Blood Film Examination Flashcards
How many platelets should be present in the field of view of a blood film?
What is a decrease in platelet numbers called?
What is an increase in platelet numbers called?
What happens if platelets clump together?
An erroneous count on analyser
What diseases have red blood cell inclusions?
Malaria & Howell Jolly bodies
What does a malaria parasite look like?
Darker stained ‘headphone’ shaped inclusion in RBC
What does a Howell Jolly body look like?
Densely stained inclusion (remains of nucleus) - should be removed by spleen
When are target cells present?
The patient is suffering from Thalassemia - an abnormal haemoglobin molecules
When are spherocytes found?
Patients with hereditary spherocytosis
What are schistocytes?
Fragments of RBC, found in diseases where RBCs are broken down
What are sickle cells?
RBCs in a sickle shape in low oxygen tension in capillaries - sickle cell anaemia - abnormal haemoglobin
What are healthy RBCs called
Normocytic normochromic
What are abnormal small RBCs called?
Microcytic - iron deficiency
What are abnormal large RBCs called?
Macrocytic - B12/folate deficiency
What is it called when sizes vary in RBCs
What is a large variation in RBC shape called?
What should normochromic cells look like?
Reddish pink stain with - 1/4-1/3 central pallor
What are hypochromic cells signs of?
Iron deficiency - anaemia
What are hyperchromic RBCs called?
What is it called when RBCs have a lilac/blue tinge?
Polychromatic cells - immature RBCs - slightly macrocytic
What is it called when RBCs stack up?
Rouleaux formation