Block 19 Flashcards
What is Vso?
55 kts
Bottom of white arc
What is FAR 23.1545 in relation to requirements of an airspeed indicator?
The airspeed indicator must be marked for various important speeds and ranges
What is the definition of Vmc?
Minimum control speed with the critical engine inoperative.
It is a controllability speed
What is Vmc?
56 kts
Red radial line on lower end of indicator
What is Vs?
Lower part of green arc
What is Vsse?
Intentional one engine inoperative speed
Cannot fail more engine below this
What is Vx?
82 kts
What is Vy?
Gear up 88
Gear down 78
Use gear down if gear failed to retract or go arounds
What is Vxse?
82 kts
One engine inop
What is Vyse?
One engine inop
What is Vlo retract?
109 kts
Do not want to over stress the hydraulic pump
Can be an issue on recovery from emergency descents and go arounds after instrument approaches
What is Vlo extend?
140 kts
Above this speed could cause damage to gear door
From practical standpoint may ignore in emergency
What is Vfe?
111 kts
High speed end of white arc
What is Va?
Maximum velocity at which sudden or full control inputs can be made.
3800 lbs 135 kts
2700 lbs 112 kts
What is a Vno?
Max structural cruising speed
169 kts
High speed end of green arc
What is Vne?
202 kts
What is Vr?
Should not exceed Vmca x1.05
75 kts in normal takeoff
Must accelerate to V2 at 35 ft height at end of runway
What is Vlof?
Speed at which a/c first becomes airborne
Should be at least Vmca +5 kts
75-77 kts
What is V1 decision speed?
Engine failure below this speed shall about takeoff
Above this speed the takeoff should be continued
What is V2?
Takeoff safety speed
Approximately the best 1 engine operative angle of climb speed
Should be maintained until 1000 ft AGL
Where is thrust directed in a multi engine vs. single engine aircraft?
Single engine direct along centerline
Multi engine it is alone each engine creating drag, turning tendencies etc. in SEO
What is dynamic coupling?
A yaw will cause you to also roll
Why can you not cut power on short final?
Engines are causing induced airflow which increases lift.
What is a conventional twin?
Both propellers are spinning clockwise.
Which engine is critical in a conventional twin?
Left, due to increased arm on right engine from p-factor
What is torque?
Aircraft wants to spins in direction opposite the propellers
Is there torque in counter rotating twin?
What is multi engine service ceiling?
Maximum density altitude where best rate of climb airspeed will produce 100 fpm climb.
It must be clean, max gross, max continuous power
What is absolute ceiling?
0 fpm
Vmc vs. Vmca
Vmc is certified and Vmca is the actual, but we do not know that
Why does aircraft roll and yaw with engine failure?
Yaw from asymmetric thrust and asymmetric drag.
Roll from asymmetric and lift and dynamic coupling.
What is the definition of a critical engine?
Engine who’s failure most adversely affects performance or handling characteristics of the aircraft.
What is PAST?
A-accelerated slip stream
S-spiraling slip stream
Why is left engine critical with spiraling slip stream?
Left engines slip stream will add some air to rudder and increase effectiveness
Why is left engine critical with accelerated slipstream?
There is a larger arm on right engine for the lift created by the engine.
Why is left engine critical in regards to torque?
If you were to lose your left engine the torque effect actually helps you not roll and yaw as much.
What is the definition of minimum control speed?
Minimum flight speed at which the airplane is directionally controllable as determined in accordance with the FARs
What are the requirements for Vmc via FAR 23.149?
May not exceed 1.2 Vs1 Max takeoff weight Most unfavorable CG and weight Airborne and ground effect negligible Max available takeoff power Trimmed for takeoff Landing gear retracted Flaps in takeoff position Propeller controls in takeoff position
AKA takeoff configuration because this is the worst time for this to happen
What other considerations must be made in regards to Vmc limitations?
Rudder pedal force cannot exceed 150 lbs
Cannot reduce power on operating engine
Airplane must not assume dangerous attitude
Must be able to prevent heading change of more than 20 degrees
What is the definition of Vmc per FAR 23.149?
Calibrated airspeed at which critical engine is suddenly inoperative and it is possible to maintain control of the airplane and maintain straight flight at the same speed with angle of bank not more thsn 5 degrees
If an aircraft is larger than a 6000 lbs reciprocating twin it must also meet what conditions?
The landing configuration with Max available takeoff power on each engine Airplane trimmed for approach at Vref Flaps in landing position Landing gear extended Prop control in recommended position
Certified Vmc is a ______?
Pilots guide
What factors influence Vmca?
Power CG Bank angle Configuration Propeller blade angle Gross weight
What happens to Vmca when power increase?
Vmca increase because as asymmetrical thrust increases controllability must increase
What happens to Vmca at high density altitude?
Lower Vmca
Thrust decrease with altitude increase
What is the relationship of Vs and Vmca?
As altitude increases Vmca decreases therefore you are more likely to reach a stall before reaching Vmca
What effect will a forward CG have on Vmca?
Lower Vmca
Increase the leverage arm for the rudder
What will an increased bank do to Vmca?
Lower Vmca
Vmca increase approximately _____ for each degree of bank less than _____
3 knots
5 degrees
What will increase stability do to Vmca?
Lower Vmca
Landing gear adds keel effect
What will flaps do to Vmca?
It can increase Vmca by shadowing the tail slightly fully extended
It can decrease Vmca due to keel effect
What effect will windmilling propeller have on Vmca?
