
Blood typing can be performed at reference labs or within the clinic to maximize the safety of blood transfusions
What are the common blood types of dogs
There are more than a dozen blood groups have been identified in dogs
Many are labelled as DEA: dog erythrocyte antigens
DEA 1 (subtypes 1.1, 1.2, 1.3) DEA 3, DEA 4, DEA 5, DEA 7
The dog is reported as + or -’ve for a given DEA
The most clinically significant antigens are DEA 1 and DEA 7 in most cases
Kai 1/ Kai 2
When do dogs get acute hemolytic tarnsfusion reactions
Acute hemolytic transfusion reactions can occur in DEA 1/4 and DAL -’ve dogs that have received more than one blood transfusion
Dogs are not born with alloantibodies
If + blood is transfused into -’ve patient with a first transfusion – a delayed reaction can occur up to 1 week later
Severe reactions can occur with subsequent transfusions in as little as 1 hour after receiving the blood products
When do immune antibodies show up in dogs after transfusions
Immune antibodies will begin to appear 7-10 days post exposure to a mismatched blood type
Transfusion reactions occur at the rate of 15% on unmatched donor-recipient combinations
What is the most common dog blood type
DEA 7 + dogs make up about 45% of the population
Transfusion with DEA 7+ blood into a DEA 7- animal may result in a delayed hemolytic reaction
A dog that is negative for a DEA 1 and 7 is considered the ideal universal donor
How do you do in house canine blood typing
Rapid vet makes canine blood typing kits for
Should be considered with subsequent transfusions and incompatible crossmatch results
What are the requirements for a dog to be a blood donor
> 25 kg
1-9 years of age; some will only use donors up to 7 years of age
Frequency: no more than once every 4 weeks
Negative for 1.1 and 1.2 and preferably 3, 5, and 7
Vaccinations are up to date
No prior blood transfusions
Spayed or neutered
No prior pregnancies
Normal CBC, biochemical profile and negative for Brucella canis
Negative parasite tests (blood and fecal)
On a heartworm preventative
Well nourished
How much blood can be safely collected form a dog
Total blood volume is about 90mL/kg lean body weight
We should not exceed 10-15% of total blood volume to prevent signs of hypovolemia
Therefore, we should not collect more than 9-13ml/kg body weight
What are the common feline blood types
The AB sysetm
A, B or, AB
Where is type A common in cats
Very common
94-99% of cats in north america
Do not react as strongly to type B blood as type B cats react to type A blood
Where is type B common in cats
Uncommon in saskatchewan
More common in some purebred cats
More common in australia
Produce very strong anti-A alloantibodies
Due to naturally occurring antibodies, all cats must be cross matched before their first transfusion
How common is AB blood in cats
Extremity rare
Have no naturally occurring alloantibodies
Should receive type AB blood; difficult to obtain
Substitute type A if necessary which will be compatible or only slightly incompatible in the minor cross match
What is MiK in cats
Another blood cell antigen with alloantibodies
Currently not detected with typing
What are the feline blood donor requirments
Between 1-9 years of age
Frequency: no more than once every 3 weeks
No prior transfusions
PCV prior to donation- minimum 30%
Blood parasite free (toxoplasma gondii, mycoplasma haemofelis)
Screen: CBC, FeLV, FIV and chemistry panel
Negative fecal examination
Vaccinations are up to date
No previous pregnancies
How much blood can we safely collect from a cat
Total blood volume is about 66ml/kg lean body weight
We should not exceed 10-15% of total blood volume to prevent signs of hypovolemia (if >10% collected, the patient should be put in IV fluids)
Therefore we should not collect more than 6.5-10 ml/kg body weight
What are the bovine blood types
11 different blood groups
Designated A, B,C, F, J, L, M, R, S, T, and Z
Group B has 60 different antigens
J- positive donors can cause reactions
anti-J alloantibodies
No universal donor, blood replacement products a better choice?