Block 5: Analytical tools for the environment-economic interaction Flashcards
Benefits Transfer
A method that estimates economic values by transferring existing benefit estimates from studies already completed for another location or issue
Contingent Valuation
A technique assigning monetary values to environmental assets using questions about hypothetical markets.
Cost-benefit analysis (CBA)
the process used to measure the benefits of a decision or taking action minus the costs associated with taking that action.
In a situation where the marginal social cost is above its marginal social benefit (with both the social costs and
benefits calculated to include non-market effects, so called ‘externalities’) CBA seeks to identify the point at which abatement of the environmental damage contributing to the social cost would be such that the marginal abatement cost is equal to the marginal social cost. This is the ‘optimal’ point, below which further abatement could increase welfare, while above it further abatement would cost more than it is worth.
Cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA)
A model determining how to meet a given objective at the lowest cost
- determine objective
- analyse various ways to reach objective
- cost reduction curve
- apply lowest cost methods first untill the ‘sustainability standard’ (the goal) has been met
- next level of complexity: apply measures to the whole sector (partial equilibrium analysis)
- another level: all sectors are connected to each other, moddelling how they would react to the changes made isl called a “general equilibrium analysis”
Cost Reduction Curve
A curve linking the marginal cost of different technologies to the amount of environmental improvement
((In economics, the marginal cost is the change in the total cost that arises when the quantity produced is incremented, the cost of producing additional quantity.))
The exhaustion of natural resources as a result of their use beyond their rate of replacement.
Environmental Degradation
The deterioration of the environment, often in the form of pollution.
Environmental Functions
(same as ecosystem services)
These comprise the generation by the environment of resources for human activities, the absorption of waste from such activities, the provision of macro-scale services such as climate stability and the opportunities in terms of amenity and recreation.
Environmental Sustainability
The maintenance of important environmental functions into the indefinite future.
Existence Values
Values derived from the appreciation of the existence of the environment.
General Equilibrium Analysis
An analysis modelling all sectors as integral parts of the overall economy and allowing for interlinkages across sectors.
Maintenance Costs
The abatement/avoidance/restoration costs required to achieve a certain standard of emissions or maintain/restore certain standards of environmental quality.
Multi-Criteria Mapping
Looks at more than just financial side
quantitative map of different perspectives, priorities and criteria for different policy options
visualises what different perspective agree/disagree on
Option Values
Values derived from the potential use of the environment
Partial Equilibrium Analysis
An analysis that treats sectors in isolation
Using appropriate models for each sector, CEA would seek to determine the least-cost mix of carbon reduction from each sector that would reach the overall carbon reduction target that had been set.
Porter Hypothesis
A hypothesis suggesting that environmental policies can stimulate innovation and create long-term competitive advantage in economic sectors