Black Beauty Ch. 22 - 26 Flashcards
something odd or individual
harming someone who’s done something to you
tit for tat
bossy; imperative
to free from pain or distress
generally agreeable; having a friendly manner
to come down; dismount
full of high spirits; playful
plead on behalf of another; act as a go between
to put up with
a mark that makes something imperfect
a judicial or official investigation
Bought Black Beauty and Ginger from Squire Gordan
Earl of W– ; Lord W–
Earl’s wife; like the “fashion” of the bearing reign
Lady W.
Coachman at Earlshall; prefers a loose rein on horses
Summary Ch. 22
Black Beauty’s 3rd home. Bearing reins.
At his third home, Black Beauty must now
wear the dreaded bearing rein and it is
crushing his spirit. Ginger warns if they
tighten it more, she won’t take it.
Black Beauty’s new carriage partner
Admits bearing reins are very bad for
horses but good for business
Horse dealer
Summary Ch. 23
Lady W. and bearing reins
Lady W– orders the bearing reins to be
pulled up tight. Ginger lashes out in
protest. However, the use of the bearing
rein continues and Black Beauty is “worn
and depressed”.
Invalid daughter of Lord W–
Lady Harriet
Daughter who loves to ride Black Beauty, now Black Auster
Lady Anne
Lively, but nervous Mare; thought unsafe
for Lady Anne to ride
Anne’s cousin who rides with Anne; an
excellent rider
Lord W–’s son who uses Ginger for hunting
Lord George
Summary Ch. 24
Lady Anne
Lady Anne insists on riding Lizzie; Lizzie
gets spooked and gallops off, eventually
falling and throwing Anne off. Ginger is
being overworked by Lord George.
Gentle and very smart undercoachman; but
when he was drunk, he was mean,
careless, and a disgrace to himself.
Reuben Smith
Ch. 25 summary
Reuben gets very drunk and doesn’t look
after Black Beauty’s shoe. He rides him
hard making Black Beauty collapse on his
knees and he is thrown off.
Earlshall stablehands who find Black
Beauty and Reuben.
Reuben’s wife who must take her six
children and leave her home due to
Reuben’s death.
Ch. 26 Summary
Reuben and Black Beauty.
Reuben dies from the fall. Black Beauty is
cleared of wrongdoing but must endure a
long and painful recovery.