Block 1 Diseases Flashcards
lysed amyloid plaques aggregate into beta-pleated sheets
Alzheimer’s disease
neurotoxic accumulation of amyloid plaques
also neurofibrillary tangles from Tau proteins
Prion diseases
including: Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, scrapie, and bovine spongiform encephalopathy (mad cow)
infectious misfolded prion proteins copy themselves
Hemophilia A (classic hemophelia)
absence or deficiency in Factor VIII
Hemophilia B (Christmas disease)
absence or deficiency in Factor IX
Von Willebrand disease
deficiency/defect in von Willebrand factor, a protein required for platelet adhesion
(3 types)
most common coagulopathy
Hemophilia C
absence or deficiency in Factor XI
Bernard-Soulier Syndrome
deficiency of GP Ib (receptor for von Willebrand factor)
characterized by giant platelets
inc. bleed time
Glasmann’s Thrombastenia
lacks functional GP IIb/IIIa
platelets cannot bind to fibrinogen
Sickle cell anemia (Hb S disease)
substritution of Val for Glu on beta-chain of Hb subunit
causes hemolytic anemia
heterozygous form has malarial advantage (RBC dies quickly)
Hb C disease
substitution of Lys for Glu on beta-chain of Hb subunit
causes hemolytic anemia
Hb SC disease
one beta-chain is Hb C and the other is Hb S
Methemoglobinopathy (Hb M disease)
Fe (on alpha or beta-chain) oxidized to Fe3+ in heme group, making MetHb
Hb binds to H2O instead of O2
causes chocolate cyanosis
treated with methylene blue
binds to CN-, prevent poisoning with amyl nitrate
= category of disorders of unbalanced Hb chain synthesis
absent or decreased alpha-chain synthesis of Hb
1 defective- no symptoms
2 defective- mild symptoms
3 defective- severe hemolytic anemia (Hb Bart’s or Hb H only in newborns)
4 defective- Hb Bart’s or hydropsfetalis, leads to fetal death
absent or decreased beta-chain synthesis
minor- not threatening
major- normal at birth, severe anemia in infancy, die in puberty
leads to hemosiderosis (iron overload)
Emphysema (genetic)
causes damage to alveolar sacs
Missense mutation in alpha-1-antiproteinase (alpha-1 AT)
smoking oxidixes methionine in alpha-1 AT, cannot prevent neutrophil elastase from eating away at alveolar sacs
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome
defect in synthesis of collagen for skin (I and III) and fibrillar collagens (IV)
stretchy, thin, transparent skin and loose joints
Osteogenesis imperfecta
brittle bone syndrome
substitutions of Gly in Type I collagen
characteristic blue sclera
OI tarda= decreased alpha-1 and alpha-2 chains
OI congenita= substitution of bulky amino acids for Gly in alpha-1 or alpha-2 chains, no tight packing
Marfan’s Syndrome
mutation in fibrillin-1
tall, loose-jointed, heart murmurs
eye dislocation
Myocardial infarction, identifying
determined by high levels of creatine kinase 2 (CK2) within 24 hours
Cystic fibrosis
defect in chloride membrane transport by epithelial cells
retention of NaCl by cells in lungs, which pull water from airway
leads to extra salty sweat and dry, thick mucous
Leber hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON)
blindness from mutation in complex I of electron transport chain
impairs NADH utilization for CoQ
Chronic Progressive External Opthalmoplegia (CPEO)
progressive paralysis of extraocular muscles from deletions of mtDNA
Kearns-Sayre Syndrome= most severe case