Blood Flow Flashcards
Flow of blood through circulatory system
Structure of BV
All (except capillaries) contain elastic fibers, SmM, collagen
Tunica intima = inner endothelial layer, smooth surface to prevent clotting (all BV)
Tunica media = SmM, elastic connective tissue
Tunica externa = adventitia, fibrous collagen fibers
Blood: Fluid Type?
Blood: non-Newtonian fluid, delivered through progressively narrowing blood vessels in pulsatile non-linear or even turbulent manner
Major factors in blood flow resistance = Blood viscosity
Vascular Hindrance
Represents resistance to physiologic blood flow, Rp
Resistive forces = viscosity x impedance
Viscosity of Blood
primarily dependent on [RBC] (HCT), RBC deformability, RBC aggregability, plasma viscosity, temp, blood flow conditions
Shear Stress
force applied during pulsatile blood flow btw theoretical layers of blood in blood vessel
principal determinant of NO concentration, increases as viscosity decrease s as large arteries become smaller = greatest in capillaries regardless of flow rates
Relates to Fahreaeus-Linquist Effect
Carbohydrate-rich layer composed to negatively charged network of proteoglycans, glycoproteins, glycolipids lining vascular endothelium t/o capillaries, arteries, veins
Important role in maintaining vascular wall homeostasis by regulating blood flow, RBC/WBC movement, vessel wall permeability in capillaries
Pathologic loss: breakdown of vascular barrier = ischemia, SIRS, sepsis, vol overload
Colloid Oncotic Pressure and the Glycocalyx
Replaces interstitial colloid osmotic pressure of proteins as a determinant of fluid flux across capillary
Plasma proteins (albumin) escape to interstitial space via intracellular clefts: responsible for increased fluid flux across capillary during inflammation
Factors that cause fluid accumulation in interstitial spaces
- Increased filtration coefficient DT histamine, cytokines
- Increased capillary pressure DT volume overload, venous obstruction, heart failure
- Decreased capillary oncotic pressure from hypoproteinemis
Decreased Contractility/Decreased Ventricular Systolic Function
neonates/juveniles/peds, DCM, secondary CMs, inhalants, propofol, hypocalcemia, acidosis, beta blockers
Decreased Preload/Decreased Ventricular Systolic Function
low total body water (geriatrics), dehydration, third spacing (ascites, effusions, etc), hemorrhage, hypovolemia, vascular occlusion/compression, PPV, VD
relationship btw pulsatile pressure, pulsatile flow in arteries
sum of pulsatile resistive components (Rp), non-pulsatile resistive (R) components of longitudinal arterial resistance
Frequency dependent, not time dependent
Ventricular-Vascular Coupling
Ideal: decrease systolic arterial pressure (lowest myocardial work), increase diastolic (adequate perfusion of heart, peripheral tissues)
Increases in arterial stiffness: increase pulse pressure amplitude, systolic pressure; decrease diastolic
Consequences: increase myocardial work, increase oxygen consumption, increase energy requirements, decrease myocardial perfusion
Cardiac Compliance
SV/aortic pulse pressure
Frank Starling Mechanism
relationship btw EDV and systolic ventricular performance (force or pressure development)
* Monofilaments increase sensitivity to Ca = increase contractile force
Forces that resist ejection of blood into aorta, closely related to tension (stress) in ventricular wall during systole
Tension (stress) developed by L vent wall during ejection OR as arterial input impedance
Force, tension developed before ventricle ejects
Afterload = vascular resistance, reactance (stiffness)
Four Phase of Diastole
Isovolumic relaxation
Early rapid filling
Slow ventricular filling (diastasis)
Atrial systole (during sinus rhythm)
Bowditch Effect/Treppe Effect
Increased HR = rate-dependent accumulation of cytosolic Ca2+