Block 1 Flashcards
Understanding success & failure in IT systems
a failed IT system is one that does not meet the needs of an organisation within which it is used and/or its other key stakeholders
A successful IT system is one that meets the needs (i.e. the goals or strategy) of an organisation within which it is used, as well as relevant needs of other key stakeholders related to, but external from, that organisation.
A set of components interconnected for a purpose
systems thinking
The discipline of systems thinking is concerned with understanding systems and their nature.
The inextricable link, and relationship between the social aspects (organisational and people) and the technical aspects (hardware and software) of an IT system.
Take the existing system (or part thereof) forward in an incremental manner to evolve with business needs.
An ambiguous term used to define physical components of an IT system.
Differentiate system components to be either inside or outside the system
Components that influence behaviour of the system or are influenced by it. Components can control the environment but the environment cannot be controlled by them.
Multiple systems that fit one inside the next at each level.
Reflects the hierarchical outline of the system, sub-system or environment.
open systems
Porous boundary: Elements in the environment can have a significant impact upon elements within the system, and vice versa.
Systems within a system as part of a wider system environment.
The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. The outcome of the combination of individual parts gives more than the parts themselves. A property that becomes apparent following a combining smaller part.
successful system
A system that achieved what was intended of it. Operational at the time and cost that was planned. Project team and users pleased with the result with continuing satisfaction.