Block 2 Glossary Flashcards
Airborne and ground equipment used to measure the slant range distance from a DME NAVAID in nautical miles
A geographical location determined either by visual reference to the ground or by means of radio aids or other navigational devices
A geographical position determined by reference to a NAVAID, which provides distance and azimuth information, and defined by a specified distance in nautical miles and a radial in degrees magnetic, true or grid from the NAVAID
Global Navigation Satellite System
A notice distributed by means of telecommunication containing information concerning the establishment, condition or change in any aeronautical facility, service, procedure or hazard, the timely knowledge of which is essential to personnel concerned with flight operations
The time, in UTC, at which an IFR aircraft is calculated, by either the controller, the pilot or through automated means, to arrive over a significant point
An expression used within ATS when communicating an ATC estimate.
This expression is used in conjunction with a place and a time
An expression used within ATS when communicating a pilot estimate
The process of transferring the identification of an aircraft and radio communications for that aircraft to another sector or unit
The process of ascertaining that a particular PPS represents the location of a specific aircraft
Omni Facility
A VOR, VORTAC, or TACAN that provides azimuth information, expressed as radials in degrees from 000 to 359
Cruise Climb
A cruising technique resulting in a net increase in altitude as the aircraft mass decreases. A clearance or instruction to carry out a cruise climb allows the pilot the option of climbing at any given rate, as well as levelling off at any intermediate altitude
Point Out
An action taken by a controller to transfer the identification of an aircraft with another controller, when control and radio communication will not be transferred
Reciprocal Track
In the application of separation, a term used to indicate tracks that converge or diverge at an angle of 136° to 180° inclusive
The application of 1000ft vertical separation between RVSM aircraft in RVSM airspace
State Aircraft
Any aircraft used for military, customs, police or other law enforcement services of a state
Vertical Navigation (VNAV)
An RNAV function that calculates, displays and provides guidance to maintain a vertical profile or path
The actual or predicted convergence of aircraft that violates one or more separation minima
Crossing Track
In the application of separation, a term used to indicate tracks that converge or diverge at an angle of 45° to 135° inclusive
Required Navigation Performance Capability
RNAV (Area Navigation)
A method of navigation that permits aircraft operation on any desired flight path within the coverage of ground- or space-based navaids or within the limits of the capability of self-contained aids, or a combination of these
A specified geographical location, defined by longitude and latitude, that is used in the definition of routes and terminal segments and for progress-reporting purposes