Block 21 Flashcards
EBV attachment to B cells
-gp350 of EBV attaches to CD21 of B-cells.
Common peroneal injury leads to
Injury can lead to loss of :
Foot eversion,
dorsoflexin and
toe extension
Sickle cell disease manifestation
- Hemolysis : intra and extravascular hemolysis —> increased bilirubin and and LDH and decreased hepatoglobin.
- Vasocclusive symptoms: patients may experience pain from hypoxic tissue injury and infarction due to obstruction of small vessels by sickled cells. Dactylitis (hand-foot syndrome) —> infarction of bones of extremities can occur.
- Infections: predisposition of infection with encapsulated organisms (s.pneumoniae..) because of repeated splenic infarcts.
B12 deficiency —> what substances are changed in blood
- Elevated levels of methylmalonic acid( the reason of subacute combined degeneration of dorsal coulmn)
- Increased homocysteine.
VHL gene is present on
Chromosome 3p. (Cerbellar hemangioblastoma, clear cell renal carcinoma, phochromocytoma and RCC
NADPH is needed in
- Fatty acid synthesis
- Pentose phosphate pathway
- Phagocytic cells (respiratory burst)
- Cholesterol and steroid synthesis.
a agonist effect on the eye
- the pupillary dilator muscle of the eye possesses å1 receptors and the stimulation of these å receptors result in contraction of the pupillary dilator muscle —> mydriasis. (Phenylephrine is used to dilate the pupil before opthalmioscopic examination)
Heart posterior surface is made mostly by
Left atrium
What structures in the pelvis are recruited in doing the valsalva manuever
Rectus muscles. They play the largest role in the development of the resultant intraabdominal and intrathoracic pressure during this maneuver.
Candida is normally present in
- Normal flora of the skin
- Mouth
- Vagina
- Intestine
Indole positive bacteria
- E.coli
- it differentiates it from enterobacter cloacae that have same features(gram negative lactose fermenting. Can cause uti) but is indole negative.
Proteus features
Gram negative , non lactose feremnting.
Diagnostic features of D.M
- Fasting glycemia >126
- Random glucose >200 mg/dl
- Elevated Hb A1C >6.5%
S.bovis is found in
Patients with subacute endocarditis and colonic cancer
HF leading to dyspnea (mechanism)
Presence of fluid in the pulmonary interstitium causes distortion of the affected tissue, increasing resistance to movement (decrease compliance).
-as a result negative pressure generated during normal respiratory effort isnt suffecient to adequately distend the lungs resulting in poor gas exchange and shortness of breath.
IgA protease importance in bacteria
Which organisms have it
- present on Niesseria species, H.infleunzae, and S.pneumoniae
- It cleaves IgA at its hinge region (yielding Fab, and compromised Fc fragments), thus decreasing its effectiveness.
- this facilitates bacterial adherence to mucosa.
Dissemenated gonnorrheal infection
Triad of 1. Arthritis 2. Dermatitis 3. Tenosynovitis In sexually active women.
Common triggers of asthma
- Allergen inhalation (animal dandar, dust mites, pollens ..)
- Respiratory irritants( cigarrete smoke, air pollutants, perfumes)
- Infection (viral upper respiratory infection, rhinosinusitis)
- Pharmacologic (aspirin, NSAID, Beta blockers)
- Others such as excercise, cold , dry air, GERD. Emotions.
Thermophillic actimomycetes species is associated with
Hypersensetivity pneumonitis in farmers (farmers lung)
Differntial diagnosis of back pain
- Degenerative : osteoarthritis : relieved with rest
- Radiculopathy (disc) : radiates to leg, sensory and motor findings
- Spinal stenosis: pain with standing, relieved by spinal flexion
- Spondyloarthropathy : young, HLA-B27, relieved with exercise, morning stiffness
- Spinal metastasis : constant pain, worse at night, not responsive to position change
- Vertebral osteomyleitis: focal tenderness, fevers and night sweats, recent infection, iv drug abuse or immune comprmise,
Neural crest migration to the abdomen
- neural crest start migrating to the intestinal wall very early during embryonic development. They give rise to ganglion cells of meissner and aurbach plexi of bowel wall.
- these neural crest usually present in the wall of proximal colon by the 8th week and at the rectum by the 12 week
- interruption of migration causes hirschprung disease.
