Block I - Kinetics - E Flashcards
How does pH affect elimination of drugs
Normally drugs can be eliminated in kidneys via phase 1 and 2 reactions. However, ion trapping refers to the altering of urine pH to eliminate drugs. Basic drugs eliminated by alkalizing urine; acidic drugs eliminated by acidification.
Time it takes to reduce plasma drug concentration by half
Steady state
Reached after 4-5 half-lives
Differences in half-life
Higher half-life takes longer to clear; lower half-life takes less time to clear
Duration of action
Amount of time drug concentration is within therapeutic range
Composite estimate of amount of drug cleared from body per unit time (metabolism or elimination)
Calculate half-life knowing steady state
t(SS) = 4-5 x t(1/2)
Cockroft and Gault equation
Creatinine clearance = (140 - age) x weight (kg) (x 0.85 for women)
Therapeutic range
Concentration of drug which most patient experience desired clinical effect with minimum adverse reactions.
Therapeutic index/window
Ratio of dose that produces toxicity to dose that produces clinically desired or effective response (TI = TD50/ED50)