Blood Transport System Flashcards
The blood system consists of…
Blood vessels (arteries, veins, capillaries) Liquid bloood( red blood cells, white blood cells and plasma) Heart ( the pump to push the blood through the blood vessels
Name 5 functions of the blood system
- Transports dissolved nutrients from digestive systems to all cells.
- Transports dissolved oxygen from lungs to all cells for cellular respiration.
- Transports carbon dioxide ( waste product of cellular respiration) from the cells to the lungs to be breathed out.
- Transports other waste products from the cells eg urea to the kidneys to be filtered out of the body in urine.
5 heat is transported in the blood, so the blood keeps us warm and regulates body temperature.
Define pulmonary circulation and systemic circulation
Pulmonary circulation is from the heart to the lungs and back to the heart. Systemic circulation is from the heart to the rest of the body then back to the heart.
Define and open circulation system and name an animal that has one.
An open circulation system is when there are no blood vessels at all and the blood just flows over the cells. This is only efficient in very small animals. Am example is a dragonfly.
What does the term double circulation mean? And what structure makes this possible?
That the blood passes through the heart twice before going back to the starting point. The septum makes this possible.
What are the benefits of having a septum.
So that the oxygenated and de-oxygenated blood do not mix.
Which valve separates the right atrium from the right ventricle
The tricuspid valve
Which valve separates the left atrium from the left ventricle
The bicuspid valve
What helps keep the valves in place
The chordate tenonae / heart strings
What are the names of the valves in th pulmonary artery and the aorta?
Semi-lunar valves.
What is the main function of the valves
To prevent back flow of the blood. To ensure that it only flows in one direction.
The lubb sound is…
The sound of the atrioventricular valves closing
The dubb sound is…
The sound of the semi-lunar valves closing.
Define systole
Systole is the cardiac muscles contracting.
Atrial systole - atria contracting. Blood is forces into the ventricles. All valves are open. 0.1s
Ventricular systole- ventricles contracting. Blood is forced through aorta and pulmonary artery. Semi-lunar valves open, AV valves closed.0.3s.
Define diastole
Cardiac muscles relaxing.
Semi lunar valves closed, AV valves open. Blood flows in from veins and entire heart fills with blood. 0.4s