Block 5 Exam Flashcards
Loss of Separation
An occurrence in which less than the authorized minimum existed or in which the minimum was not assured
If the pilot declares MINIMUM FUEL:
- ask whether an emergency is being declared and give priority if the pilot is declaring an emergency.
- acklowledge the declaration, be alert for delays, and keep the pilot informed of any delays as soon as you become aware
- inform the next sector/unit of the minimum fuel status of the aircraft
- advise the shift manager
Leave FDE’s in a “cocked” position if any one of the following conditions exists:
- flight data and control information requiring relay to adjacent sectors/units or aircraft
- traffic estimates requiring integration into a sector
- estimates (pilot or controller) requiring verification
- other potential situations requiring investigation or further action
If the ELT source cannot be identified:
- coordinate with adjacent ATS units
- request aircraft to listen on the distress frequencies and to report on the signal
- forward all reported information as it is received
When recording a pilot’s report of an ELT signal…
Obtain the signal strength, position, altitude, and time for when the signal was first and last received
If an aircraft makes or is observed making an emergency descent, issue instructions:
- to enable all concerned aircraft to vacate the involved airspace at or above the minimum IFR altitude
- to minimize conflict with other aircraft
When assisting VFR aircraft encountering IMC:
- issue turns while the aircraft is clear of cloud, to the extent possible, so it will be in a position to fly a straight course while descending in IMC
- avoid frequency changes, except if necessary to provide a clear communications channel
- avoid turns; if any are required, make them shallow
- avoid prolonged climbs on descents
- avoid requesting a climb or descent at the same time as a turn
Fuel dumping warnings and notices
- arrange for a notice to be broadcast on appropriate frequencies for uncontrolled traffic at a reasonable time before fuel dumping begins
- arrange for a notice of completion to be broadcast at the end of the warning period
If a pilot advises that they are responding to an ACAS/TCAS RA or GPWS/TAWS warning:
- do not attempt to modify the aircraft flight path until the pilot reports returning to the terms of the current ATC clearance or instruction
- provide relevant traffic and collision avoidance information, as appropriate
- inform your supervisor
ATS Operating Irregularity (OI)
A situation that occurs when ATS are being provided and when a preliminary investigation indicates that a hazardous situation or a loss of Separation may have occurred