Block 1 Flashcards
ATS Surveillance Service
A term used to indicate a service provided directly by means of an ATS Surveillance system
ATS Surveillance System
A generic term meaning variously, ADS-B, PSR, SSR or any comparable ground-based system that enables the identification of aircraft
ATS Surveillance Control Service
An air traffic control service provided with information derived from ATS surveillance equipment sources
ATS Surveillance Separation
Spacing of aircraft in accordance with established minima, based on information derived from ATS surveillance
ATS Surveillance Advisory
Advice and information based on ATS surveillance observations
ATS Surveillance Monitoring
The use of ATS surveillance for providing aircraft with information and advice relative to significant deviations from their normal flight path
Navigational Assistance
The provision of position information, vectors, or track and ground speed checks
Direct Controller-Pilot Communications
(without resort to relay through another unit)
The spacing between aircraft, altitudes, or tracks
The vertical distance of a level, point on an object considered as a point, measured from mean sea level
The projection on the earth’s surface of the path of an aircraft, the direction of which path at any point is usually expressed in degrees from true, magnetic, or grid north
Controlled airspace
An airspace of defined dimensions within which ATC service is provided
Radar site equipment (owned and operated by Nav Canada)
An automated or manual function that matches ATS surveillance data with flight plan data
Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast
Controller Jurisdiction Symbol - a symbol that identifies a sector
Aircraft Identification
Present Position Symbol - visual indication, in symbolic form, on a situation display, of the position of an aircraft or object
Required items on a situation display
Unlinked targets
Coast list in full format
Altitude readouts (mode C)
Current weather and history
Appropriate geographic map
A procedure whereby the receiving station repeats a received message or an appropriate part thereof to the transmitting station so as to obtain confirmation that the message was received correctly
Flight Level
An altitude expressed in hundreds of feet indicated on an altimeter set to 29.92
ATC Clearance
An authorization issued by an ATC unit for an aircraft to proceed within controlled airspace in accordance with the conditions specified by that unit
ATC instruction
A directive issued by an ATC unit for air traffic control purposes
Prefix/ACID, clearance limit, SID, route, altitude, speed, departure/enroute/approach or holding instructions, special instructions, traffic info
ATS Surveillance
All methods of remotely sensing aircraft using certified/commissioned electronic equipment including PSR, SSR, MLAT, ADS-B, without the benefit of visual observation
Requirements to provide ATS control procedures
Aircraft is identified
In controlled airspace
You are satisfied that ATS surveillance info is adequate
Validated altitude readout
4 consecutive readouts within 200ft of assigned altitude
True Airspeed
The airspeed of an aircraft relative to undisturbed air
Mach number
The ratio of speed of an object to the local speed of sound
Transition speed
Speed at which a pilot makes The transition between IAS and Mach number when climbing or from mach number to IAS when descending
Same track
In the application of separation, expression used by ATC to indicate identical tracks or tracks that converge or diverge at an angle of 1°- 44° inclusive
Non-ATS surveillance route
A route on which an aircraft can determine its position, track, and consequently, the minimum IFR altitude without the benefit of ATS surveillance information
Reasons for Vectoring
Separation, spacing, sequencing, efficiency, pilot request, restricted airspace, traffic
A heading given by a controller to a pilot to provide navigational guidance
If initiating vectoring, inform the pilot:
The purpose of vectors and/or the point to which the aircraft is being vectored
The aircraft’s SID or STAR is cancelled, if applicable
The direction in which the longitudinal axis of an aircraft is pointed
You may terminate vectoring of an aircraft, provided:
It is cleared for an approach
It is cleared to hold
It is established on the cleared route without requiring navigation assistance
Position information: inform the pilot of the aircraft’s position when:
Identification is established by an identifying turn
Vectoring is terminated
Pilot requests the information
You deem it necessary
Same strata
Aircraft within 2000ft of each other as far as IAS/Mach number are concerned
Altitude assignment priority
Carrying sick or injured person
Aircraft already at altitude
The leading aircraft
Accommodate max # aircraft
Functional goal #1
All ATS units must provide:
Uniform application of approved standards and procedures
Professional communications
Full-time attentive flight monitoring and flight information services
Traffic Information
Information issued by ATS to pilots regarding other known or observed traffic that may be in such proximity to their position or intended route as to warrant their attention
Radio detection device that provides information on range, azimuth, or elevation of objects
Vector an airplane if:
It is necessary for separation
It is required for noise abatement procedures
You or the aircraft gain an operational advantage
The pilot requests it