Alzehaimer drugs
Memantune : NMDA receptor antagonist
Galantamine, rivastigimine, tacrine,Donepezil, cholinestrease inhibitor.
Amphotericin B side effects
- renal toxicity is the most notorius side effect of amphotericin B
- it causes renal vasoconstriction and reduction in glomerular filtration rate. It may also act as direct toxin on renal epithelial cells, leading to Acute tubular necrosis and renal tubular acidosis, and electrolytes disturbances.
- severe hypokalemia and hypomagnesemia can occur.
Daptomycin side effect
Can lead to rhabdomylysis leading to elevated creatine phophokinase.
Hypovolemic changes in FF,GFR,and RPF
- approximately 1/5 of the plasma that passes through the glomerular capillaries is filtred into bowmans space (normally)
- the decline in BP sensesd by baroreceptors —> arterial vasoconstriction —> renal vasoconstriction further lowers RPF (which already decreased due to systemic vasoconstriction) —> decreased glomerular perfusion —> decrease GFR —> RENIN-AGII —> constriction of efferent arterioles -> due to this change the decreases in GFR is less pronounced than the decrease in RPF.
Hereditary orotic aciduria
-due to defect in uridine 5-monopsophate synthase
-physical and mental retardation
-elevated urinary orotic acid levels.
Treatment: uridine supplementation can bypass this enzymatic defect and improve symptoms as uridine is converted to UMP via nucleoside kinase
TCA side effects
- Inhibition of presynaptic neurotransmitter reuptake (NE and serotinin) —> tremor, insomnia
- Blockade of cardiac fast sodium channels —> conduction defects, arrythmias, and hypotension.
- Antagonism of central and peripheral muscarinic actylcholine receptors—> confusion, dry moth, constipation, flushing ,urinary retention.
- Antagonism of peripheral alpha-1 adrenergic receptors. —> orthostatic hypotension, falls
- Antagonism of H1 receptors —> sedation.
Argatroban mechanism of action and usage
Its used for heparin induced thrombocytopenia and it binds to thrombin active site
17å hydroxylase deficiency
- it impairs the synthesis of androgens, estrogens and cortisol but doesnt alter aldosterone synthsis. In fact it have high quantitiy of mineralocorticoids.
- males with 17å hydroxylase are phemotypically female at birth but lack internal female genitalia due to absence of virilizing androgen in utero, hower female are normal internal and external genetalia.
- at puberty impaired synthesis of sex hormones prevents the development of secondary sexual characterestics in both sexes and prevents menarche in females. Excessive production of mineralcorticoids leads to hypokalemia, hypertension, low renin
Flank pain radiating to the groin with a balootable flank mass that develops within a week of pelvic surgery suggests
Ureteric obstruction —> hydronephrosis
Acute interstitial nephritis
Classically medication induced
- fever,rash and AKI
Metabolic bone disease due to CKD
- CKD decrease GFR —> decreased phosphate filtration —> elevated phosphate —
Length constant
Known as space constant, is a measure of how far along an axon an electrical impulse can propogate.
- more specifically the length constant is the distance at which the originating potential decreases to 37% of its original amplitude.
- one of the purposes of mylin is to reduce charge dissipation by increasing membrane resistance, thus increasing the length constant
- demyelination will decreases the length constant and result in impaired stimulus transmission.
MS Vs polycythemia in hot shower pruritus
- MS have optic neuritis
- polycythemia doesnt involve the eye
High synovial fluid leukocytes count >100,000 and absent crystals om microscopic examination strongly suggests>
Bacterial joint infection (septic arthritis ), antibiotics to prevent joint destruction osteomyelitis and sepsis.
Sarcoidosis cells predomination
Increased CD4+/CD8+ ratio.
lofgren syndrome
Acute form of sarcoidosis charactrized by
- Erythema nodosum
- Bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy
- Polyarthlagia
Myxo,atous changes in the media of large arteries are found in
Cystic medial degeneration
- medial degeneration is charactrized by the fragmentation of elastic tissues and seperation of the elastic and fibromuscular components of the tunica media by small,cleft like spaces that become filled with amorphous extracellular matrix.
- marfan syndrome is a common cause of cystic medial degeneration in younger patients, mutation in fibrillin-1 can lead to aortic aneurysm and dissection.