Vmca increases
Low pitch and high RPM= increased drag which increases asymmetric drag
When will Vmc not be calculated with propeller windmilling?
If there is an auto dearer system
What effect will gross weight have on Vmc?
Lower Vmca
More weight the more horizontal component of lift
In single engine operations lose ___ power and approximately _____ in climb performance
Leading to reduction in excess horse power and increased drag
What thing will increase the drag?
Windmilling propellers Rudder Elevator Ailerons Side slip
What two control inputs must be used to counteract asymmetrical thrust?
Yaw force from rudder
Horizontal component of lift
What conditions are typically met in a zero sidestep condition?
2-3 degrees bank
Inclinometer displaced 1/3 to 1/2
What conditions will result in a side slip in single engine operations?
Wings level
Ailerons only
What conditions should be met for perfect control?
Pitch for Vyse
Bank 5 degrees towards op engine
What conditions should be met for maximum performance?
Pitch for Vyse
Establish zero sideslip
What conditions demonstrate loss of control?
Rudder limit reached
Aileron limit reached
Uncontrollable yaw
First indication of a stall
What is single engine service ceiling?
Aircraft can climb at 50 fpm
What is single engine absolute ceiling?
Maximum altitude aircraft can achieve with the critical engine inop
What is drift down?
If aircraft is above single engine absolute ceiling at the time of the failure it will slowly lose altitude.
Pitch for Vyse
Why would a climb in SEO require greater rudder pressure?
Because airflow is slowing down over control surfaces
Why are climbs not always possible?
Because if it reciprocating and under 6000 lbs. it does need to demonstrate a climb
What climb must be maintained if aircraft is larger than 6000 and Vso is more than 61 kts?
1.5 percent at pressure altitude of 5000 ft.
Remaining engine not more than continuous
Landing gear retracted
Wing flaps retracted
Climb speed not less then 1.2 Vs1
What are flight instrument indications during an engine failure?
Airspeed increasing
Attitude indicator rolling
Turn coordinator rolling
Inclinometer yawing
What are sins of engine failure?
Loss of thrust
Nose will yaw in direction of dead engine
Rudder will need force towards good engine
What are the two best indicators of an engine failure from engine instruments?
Fuel flow
What are the 4 Cs of an engine failure?
What is an emergency per the AIM?
Shudder, urgent, usually unexpected occurrence or occasion requiring immediate action
To what extent may a pilot deviate from regulations in an emergency?
To the extent required to meet the emergency
What is a forced landing?
Immediate landing on or off airport
Cannot fly any longer
What is a precautionary landing?
Further flight is possibly buy not advisable
What is ditching?
A forced or precautionary landing in water
What should be done with crashing is inevitable?
Keep vital structure intact by using dispensable structures to absorb impact.
What is basic empty weight?
Weight of a standard airplane including unuseable fuel, full operating fluids, full oil and optional equipment
What is maximum ramp weight?
Maximum weight approved for ground maneuver
What is maximum takeoff weight?
Maximum weight approved for the start of the takeoff run
What is maximum landing weight?
Maximum weight approved for the landing touchdown
What is maximum zero fuel weight?
Maximum weight exclusive of useable fuel
What is useful load?
Difference between takeoff weight or ramp weight and basic empty weighty
What is the payload?
Weight of passengers, cargo, and baggage
What is usable fuel?
Fuel available for flight planning
What is unusable fuel?
Fuel remaining after a runout test has been complete in accordance with FARs
What is maximum taxi weight?
The maximum allowable aircraft weight for taxiing
What is maximum runway takeoff weight?
Takeoff weight as limited by runway performance
What is maximum en-route takeoff weight?
Takeoff weight as limited by single engine service ceiling.
What is burn limited takeoff weight?
Takeoff weight as limited by maximum landing weight.
Max landing weight + fuel burn = BLTW
What is included in gross weight?
Basic empty weight Useable fuel Useful load Crew Passengers Cargo Baggage
What is the standard weight of AvGas?
6 lbs
What is the weight of Jet A?
6.8 lbs
What is the weight of water?
8.35 lbs
What is the standard weight of an adult?
Summer 190 lbs
Winter 195 lbs
What is the standard weight of a child?
Sumer 82 lbs
Winter 87 lbs
What is the standard weight of crew with bags?
Flight crew 240 lbs
Male flight attendant 220 lbs
Female flight attendant 200 lbs
What is the datum?
The imaginary vertical plane from which all horizontal distances are measured for balance purposes
What is a station?
A location along the airplane fuselage from regencies from the datum
What is the arm?
The horizontal distance from the reference datum to the CG of an item.
What is the moment?
The product of the weight of an item multiplied by its arm.
What is the center of gravity?
The point at which an airplane would balance if suspended.
What are three reasons weight and balance is important?
Complexity Cargo areas and passenger weights Performance Control Stability VMC
In the Seminole CG moves ______ with fuel burn.
How high should you climb before turning in an emergency?
This is a function of what’s around you, for example, runway environment, topography, buildings
What affect does leaving ground effect have in Vmca?
It increase
What actions should you take to should you begin to lose directional control?
Decrease engine power on good engine and pitch down to increase airspeed
Zero sideslip in the Seminole is indicated with?
2-3 degrees and 1/2 ball deflection
V1 is defined as
Decision speed
What is accelerate stop speed
Distance to accelerate to Vr and come to a complete stop on the runway
What is accelerate go distance?
Distance to rotate and climb 50 ft above runway environment
What happens to stall speed as density altitude increase?
It stays constant